Sanji is the cook of the Straw Hat Pirates and one of the most important characters in One Piece. Introduced in the Baratie arc, Sanji only goes on to become a vital part of the group. Not only does he serve the role of a cook, but he is also extremely intelligent and takes control of the situation in dire situations often.

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At the same time, Sanji is also extremely powerful and, along with Zoro and Luffy, forms the Monster Trio of the Straw Hat Pirates. He currently has a bounty of 1.032 billion berries, with just goes to show how skilled he truly is in combat and how big a threat he is to the World Government. In Wano, Sanji awakened his latent abilities and his eyebrows play a key role in their functioning.

Sanji's Latent Abilities

Vinsmoke Sanji in One-Piece

Sanji was born as a part of the quadruplets that Vinsmoke Sora carried. His father, Judge, was a world-famous scientist and had also worked with Vegapunk in the past. Together, the two found the blueprint to life itself – the Lineage Factor. In the One Piece world, the Lineage Factor works extremely similar to how DNA works in the real world. With someone's Lineage Factor, essentially anything is possible. As such, Judge, who had his ambitions to secure control over the North Blue once again like the days of the old, wanted to make his children war machines. When Sora was pregnant, he altered their Lineage Factor so that they would be born as superhumans capable of waging wars all by themselves.

This process would also strip them of their emotions and Sora vehemently argued against it. Eventually, she took a powerful medication with the power to reverse the changes of the Lineage Factor manipulation. Unfortunately, this process did not work on three of the four children. Curiously, Sanji was a success and the Lineage Factor manipulation did not affect him at all. He was born a regular human, yet, for this exact reason, he was abused by his family.

The Awakening Of His Germa Powers

Featured Things Need To Know About Sanji

Despite not having any scientific abilities, Sanji went on to become stronger under the tutelage of Red-Leg Zeff. He mastered his own fighting style, called the Black Leg Style, over the course of time, also managed to learn the powers of Observation and Armament Haki. Sanji has, since then, gone on to become incredibly powerful. However, it was in the Wano arc that his body started reacting weirdly. After having put on the Raid Suit three times, his body underwent a weird reaction and brought out the latent abilities from the Lineage Factor Manipulation that was done on him before being born. In the fight against Queen, Sanji awoke to the powers that make him a "Warrior of Science" and he gained an exoskeleton, an incredibly fast regeneration rate, more muscle mass, and a boost to nearly every single attribute that he possessed.

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These changes to his body are signified by his eyebrows swirling towards their ends, just like his siblings. When his powers are activated, his eyebrows form a 66, just like his siblings, showcasing the fact that he is tapping into the powers of the Germa science. With these powers, he was able to dismember a member of the Beast Pirates with a bounty of 1.320 billion berries with rather ease. Sanji was incredibly afraid of the fact that he would end up losing his emotions when his powers awoke as well, evident from the fact that he called Zoro and asked to be killed if he isn't himself. However, it appears that his emotions might actually be his strength.

How Sanji Taps Into His Powers

Sanji one piece

In the Egghead Island arc, Sanji went on to fight against Seraphim Jinbe on more than one occasion. When Seraphim Jinbe tried to attack Robin, Sanji delivered a powerful Diable Jambe to him, because he was utterly enraged. Shortly afterwards, when S-Shark tried to kill Nami, it was Sanji who came to her rescue and managed to knock him back effortlessly. Seeing that a woman was in danger, Sanji was enraged at the fact that S-Shark had crossed his limits so many times. Curiously, Sanji's eyebrows flipped directions, which signifies that his scientific powers had kicked in. With this power having now awakened twice, the trigger for it is very easy for fans to spot. Sanji undergoes this transformation when he feels a sudden burst of emotion. In Wano, the war that the Straw Hat Pirates were fighting was one where emotions ran high. Sanji did what he could to make Luffy the victor of the war.

Now, on Egghead, Sanji was enraged at the fact that Nami was in danger. This rush of emotions is what triggers his transformation into the warrior of science. This is fitting to Sanji's character as Sora fought to preserve his emotions and make sure that he's the kindest person in the entire world. Now, Sanji has a power that is directly linked to his emotions and blooms when he showcases the single most important ability to be a human, that is, his emotions.

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