
  • CP9's cover story after Enies Lobby involved escaping, performing, and getting Lucci treated.
  • CP9 exposed and destroyed a conspiracy, leading to their reinstatement and promotion to CP0.
  • CP0 will likely play a significant role in One Piece's future, with former CP9 members involved.

With a new One Piece volume comes a new SBS corner with plenty of interesting questions being answered by Oda. One Piece volume 109 is no different in that regard and fans have seen quite a lot of exciting questions being answered by the author of the story here. While these questions are usually on the fun side, this time around, Oda has decided to answer quite a lot of serious questions, giving fans plenty of incredible information.

One Piece SBS Vol 109: Oda Reveals The Former Empress Of Amazon Lily Before Hancock

Oda reveals the empress who ruled Amazon Lily before Hancock and after Shakky. This woman's name is Toritoma.

One such bit was also pertaining to the members of the Cipher Pol, specifically CP9, who fans know to be the main antagonists of the Water 7 Saga. Oda was asked about what happened to them following the events of Enies Lobby and how they ended up being promoted to CP0. As expected, Oda answered this question, explaining everything about their promotion.

CP9's Independent Report Cover Story

The CP9 Cover Story Sees Them Escape Enies Lobby

The very first thing fans need to keep in mind is that before they even get to Oda's answer as to how CP9 became CP0, there is an entire cover story that the Oda focused on following the events of the Enies Lobby arc that showed what exactly happened to this organization. After being defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates, the CP9 escaped using Blueno’s Air Door and survived. The reason why they had to escape is because Spandam blamed everything on them, which meant that they were hunted by the Navy and other Government officials. At this point, Lucci was heavily injured following his battle with Luffy and needed treatment. However, the members of the CP9 did not have any money to treat him.

As such, they gave him whatever first aid they could and later, raised money to get him admitted into a hospital. The members of the CP9 ended up performing in the streets so that they could raise enough funds. Eventually, they succeeded in doing that, and following this, Lucci received the treatment that he deserved.

Following Lucci's recovery, they got to see a pirate crew causing havoc on the island they were on. Expectedly, the CP9 got rid of the pirates, saving a child's mother. However, Lucci went to the extreme and crushed the skull of the pirate. This caused the individuals to fear him, and the CP9 realized that they couldn't stay on the island any longer. Still, the young girl appreciated this effort and gave Kalifa a flower, which implied that she was very happy that her mother was saved.

The CP9 then escaped the island and returned to their homeland, where they were attacked by the Marines, specifically Very Good. Of course, he was absolutely no match for CP9, and that is precisely when Lucci and the others made a call to Spandam, telling him that they will be back for revenge, which caused him to panic and send even more forces after the Cipher Pol. CP9 then managed to escape from their homeland, leaving behind bits of Very Good here and there, and the flower that they were given being planted there, as a symbol of goodwill. This is what fans knew about CP9 following the events of Enies Lobby, as Oda covered these events in a cover story, for those who did pay attention. However, fans still did not know how exactly they became members of the CP0.

How CP9 Became CP0

The Cipher Pol 9 Took Down a Huge Conspiracy

In One Piece SBS Volume 109, Oda was asked how the members of CP9 got promoted to CP0, and he answered this question in as much detail as he possibly could in an SBS corner. Now, fans finally know what exactly transpired and how they rose to this position.

Question: Hello, Oda! I wrote this letter from France, and I wanted to know how the members of CP9 got promoted into CP0. I wish you good luck

Oda: After CP9 lost at Enies Lobby, their cover story took place. CP9 was blamed for "failing the Enies Lobby mission" by Director Spandam and they all disappeared somewhere. This was the beginning of their training to become even stronger.

Meanwhile, Spandam somehow rose to become the director of CP0 thanks to his father Spandine pulling the strings! This is where Lucci and the others uncovered a new plot by the bigwigs of the underworld and former Level 6 prisoners who were in league with Spandine, and destroyed this organization to stop their infiltration plan. As a result of this incident, Lucci and the others returned to being intelligence agents as part of CP0. Spandine lost his authority and ended up on his sickbed, so Spandam ended up becoming Lucci's gofer boy.

One Piece SBS Vol. 109: Oda Confirms A Big Secret About The Golden Lion Shiki

The Golden Lion Shiki gets a spot in the newest SBS in volume 109. Here's what Oda revealed.

Clearly, there was an entire mini-arc worth of content that fans could have gotten surrounding the CP9. They were able to crush this plan before it even took shape and because of their achievements, they were reinstated as members of the Cipher Pol, and promoted to CP0. The strength they had acquired in this time was absolutely great. Fans know specifically from the Vivre Cards that they strengthened their Haki over the time skip. This essentially means that they became powerful Haki users during this time, and that is precisely why they are feared agents in the world of One Piece right now.

Will CP0 Be Involved In The Future Of One Piece?

CP0 Is Central To The Events Of One Piece

CP0 One Piece 1067

The CP0 is most certainly going to be involved in One Piece later down the line as well. In fact, Oda has only recently reintroduced most members of the former CP9 in the story and there is absolutely no way that they will not play any major part from here onwards. Members of the CP0 were already involved in the Egghead Island arc. Lucci had a great role to play, as did Kaku and, above all, Stussy. There are other members of the CP0 that fans are dying to see in action and these are mostly the former members of the CP9.

Hopefully, fans will get to see more of them later down the line, especially when the Great War kicks off. At the same time, the Cipher Pol agents might have their hands full with the Revolutionary Army, even though Oda said that the primary ones dealing with them would be the God's Knights. Still, what fans can be sure about is that the CP0 is going to be active in some capacity and they will be a major part of whatever plot points Oda is going to tackle from here onwards. Fans simply have to sit back and see how the story proceeds.

Rob Lucci from One Piece

Hopefully, fans will get to see the likes of Kalifa, Jabra, and Fukuro, among others, being involved in the next arc of One Piece, and Oda can make it more exciting as these are characters that fans absolutely love as antagonists.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1120, is set to be July 14, 2024.

One Piece-9
One Piece (1999)

Main Genre
Toei Animation
Story By
Eiichiro Oda
Streaming Service(s)
Crunchyroll , Netflix , Hulu