
  • Many characters in One Piece have committed heinous crimes, but Saint. Jaygarcia Saturn stands out as a true monster.
  • Saturn, a member of the Five Elders, is deeply involved in despicable acts like human experimentation and ordering deaths.
  • Luffy's return to form signals Saturn's downfall, opening up possibilities for chaos and reveal of Blackbeard's sinister plan.

One Piece is not the upbeat anime that some think it is. There have been many instances when fans have seen characters commit some of the most heinous crimes imaginable. These include murders, assaults, kidnappings, and human experiments. Naturally, there are many characters in the series whose hands are tainted by the blood of the innocent.

However, none of them come close to what Saint. Jaygarcia Saturn has done. Even though he was only introduced properly in the Egghead Island Arc, Saturn has managed to show what kind of monster he truly is. Before the arc is over, fans can expect to see or at least learn more about Saturn's malevolent nature.

Who Is St. Jaygarcia Saturn?

jaygarcia saturn eating food one piece 1091

​​​​​​Saint. Jaygarcia Saturn is one of the Five Elders, who are considered the highest authority within the World Government by those who are unaware of Imu's existence. Saturn belongs to one of the 20 families that helped create the World Government. So, it's hardly surprising why he is so loyal to the organization and Imu. Saturn is also the Godhead of Science and Defense, which implies that he has a great deal of scientific knowledge.

Ah, I did forget to mention... that I have ordered a strike against the ship... that escaped this island yesterday.

As a member of the Five Elders, Saturn has been involved in many horrible events that have taken place in the world of One Piece. Saturn and his accomplices were responsible for the destruction of Ohara. After they ordered its annihilation, the Marines began a Buster Call in which all the scholars were brutally murdered. There was an evacuation ship, but that was destroyed by Vice Admiral Akainu. Aside from this, Saturn also performed experiments on humans. He conducted trials on Ginny, which caused her to come down with the Sapphire Scale Disease. It was considered incurable, and any exposure to light could prove to be fatal. This disease was passed down to Bonney, who would have died as well if not for Vegapunk.


Torturing Kuma

Saturn forces kuma to become a cyborg

The biggest example of Saturn's cruelty is what he did to Bartholomew Kuma. When he learned about Kuma's predicament, he wasted no time in contacting Vegapunk. Saturn told him not to carry out Bonney's surgery until Kuma abided by his conditions. Saturn revealed three stipulations that he wanted Kuma to fulfill. The first condition required Kuma to become a Shichibukai and help the World Government. The second stipulation was for Kuma to give his body to Vegapunk for the sake of creating new weapons for the Marines. As the third and final term, Saturn wanted Kuma's mind to be completely erased, so that he would become a subservient weapon, and it would also remove any potential future risks.

Shoot that foolish family, once and for all!

When Kuma agreed to all the conditions, Saturn showed his brutal nature yet again as he forbade the former Revolutionary to meet his daughter after her treatment was complete. This particular condition even angered Vegapunk, who found it nothing but cruel. Kuma accepted all of them without much protest. Once Bonney's treatment was over, Kuma wrote her letters, but they never reached her because of the Cipher Pol agent that Saturn had deployed to go undercover.

One Piece: Sword Grades, Explained

One Piece has 3 different grades of swords that categorize some of the strongest weapons in the series. Here's a closer look at what they are.

Will He Get His Comeuppance?

Saturn punched by Luffy

There is absolutely no doubt that Saturn is a cold-hearted and sadistic individual, who has no problem sending countless innocent people to their deaths. He has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, and a person like him should be punished at all costs. But the question is: will it happen?

Why Saturn Will Be Eliminated In the Egghead Arc

Saturn has already shown what he can do with his powers, but he is not infallible. Luffy and Kuma's attacks have proven that he can be damaged, so it is not impossible to kill him. Since Luffy is back to his usual best, Saturn stands no chance of winning. If Kizaru and Lucci didn't have their hands full, then they could have helped out Saturn. But at the moment, neither can come to the aid of the Gorosei.

​​​​​Once Luffy crushes Saturn, he will rid the world of a killer responsible for the deaths of thousands. With Saturn gone, the entire world will be shocked, and there is no doubt that the bounties of the Straw Hat Pirates will skyrocket, especially that of Luffy.

It will be interesting to see how quickly the Blackbeard Pirates take advantage of the chaos on Egghead Island. Devon already has the necessary means to imitate Saturn. They can use this strategy to gain access to Marijoa or any other World Government facility. It is quite apparent that Blackbeard has some kind of plan ready; otherwise, he wouldn't send Catarina Devon and Van Augur to Egghead Island. With the arc heading towards its end, it won't be long before the truth about Blackbeard's plan comes to light.

One Piece-9
One Piece (1999)

Release Date
October 20, 1999
Toei Animation
Eiichiro Oda
Streaming Service(s)
Crunchyroll , Netflix , Hulu
One Piece: 7 Characters Who Could Join The Straw Hat Pirates

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