One Piece is currently in its Egghead Island arc and this story has been incredibly intense for all the fans to witness. The ongoing conflict on Egghead Island between Vegapunk and his forces and those of the World Government is heating up with each passing chapter. In the previous one, Saint Saturn, one of the Five Elders, made landfall on egghead and this was certainly a massive incident.

One Piece: Is Saturn Stronger Than The Yonko?

Are Saturn and the Five Elders comparable to the Yonko of One Piece?

Immediately after Saturn arrived, the intensity of the arc went through the roof and, more importantly, it was right after that, that Bonney, one of the members of the Worst Generation, went on to stab him directly in the chest, making him bleed. A confrontation between these two characters is now on and this will likely result in a large-scale battle with one of the Five Elders.

Saturn's Arrival On Egghead Island

sanji vs saturn one piece 1095

Saturn was sent to Egghead Island because Vegapunk controls the Seraphims and the Mark 3 Pacifistas. Given that Vegapunk would have been the highest authority had Saturn not been there, the victory of the Marines would have been almost impossible, even with an Admiral. That is precisely why Saturn was sent to the island, given that he is the Warrior God of Defense Science. Initially, Saturn wanted to let the marines do their job, however, when he realized that it was impossible for them to win without taking the Pacifistas and the Seraphims to their side, Saturn decided to step on the island.

In the previous chapter, he used a giant summoning circle, which suddenly emerged on Egghead, to summon himself to the island. He did so by taking his demonic form and revealing his Devil Fruit power at the same time. As has been discussed by Gamerant extensively, Saturn appears to have the power of the Ushi Oni, or the Gyuki.

The Yokai from Japanese mythology are very powerful and also demonic in nature to quite an extent. This power is what Saturn currently holds a disposal and just a mere glimpse of it was enough for the fans to start worrying about their beloved Straw Hat Pirates. With Saturn on the island, things are heating up even more as he has officially entered the war now. Injuring one of the members of the Five Elders should be the crime of the highest order according to the World Government and, now, Bonney and the Straw Hat Pirates have to pay.

Why Did Bonney Attack Saturn?

Jewelry bonney vs saturn one piece 1095

Immediately after Bonney saw Saturn, she suddenly felt angry and turned all her rage towards the member of the Five Elders. While she was doing this, a flashback played through her head and it was made known that Saturn was the one who ordered for the memories of Kuma to be completely erased during the Pacifista Project. Vegapunk initially did not want that and was against the idea, however, Saturn said that he would only proceed with the project if Kuma got his memories erased. Essentially, Saturn is the one responsible for turning Kuma into the mindless monster that he is currently. That is precisely why Bonney is enraged and why she stabbed him directly in the chest. Bonney is no longer mad at Vegapunk because she knows that he is not the man responsible for doing that to Kuma.

One Piece: Will Sanji Fight Saturn?

Sanji is up against one of the Gorosei, Saturn.

Earlier in the arc, when Bonney was speaking to Luffy, she made it quite clear that she had let go of her resentment towards Vegapunk and she now had a new target. In One Piece chapter 1094, the new target was revealed to be none other than Saturn and it will be interesting to see how this battle progresses from here onwards. Bonney thrust a sword deep into his chest and injured him to quite an extent. However, it must be noted that Saturn barely flinched when he was stabbed. He did not so much as scream or even close his eyes. Instead, he was looking Bonney dead in the eye, suggesting that it did not work as well as she would have wanted it to.

Saturn's Retaliation

Saturn awakened devil fruit one piece 1096

Fans should absolutely expect retaliation from Saint Saturn in the upcoming chapters of One Piece, be it in One Piece chapter 195, or the chapters after that. Saturn is most definitely here to fight. He would not have left his position if he didn't intend to join the war and even if the Pacifistas are now turned to his side, he will need to enter the war officially himself, especially after he has been injured. His first target should be Bonney, given that she was the one who injured him directly and is closest to him.

Given his tremendous powers, he should easily be able to take care of her, however, Bonney might be saved by Sanji since he's around as well and is known for his incredible speed. Sanji could either end up saving her or, if she gets hit, he could get enraged and attack Saturn himself. Meanwhile, some other members of the crew are also present on site. The likes of Luffy and Franky are also there and potentially, they might also clash with Saint Saturn. Kizaru is also around, meaning Luffy might have his hands full already when saving Vegapunk also takes priority.

No matter which way fans look at it, the fight against Saturn is going to be a very hard one, especially because there don't seem to be enough numbers for the Straw Hat Pirates to continue this battle.

How The Egghead War Will Continue

King of Hell Zoro Vs Lucci One Piece

From here onwards, the Egghead War is likely to continue and get even more intense. Now that Saturn is officially in the war, the Straw Hat Pirates need to regroup and reassess their priorities. Saturn is most likely the strongest person on the island, which means Luffy should be fighting against him, not Kizaru. Sanji should be the one taking care of Kizaru at the moment, especially since he is already weakened, thanks to all the work that Luffy put in. Bonney could perhaps help him in this endeavor.

Meanwhile, Zoro should be the one to defeat Lucci and the rest of the Vice Admirals need to be taken care of by the Straw Hat Pirates and the Vegapunks. Things are looking very bleak here and it is clear that external help is required. Perhaps, the Straw Hat Grand Fleet might make their way to Egghead and play a part in the Egghead Incident. However, regardless of whether they come or not, there is one major ally for the Straw Hat Pirates that is going to come into play very soon and that is the Iron Giant.

This giant was activated by Luffy when he tapped into the powers of Gear 5 and channeled the Drums of Liberation all over the island. This giant was supposed to have destroyed Marijoa nearly 200 years ago and now, on Egghead Island, it will be responsible for destroying the Marines and helping out the Straw Hat Pirates, along with Vegapunk in this protracted siege.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1095, is set to be October 15, 2023.

MORE: One Piece Chapter 1095 Preview: The Secrets Of God Valley