The Void Century is a dark period in the world's history, the records of which have been erased completely. The only way to find out the truth is by deciphering the Poneglyphs. But the World Government has strictly forbidden their study. The scholars of Ohara tried to decipher the writings on these massive stone pillars, but it led to one of the biggest tragedies in One Piece.

The World Government didn't take too long to round up the scholars and put them to death. Considering the Poneglyphs can expose the truth about the World Government, it doesn't make sense that the organization did not try to seize them. In the latest One Piece chapter, Oda finally revealed why this was the case.

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Nefertari Lily

Nefertari lili cobra one piece chapter 1084

Nefertari Lily was the ruler of Alabasta before the World Government was formed. Very little is known about Lily and her personality, but the last two chapters have given the audience enough bits to form an opinion. Despite the successful campaign of the World Government, Nefertari Lily decided against staying in Marijoa and becoming a Celestial Dragon. The common knowledge is that she returned to Alabasta and took her place as the ruler of the kingdom. However, it didn't make sense for her to leave such a prestigious position unless she found out something that she shouldn't.

In Chapter 1085, Imu revealed that Nefertari Lily made a massive blunder that caused the Poneglyphs to be scattered all over the world. What's interesting is how Imu said that the Poneglyphs were released into the world. The Poneglyphs are massive, indestructible steles, which makes it impossible to move them from one place to another. So, it will be interesting to see how Lily managed to do such a thing. Imu stated that they wondered if Lily made a mistake or if it was part of a bigger plan. Afterward, Cobra revealed that Lily's full name was Nefertari D. Lily. This particular bit of information changes things significantly.

The Sacrifice

Imu talks about the poneglyphs

Lily's "mistake" to scatter the Poneglyphs over the world does seem like a calculated move, and it would also explain why she wanted to go back to her homeland. It is very likely that Lily was eliminated by Imu before she could reach her homeland. Lily might have predicted that she would be targeted by the Imu, which is why she sent a letter to her younger brother, telling him to safeguard the Poneglyph in Alabasta. When the Straw Hats visited the desert kingdom, Cobra confirmed that the Nefertari family had protected it for generations. The Poneglyph in Alabasta contains information about Pluton, an Ancient Weapon that is capable of obliterating an island with ease.

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Given the destructive power of the weapon, there would be serious complications if it fell into the hands of the World Government. The organization has demonstrated its ruthless side many times, and if it were to have access to such a deadly weapon, it would destroy any rebellious kingdom. Lily was aware of the danger, which is why she wrote the letter. Lily's letter effectively prevented the World Government from getting its hands on the weapon.

Lily's Betrayal

Imu and Cobra

One of the bigger mysteries surrounding Lily is why she decided to betray the World Government after initially joining their cause. It didn't make sense that Lily would join them and then make a mistake that would cost them dearly. The only logical explanation is that she was informed by someone about the true nature of Imu and the others. While there is barely any information available about the Great Kingdom, there is one mysterious figure who existed around the same time, and he could have convinced Lily. This individual was none other than Joy Boy, whose name has been mentioned in the story many times.

Joy Boy had left his name on a Poneglyph on Fish-Man Island, in which he made a promise to the denizens of the kingdom. However, he could not fulfill his promise for one reason or another. The fact that Joy Boy's name is also hidden by the World Government proves that he was also against the organization. He was on the side of the Great Kingdom, and he fought against the twenty kingdoms. It is plausible to assume that he told Nefertari Lily about the significance of the letter "D" in her name. Of course, Lily would need proof, and Joy Boy would have been more than happy to oblige.

In a way, both Lily and Joy Boy failed to fulfill their promises, so the responsibility fell on the shoulders of future generations. Luffy is going to do what Joy Boy couldn't: topple the World Government and change the entire world. When Luffy awakened his Devil Fruit, Zunesha confirmed that Joy Boy had returned. In Lily's case, Vivi will need to lead Alabasta in the right direction. Before dying, Nefertari Cobra requested that Sabo tell Vivi about Alabasta's path. With the confirmation that Vivi is also a member of the D Family, it is highly likely that she will reunite with the Straw Hats and achieve what Lily failed to do.

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