One Piece has been making some massive reveals recently and one of the recent chapters of the story, One Piece chapter 1086, finally revealed the names of the Five Elders to the fans. Fans were introduced to the Five Elders nearly 20 years ago in the story and, ever since then, their true identities were kept hidden. This is likely due to the fact that they were not supposed to be major players at the beginning of the story.

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Oda has previously revealed that the Gorosei have not shown their true value and in the Final Saga they finally will show the fans what they're truly capable of. With that, One Piece chapter 1086 revealed the names of all of the Gorosei to the fans for the very first time, along with the title and roles they hold within the World Government. One of the most intriguing members of the Gorosei is none other than Saint Marcus Mars.

Who Is Saint Marcus Mars?Saint Marcus Mars one piece

St Marcus Mars is the Gorosei with a big mustache and a long pointy beard. Out of all the members of the Gorosei, he appears to be the oldest, however, that is just speculation at this point. Saint Marcus Mars hails from the Marcus Family. This means that the Marcus Family was actually one of the 20 families that ended up creating the World Government. At some point, Saint Marcus Mars or his ancestors fought against the Ancient Kingdom and they ended up being victorious. It is quite likely that Saint Marcus Mars or his ancestors ended up swearing the vow of equality in front of the Empty Throne, given that there are 19 swords planted in front of it.

At some point, however, Saint Marcus Mars, along with all the other members of the Five Elders, ended up swearing their loyalty to none other than Imu of the Nerona Family. Imu was named the sovereign of the world and the Gorosei became their personal guards. To the rest of the world, the Five Elders are the highest known authority within the World Government, as they are the highest ranking of the Celestial Dragons. However, in reality, this position belongs to none other than Imu.

Nonetheless, Saint Marcus Mars certainly is the second most authoritative person in the world after Imu and he shares this position with the four other Elders that Oda introduced, namely Saint Topman Warcury, Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro, Saint Shepherd Ju Peter, and Saint Jaygarcia Saturn. Saint Marcus Mars can pass judgment on anyone lower than him, which is obvious, given his standing within the World Government. As the highest ranking of the Celestial Dragons, he can also do whatever he likes in regards to the Blue Sea dwellers.

Marcus Mars As The Warrior God Of Environmentgorosei one piece (1)-1

Saint Marcus Mars holds a very special title to himself, as do the other members of the Five Elders. Fans were introduced to each of their titles in One Piece chapter 1086, which gives them an idea of what exactly the role they play within the Government is. For instance, Saint Topman Warcury is the Warrior God of Justice, Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro is the Warrior God of Finance, Saint Shepherd Ju Peter is the Warrior God of Agriculture, and Saint Jaygarcia Saturn is the Warrior God of Defense and Science.

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Similarly, Saint Marcus Mars is the Warrior God of the Environment. What exactly this means isn't clear to the fans just yet, however, as always, fans can speculate about the meaning of this title. The Warrior God part of the title is pretty much self-explanatory. St. Marcus Mars is a Celestial Dragon, which makes him one of the Gods of the world. Furthermore, he's not just any God. He is one of the highest-ranking members of the Celestial Dragons, meaning that he's one of the highest-ranking Gods as well. Being a Warrior God means that on top of being a Celestial Dragon, Saint Marcus Mars is also a combatant. He can fight at an incredibly high level and likely also took part in the war during the Void Century.

While fans have not seen his combat prowess yet, it was recently confirmed that all the other members of the Five Elders are, in fact, strong fighters. Being the Warrior God of Environment means that Saint Marcus Mars could have abilities that are related to the environment itself. Perhaps, this stems from his Devil Fruit power and means that whatever creature he can transform into helps him manipulate the environment around him or make use of it in some way or form.

How Strong Is Saint Marcus Mars?

Saint Marcus Mars One piece

Coming over to the strength of Saint Marcus Mars, fans already know that he possesses a Devil Fruit. This reveal was made in one piece chapter 1085 when Sabo attacked the Five Elders and Imu along with them. Shortly after the attack, the Five Elders emerged from the flames unscathed and it was clear to see that they had taken their Devil Fruit forms. From the looks of it, every single member of the Gorosei have Zoan type Devil Fruits and, given that Mythical Zoan is the rarest and the most special class among the Zoans, they are all likely users of Mythical Zoan Devil Fruits. The fans only got to see their silhouettes, and while some of them are easy to figure out, others can be a bit more challenging. Thankfully, Saint Marcus Mars is one of the easier ones to figure out.

Fans could see Saint Marcus Mars transform into a bird-like creature, which means they have a mythical bird-type fruit or a creature that resembles a bird in some shape or form. This can be any legendary bird, such as the Thunderbird or, something else. A very popular idea is that Saint Marcus Mars could be the user of the Garuda Devil Fruit. Fans already know the myth of Garuda being present in the world of One Piece, as this moniker belongs to none other than Vinsmoke Judge. As such, this Mythical Devil Fruit can certainly exist and be in possession of none other than Saint Marcus Mars.

At the same time, Saint Marcus Mars is also very likely going to be a skilled user of Haki. Given the fact that Saint Marcus Mars is at the top of the World Government and strong enough to emerge unscathed from attacks of Sabo, he certainly going to possess Haki. Fans can expect him to have a very strong Observation Haki as well as Armament Haki. Interestingly, the idea of Saint Marcus Mars having the Color of the Supreme King, also known as Conqueror's Haki, isn't far-fetched either. St Marcus Mars is the highest ranking of the Celestial Dragons. At the same time, he is a Warrior God and for a God, having Conqueror's Haki shouldn't be too much to ask for.

At the same time, Saint Mars is from the Marcus Family, which is one of the families of the 20 Kings. If he is immortal, then he was one of the founding members themselves and for a King, having the Haki of the Supreme King is not a surprise at all. In the future, fans will get to see more of his capabilities. For now, fans can wait in anticipation for the reveal of the powers of Saint Marcus Mars.

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