The lovable Straw Hat Pirates are certainly one of the goofiest bunch of characters in One Piece, and Sanji appears to be one of the liveliest members of the Straw Hats pirate crew. From his rivalry with Zoro to his flirtatious ways with women, it is safe to say that there is never a dull moment with Sanji around.

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With a character with so many funny moments and gags as Sanji, it was inevitable that fans would take to making memes about them. From making fun of Sanji's character traits to the obvious cooking jokes out there, these ten memes are sure to make any Sanji fan burst out laughing.

10 Inventing A New Language

Demotivational Poster featuring Sanji and Zoro from One Piece

When Sanji received his first bounty after the Enies Lobby incident, his poorly drawn wanted poster image trumped any excitement he may have felt at the time. His disgust over his wanted poster's image was so great that even started speaking gibberish for a moment, much to Zoro's confusion.

This demotivational poster pokes fun at Sanji's gibberish and entertains the thought of it being the writing seen on the Poneglyphs. In that case, Robin may want to think about taking Poneglyph lessons from Sanji if she wants to better understand them.

9 History of Food, I Guess

Split image of Sanji from One Piece and Bill Wurtz's History of the World, I Guess

Being a chef, it is obvious that Sanji has some words of wisdom when it comes to cooking and food. One of his most important lessons that come to mind is to not waste any food, a lesson that everyone should consider taking to heart.

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With such sage wisdom surrounding food, it could be in Sanji's best interest to start a religion around it. This snippet from Bill Wurtz's History of the Entire World, I Guess illustrates this point perfectly. Combine that with an out-of-context Sanji moment, and fans are sure to become religious in an instant.

8 His Inner Saboteur

Meme image featuring Sanji from One Piece

At this point in the series, any One Piece fan can name some of Sanji's most notable opponents. From CP9's Jabra to Queen of the Beast Pirates, many of Sanji's opponents have left him on the brink of death or worse.

But as this meme points out, Sanji has also faced death at the hands of his nosebleeds, to the point that he needed a blood transfusion after being around Fishman Island's mermaids. Even for someone as powerful as Sanji, he can still prove to be his own worst enemy.

7 Dermatologists Hate Him!

Demotivational Poster featuring Duval and Wanze from One Piece

This particular meme is a reference to one of Sanji's more bizarre abilities. Before the two-year timeskip, he demonstrated the ability to rearrange his opponent's face with his immensely powerful kicks. So far, Sanji has only used this ability twice in the series, and he currently has yet to use it.

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As seen in this meme, however, the results of this face-rearranging technique are actually quite stunning, even if the recipient themselves does not like it. Plastic surgery might be an avenue Sanji should consider pursuing if his stint as a chef does not work out for him!

6 Magic Lungs

Meme image featuring Sanji from One Piece with his cigarette

Smoking has many negative side effects on the human body, all of which can be life-threatening if allowed to persist. One of those side effects is skin damage; heavy, prolonged smoking can cause wrinkles to appear faster on one's face and skin, making one look older than they actually are.

So this meme begs the question as to why Sanji still looks like a young man despite being a notable chain smoker. Though the cigarette serves to compliment his appearance as a chef, the lack of negative side effects from smoking can simply be summed up in two simple words: anime logic.

5 Becoming the Master Chef

The Manga Anime and Netflix Adaptation meme featuring Sanji from One Piece

The Netflix Adaptation meme has been done to death for all sorts of characters, yet still remains popular among fans due to how outrageous the final result can be. In this case, what better person to portray Sanji in a Netflix live-action adaptation than the famous Gordon Ramsay himself?

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With both chefs renowned for making good food, this meme begs the question: whose food would taste better? Could Gordon Ramsay meet his match in Sanji? Or would Sanji be labeled an idiot sandwich? Needless to say, the hypothetical scenarios this meme brings about are endless as they are hilarious.

4 Beware, All Ye Women

Meme depicting a scary-looking version of Sanji from One Piece

Sanji has gone through a lot in his twenty-one years of life, but one thing that currently remains unchanged is his chivalry towards women. Though he has faced many female foes, Sanji has never physically harmed them; the only course of action he usually takes is blocking their attacks.

So it goes without saying that an evil version of Sanji will not be so forgiving towards any female foes, as this meme suggests. Since this is an evil version of Sanji, it would be safe to assume he would have no qualms about attacking his female crewmates as well, something the real Sanji wouldn't even dream of doing.

3 Can't Catch A Break

Meme depicting Zoro making fun of Sanji in One Piece

It is no secret that the rivalry between Sanji and Zoro is a fierce one, with both parties not hesitating to make a low blow the first chance they get. Apparently, even in memes, Sanji is not safe from Zoro's scathing low blows.

From Sanji's nosebleeds to his awful treatment of his crewmates during the Whole Cake Island arc, there is not a single thing about Sanji that will not be insulted by the Zoro Gang. Although there currently aren't any Sanji Gang memes, they are sure to be inevitable given how the intensity of this rivalry.

2 He's There, But He Isn't...

Meme explain how One Piece's Sanji will save his friends

While Sanji cares deeply for his crewmates, how he shows it is extremely subtle. Through One Piece, Sanji has an odd habit of distancing himself from the crew for some reason or another, usually acting on his own.

This meme takes notice of this particular trait and applies it to the Whole Cake Island arc, in which it was assumed that Sanji would permanently leave the crew to marry Charlotte Pudding. It may not be the funniest meme out there, but it shows that Sanji's devotion to the Straw Hat Pirates is second to none, even if it isn't obvious.

1 Medicine is for Peasants

Meme explaining how Sanji's healing process compares to Zoro's in One Piece

During the Wano Country arc, Sanji managed to awake his dormant genetic modifications during his fight with the All-Star Queen. Not only did this make him more durable, but it also managed to heal many of his injuries at the time, including his broken bones.

With his self-healing ability, Sanji can be considered to be better than Zoro, something that does not go unnoticed by the classic Virgin vs. Chad meme. But what does go unnoticed by this meme is that Sanji still needed Zoro to kill him if his modifications strip him of his humanity, if only for a short time.

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