The Egghead War in One Piece is currently heating up and fans are witnessing what could be one of the biggest wars in the entirety of the story. The Marines have launched an all-out attack on the Straw Hat Pirates and Vegapunk, and this fight keeps on getting more intense.

One Piece: Which Devil Fruit Does Saturn Have?

Here are some possibilities concerning Saturn's Devil Fruit.

Luffy recently fought against Admiral Kizaru and was able to take him down. However, the biggest threat on the island is not Kizaru himself. It is Saint Saturn, one of the Five Elders, and there is no one on the island strong enough to confront him at the moment. Of course, the only one who would stand a chance against him is Luffy, however, currently he is down. That could very well change, though, and fans could see him back in action very soon.

Saturn's Arrival On Egghead Island

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Saturn announced his arrival on Egghead Island very recently. Initially, he intended to not make his presence known and just observe the operation being commenced. However, when Kizaru and the other members of the Navy proved to be inefficient in this battle, Saturn took it upon himself to leave his position and step on Egghead Island. He did this by utilizing what appears to be his Devil Fruit power. By creating a giant summoning circle on Egghead, he was able to summon himself on the island.

His presence was felt all over the place and even non-combatants were able to tell that some demonic entity just landed on Egghead. Saturn was then revealed in his fully transformed Devil Fruit form. He was shown with the lower body of a spider and the upper body of an ox. It is believed that Saturn and his abilities are largely based on Ushi Oni, which is a Japanese Yokai with tremendous power. His abilities were also explored in the chapters that followed and fans could see him utilize the ability to blow off people's heads and, at the same time, freeze them in their places. Saturn was also revealed to have an incredibly high healing factor, as a wound that was delivered to him was healed within a matter of seconds. He is extremely powerful and his arrival on Egghead means that the Straw Hat Pirates will have to fight him off somehow.

Luffy Vs Kizaru

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Luffy has been extremely busy throughout the entirety of Egghead Island. While he initially fought against the Seraphims, it wasn't long until he engaged Admiral Kizaru in battle. As soon as Kizaru arrived on Egghead, Luffy took it upon himself to stop him and he did so in his transformed Gear 5 state. Fans know that the power of Gear 5 is incredibly immense and it certainly did not disappoint in the fight against Kizaru. In fact, the Admiral knew that in a clear fight, he would not be able to win and that is why he targeted Vegapunk directly, avoiding an engagement with Luffy in combat.

One Piece: The Power And Character Design Of Young Garling Figarland, Revealed

Fans get to see young Garling Figarland during God Valley.

Despite all his efforts, Kizaru ended up failing in the task and was taken down by Luffy using a powerful technique called White Star Gun. This attack was so powerful that Kizaru was completely paralyzed and could not move for several minutes. However, at the same time, it also took a lot out of Luffy. It must be noted that Luffy was extremely busy immediately after he stepped foot on Egghead. He had to fight the Seraphims for what appears to have been an entire night and immediately after, engage with Kizaru in combat. If that isn't enough, Luffy was pushed through the Frontier Dome once and he had to cross it again one more time and this also took a lot out of him. At the end of it all, Luffy was knocked out of his Gear 5 state, however, he managed to take down Kizaru before that.

How Luffy Will Get Back To Strength

Luffy vs kizaru star gun one piece

Luffy will absolutely have to get back to strength if the Straw Hat Pirates are to survive this ordeal. Although in the previous chapter it was quite clear that Luffy was in no condition to fight, he has to get back to strength if he wants to live up to the status that he has as a Yonko. Fans have seen Luffy being exhausted to the point where he left Gear 5 state before as well. This happened in the fight against Kaido.

While fighting him, Luffy ran all out of energy and entered the old man state. However, shortly after, he re-entered Gear 5 and mustered enough strength to overthrow and defeat the evil Emperor.

Once again, Luffy will have to do something similar here and fight against Saturn because he's the only one strong enough to do so. Zoro is currently busy fighting against Lucci while Sanji is completely paralyzed by Saturn with ease. Luffy might be the only one capable of withstanding his demonic powers and for that, he needs to get back to strength.

Of course, this can be achieved in two ways. The first way Luffy can do this is through sheer willpower. Fans know that Luffy has pulled off the impossible before and this should be no different. He can tap into the power of Gear 5 once again and if he does so, then he will most definitely be able to fight against Saturn, although not for long. The other way Luffy can achieve this is if he somehow manages to eat food. Currently, it is very difficult for him to get his hands on something edible. However, the incredible technology of Vegapunk could help him out in this regard. If Luffy manages to eat, he will then be back to a decent level of strength and capable of fighting against Saturn.

Why Luffy Vs Saturn Has To Happen

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Luffy versus Saturn is a fight that absolutely has to happen for many reasons. For one, Saturn is the strongest foe on the island and Luffy always takes on the strongest enemies by himself. However, that isn't much of a narrative reason as to why he has to fight him. The biggest reason why Luffy has to fight Saturn is the fact that he is Nika and the liberator of slaves. In Bonney's flashback, it was made quite clear that she was waiting for a savior, just like Kuma himself. These two can only be liberated by Nika as was mentioned before. Currently, Bonney is in grave danger and the only people capable of liberating her from the clutches of Saturn are either Kuma himself, or Nika.

At the same time, Kuma is also headed to Egghead. While he might temporarily allow the Straw Hat Pirates to somehow regroup, at the end of the day, Luffy has to save not just Bonney but also Kuma. Both of these characters are incredibly important to save and they both need Nika. This is a narrative that Oda set up and something that he has to deliver on absolutely. There is no way that Luffy will sit this battle out and he is the one who has to save both Bonney and Kuma, no matter what.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1095, is set to be October 15, 2023.

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