The One Piece manga has shifted its focus away from Egghead Island and has been covering the events that took place in Marijoa. The terse Reverie arc did not reveal many details about what exactly went down in the Holy Land. Thankfully, Oda has expanded on the events and disclosed what exactly happened in Marijoa.

The Revolutionary Army was responsible for most of the ruckus in the home of the Celestial Dragons. They went to Marijoa because they wanted to rescue Kuma from the clutches of the Celestial Dragons. However, they had other objectives that they wanted to accomplish, which included the destruction of the symbol of the Celestial Dragons and the food supplies in Marijoa.

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Freeing The Slaves

Karasu suru suru no mi one piece

The Revolutionaries were also trying to free the other slaves in Marijoa. Once the Revolutionary Army made their presence known, the soldiers stationed in Marijoa wasted no time in attacking them; however, Dragon's commanders made short work of them. So, the Marines had no choice but to send the Admirals to stop the commanders. Surprisingly, the commanders managed to hold their ground and kept the Admirals busy until Sabo had successfully recovered the keys. Karasu used one of his crows to retrieve the keys from Sabo and free Kuma and the rest of the slaves. This enraged the Celestial Dragons even further, but there wasn't much that they could do about it.

The Disagreement

Fujitora vs Ryokugyu

After freeing the slaves, the Revolutionary Army had to leave Marijoa in one piece, and it was never going to be an easy task. But the commanders had an ally who helped them free all the slaves. This person was none other than Admiral Fujitora. He is known for disobeying orders from higher-ups if they go against his moral principles. Fujitora went against Akainu's orders and apologized to the denizens of Dressrosa. His decision did not go down well with the Fleet Admiral, who admonished him and ordered him to never set foot on any other naval base.

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Given his actions in Marijoa, it seems that Fujitora didn't learn his lesson. However, he only did what he thought was right. Fujitora knows that the Celestial Dragons are evil, and they don't care whether their slaves live or die. So, he aided the Revolutionary Army in this particular task and probably even allowed them to escape. According to Jabra, Fujitora's decision annoyed Ryokugyu, causing the latter to attack him.

Who Would Have Won?

Admiral Ryokugyu from One Piece

The big question on everyone's lips is who would have the tussle between the two Admirals. For that, it is necessary to delve into their respective powers. Fujitora possesses the Zushi Zushi no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to control the gravitational force. He can use it to increase the gravitational pull over a specific area, immobilizing any person. Fujitora can also make meteors descend from the sky, which can cause widespread damage.

Ryokugyu, on the other hand, has the Mori Mori no Mi, a Logia-type Devil Fruit that enables him to create and manipulate plant life. Ryokugyu displayed his Devil Fruit ability in the Wano Country arc while he drained moisture from the bodies of the Beasts Pirates. Following an easy victory, Ryokugyu made his way toward Luffy's location, but he was stopped by Momonosuke's group. The Admiral nearly overwhelmed all of them, but he stopped his rampage after Shanks released a burst of Conqueror's Haki. As a result of training with the Devil Fruit, Ryokugyu's plants cannot be damaged by ordinary fire attacks.

On the basis of feats, Fujitora holds the advantage. Ryokugyu can try to attack the blind Admiral using vines and other things; however, Fujitora would crush them with a meteor from the sky. Fujitora also has extremely refined Kenbunshoku Haki, so he can dodge all the attacks effortlessly. The fight would be a close one, and it would end with Fujitora triumphant.

Fujitora's Fate

Admiral Fujitora using his blade

Fujitora might have achieved what he wanted, but he will suffer the consequences of his actions. He is already on thin ice because of his previous decisions, and Akainu will come under fire if he lets Fujitora walk free. Akainu tried banishing him the last time, but it didn't work. So, he will have to enforce a tougher punishment on his underling. The obvious solution may seem to be to fire Fujitora, but it would leave an open spot among the Admirals, and he can't afford to do such a thing right now. So Akainu might have to reprimand him again and place restrictions on Fujitora.

Akainu has been having a very turbulent time ever since he became Fleet Admiral. He had to handle the alliance of Big Mom and Kaido, the invasion of Marijoa by the Revolutionary Army, and the formation of the Cross Guild. If it were up to Akainu, he would personally go to Wano and other places to eradicate the threats. However, his role as Fleet Admiral prevents him from leaving the headquarters and fighting criminals. With so many major events taking place all over the world, Akainu needs all the help he can get; therefore, he cannot afford to lose Fujitora.


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