One Piece is one of the most successful manga and anime in the world, having millions of fans around the world and having reached over one thousand episodes released. Created by Eiichiro Oda, the One Piece story follows the beginnings of the Straw Hats through several journeys where they have put it all on the line to come out on top. The One Piece franchise has expanded to multiple different avenues such as animated films, live-action series, and video games; recently released by Bandai Namco Entertainment, One Piece: Odyssey is the newest addition to the franchise string of video games.

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One Piece: Odyssey is an RPG where players will take the Straw Hat Pirates through their most brutal battles in turn-based, team combat. Throughout the game, players will face some of the strongest characters in One Piece and have to defeat them to progress further through the game's story. Here are some of the most challenging Boss battles in One Piece: Odyssey.

7 Hakuba

Cavendish and Hakuba One Piece together smiling as one of them brandishes a blade

Hakuba is the dormant personality of Cavendish, a former prince of a faraway kingdom until he was exiled. Cavendish is the captain of the Beautiful Pirate crew but, later on, swore loyalty to Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hats after a large battle against Donquixote Doflamingo.

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Hakuba is the darker part of Cavendish which awakens and sends him on a tirade where he cuts down anything in his path. In One Piece: Odyssey, Hakuba uses powerful dashing strikes that cleave through characters with blinding speed.

6 Pica

one piece pica

As one of the top three members of the Donquixote Pirates, Pica stands as a stalwart challenge for players to take on as they make their way through the game. Standing confidently with a massive body of pure muscle, Pica is a near-unstoppable force due to his raw strength and special material power given to him by the Ishi Ishi No Mi devil fruit he ingested.

In One Piece: Odyssey, Pica utilizes several hard-hitting abilities, including his assimilation ability which forces players to do damage to rock formations in order for Pica to reveal himself and damage his main body.

5 Adio Suerte

one piece adio

Adio serves as the final boss of One Piece: Odyssey; Adio is the sole survivor of an old race that lived on the sky island, Waford. First Appearing on the cover of chapter 1053 of One Piece, little is known about Adio due to his mysterious birth. However, it is known that he was hunted down by the world government for his heritage and knowledge of a devastating weapon. In the game, Adio uses the Divine Breathe, a weapon of unimaginable power, to take on the Straw Hats and exact his revenge on the world.

4 Kuzan

One Piece Kuzan Ice

Kuzan has also gone by the moniker Aokiji. He was a Marine Admiral before stepping down when Sakazuki was granted a promotion, and he was defeated in a duel. Kuzan left his military life behind and ended up as a member of the Blackbeard Pirates and became one of the main antagonists of the Straw Hat Pirates.

In One Piece: Odyssey, Kuzan is the fifth boss in the game and utilizes powerful ice techniques thanks to his Hie Hie No Mi; the version of Kuzan that players must fate is while he is still a member of the marines.

3 Doflamingo

Doflamingo from One Piece laughing in a sinister fashion

Doflamingo is perhaps the most known villain of the One Piece universe; serving as the captain of the Donquixote Pirates; once a Warlord of the Sea and King of Dressrosa, Doflomingo lost everything after being defeated by Luffy in the One Piece manga; now Dolfamingo resides in prison along with his crew.

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Doflomingo is a hardy boss to get the best of in One Piece: Odyssey, as he can withstand a large amount of damage, making him very difficult for under-leveled teams. In addition, Doflamingo deals considerable damage with powerful striking attacks and his Ito Ito No Mi ability.

2 Crocodile

Crocodile from One Piece

Crocodile has a long and noteworthy history in One Piece; he was a former Warlord of the Sea and nearly conquered the entire Arabasta Kingdom. Crocodile is a powerful leader and fierce fighter, having been the first individual to defeat Luffy in combat.

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Crocodile now stands as a supporting character in One Piece as a member of the Cross Guild alongside Dracule Mihawk and one of the Four Emperors, Buggy. Crocodile is one of the hardest bosses in One Piece Odyssey with high damage and endurance; Crocodile also uses powerful sand attacks that can hit multiple targets at once.

1 Colossus

one piece odyssey colossus

The Colossi are enemies created specifically for One Piece Odyssey as weapons that guard the Divine Breath. The ancient race that lived on the sky island are responsible for creating the Colossi and the Diving Breath; they are constructs of incredible power and durability that Adio uses to further his goal.

There are several types of Colossus that the player fights against, and each one is a wall of damage absorption and can cast heavy damaging wind attacks. In addition, each Colossus uses a powerful element for damage, such as lightning, wind, fire, and water.

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