
  • Luffy's Gear 5 allows him to come up with new techniques and it has been fun for the author to draw.
  • Luffy's fight against Kizaru has been even so far, but Luffy's goal is to keep Kizaru at bay and protect others.
  • Luffy's new attack, White Star Gun, combines Gear 4 abilities and Gear 5, making it one of his strongest attacks in Gear 5.

Luffy's Gear 5 has proven to be extremely fun for Oda to draw. Each time Luffy accesses this form, Oda comes up with a new technique and fans have seen that happen throughout the fights fought by the Straw Hat captain. In the fight against Kaido, Luffy developed quite a lot of new techniques and he did so against Lucci as well. When he started fighting Kizaru, it was quite clear that Luffy was going to make full use of his imagination and create a bunch of new techniques as well.

One Piece: Saturn's Devil Fruit Awakening, Explained

Gorosei Saturn has awakened his Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit, as seen in One Piece 1094.

It appears the strongest of them is called White Star Gun that was used in the previous chapter to land a deadly blow on the Admiral. While it might seem like a simple attack, there is a lot going on in there that fans need to properly understand.

Luffy Vs Kizaru

luffy vs kizaru one piece 1094

Luffy started fighting Kizaru a few chapters ago in One Piece. These two characters were destined to clash as soon as fans found out that an Admiral was heading to Egghead Island. Being light, Kizaru was able to infiltrate the island quite easily and he even made it to the Labophase. When that happened, Luffy was the first one to engage him and, since then, these two have been keeping each other busy or, at least trying to. For Kizaru, the goal is to assassinate Vegapunk and he has tried that on several occasions already.

For Luffy, however, the goal is to keep Kizaru from doing that and ensure that he does not do harm to anyone around while the others make preparations for escape from the island. So far, Luffy appears to be in the driving seat in this fight as he has successfully managed to keep him at bay. Even though Kizaru has slipped from his grasp a few times, it has not affected the fight all that much, given that Luffy has ultimately still caught up and done his job to defend those he intends to save. In terms of strength, this fight has been quite even. Kizaru has actually impressed the fans with his display against the Yonko, however, it must be noted that Luffy himself does not appear to be going all out at the moment, as his goal is only to keep Kizaru at bay so the others get time to pull off their jobs.

Luffy's White Star Gun

Luffy vs kizaru star gun one piece

In One Piece chapter 1094, fans saw a completely new attack from Luffy. Given that he entered Gear 5 quite a few chapters ago, it was only a matter of time before Luffy's incredible imagination came into action and he started using some powerful techniques. Luffy started this fight by turning into his giant form and hurling into the ocean. And that failed, he created some new techniques such as Dawn Stamp, among others, and these attacks largely had no effect either Kizaru was able to use his party tricks to get to Vegapunk. Luffy then proceeded to eat Kizaru's light and he did so in quite some fashion, saving Vegapunk in time.

In One Piece chapter 1094, Luffy took things a step above, after he was seen engaging Kizaru in an extended battle. It appeared that both of these fighters were exhausted from this short-lived clash. Immediately after, Kizaru tried to give Luffy the slip and attempted to assassinate Vegapunk once more. When he did that, Luffy immediately chased after him. Kizaru successfully managed to launch an attack towards the Vegatank, however, this attack did not hit.

One Piece: The Demonic Powers Of Saturn, Explained

Saturn's powers start to be unraveled in One Piece 1094.

That is precisely when Franky entrusted everything to Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirate was seen using a completely new attack, called White Star Gun. This technique saw Luffy pump up his arm and then coat it in Haki. Immediately after, he spun and punched Kizaru directly in the head. The combination of the Color of Supreme King and Devil Fruit Awakening, along with the arm being lit on flames, certainly did lasting damage to Kizaru as he himself exclaimed that this attack was fatal.

The Breakdown Of White Star Gun

Admiral Kizaru surprised

White Star Gun may look like a standard Luffy attack, however, there is a lot going on behind it. For one, Luffy combines the usage of Gear 4 and Gear 5 in making this attack possible.

Rather, Gear 5 is so incredible that it allows Luffy to use the same powers as Gear 4 without the extra stress of needing to coat every single part of his body in Haki. This is something that fans saw in Wano as well and this is what he's doing here too. Luffy was seen using his very muscular form, which is similar to Bounceman, and pumped his arm up even further. He then coated it with Haki, both Armament as well as Conqueror's. This fist had a lot of power behind it and Luffy was originally going to land it straight at his enemy. However, Kizaru launched a powerful laser-based attack towards Luffy's face.

The laser caused Luffy to spin in one direction and he ended up going round fast, akin to a tornado. This spinning only caused his momentum to increase even further, lightning his fist on fire and allowing him to break the sound barrier. At the end of it, Luffy launched his fist and this connected directly with Kizaru's head. The Devil Fruit Awakening powers of Luffy took effect as Kizaru's head was stretched completely from one side, indicating that Luffy turned him into rubber. Actual stars started to form around Kizaru's head, indicating that he was concussed and took heavy damage. Kizaru himself indicated that this attack was very powerful and things were not looking good for him. He was then sent crashing into one building. Meanwhile, Luffy mentioned that he was extremely tired and fell to the surface down below.

How Strong Is White Star Gun?

Luffy gear 5 one piece episode 1073

It is quite clear that White Star Gun is very powerful. This is down to the fact that it sees Luffy utilize his muscular form, which is one of the strongest forms that he possesses. Gear 5 lets him use the muscular form of Gear 4 without needing to tap into it. Essentially, it takes an application of Gear 4 and makes use of it without causing any additional stress on his body, thanks to Devil Fruit Awakening. Luffy then proceeds to coat his arm in both Armament and Conqueror's Haki and fans know that these Haki types, when combined, are lethal.

The spinning only increases the momentum of the strike and this makes it incredibly difficult for the opponents to read when the attack is going to be launched. At the same time, this increases the force of impact. This attack is clearly one of Luffy's strongest in Gear 5. Out of every Gear 5 attack that he has used so far, White Star Gun would be the second strongest, right behind Bajrang Gun, which he used to take down Kaido. Of course, this attack is nothing compared to that one, however, it is still a very powerful one that Luffy now possesses in his arsenal.

Despite its incredible strength, it is likely not going to be enough to take down an Admiral of the Navy. If Kizaru were to go down with this attack, then the Admiral would prove himself to be very weak. It certainly did lasting damage and even concussed Kizaru to appoint where he was sent completely flying. However, fans should still expect the Admiral to get up once again.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1095, is set to be October 15, 2023.

MORE: One Piece: Is Saturn Stronger Than The Yonko?