When it comes to the perpetually merry Straw Hat Pirates of One Piece, Nico Robin is not the first name that comes up when the topic of the funniest Straw Hat member is brought up. In fact, in many of the more comical moments of One Piece, Robin used to not react at all.

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But Robin's serious personality does not stop her from having some funny moments to her name. From shocking her fellow crewmates with her signature morbid sense of humor to her surprisingly unorthodox thoughts, Robin has made fans laugh throughout her time with the Straw Hat Pirates, with these moments being prime examples.

9 Joining The Straw Hat Pirates

Nico Robin scaring Usopp in the One Piece anime

Though she was the first Straw Hat to willingly join the crew, Robin's sudden appearance on the Going Merry sparked a lot of uproar among the pirate crew due to her previous position at Baroque Works. Aside from Luffy, every other crew member was incredibly suspicious of Robin.

Because of these suspicions, Usopp decides to conduct an informal investigation on Robin. It is here where viewers get their first dose of Robin's classic morbid humor; she calmly states that her specialty is assassination, which understandably sends Usopp into a panic.

8 Recruiting Franky

Robin using Dos Fleur on Franky in the One Piece anime

Without question, the Water 7 and Enies Lobby arcs of One Piece proved to be a turning point for Robin. Not only did she come to terms with her harrowing past, but she also learned that she had found true friends in the form of the Straw Hat Pirates.

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But even after all the turmoil she had endured at the hands of Spandam and CP9, the series still managed to give Robin a moment of levity. In particular, it was Robin who helped convince the Water 7 shipwright Franky to join the Straw Hats in her trademark morbid fashion: by using Dos Fleur to grab his private parts.

7 Refusing To Do Pirates Docking 6

Robin staring menacingly at Sanji in the One Piece anime

Although Robin is more patient than others when it comes to the antics of her crew, even she is shown to have her limits. One such example would be during the Thriller Bark arc when she outright refused to partake in the transformative Pirates Docking 6: Big Emperor technique out of sheer embarrassment.

Despite some protests from Franky and Usopp, Robin still refused to dock, prompting Sanji to come to her defense. But when Sanji's started having more than second thoughts about seeing Robin's docking, the look that Robin gave him was more than enough to give him chills, much to the hilarity of many fans.

6 A Calming Devil Fruit?

Robin thininking about cats after witnessing Bartolomew Kuma's powers in the One Piece anime

Robin is mostly known for her morbid thoughts and comments, but she does have moments in which her thoughts are more wholesome in nature. Ironically, one of her cuter thoughts occurred during the Straw Hats' first encounter with Bartholomew Kuma on Thriller Bark.

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After Kuma reveals that he ate the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, which Usopp comments is a rather peaceful-sounding name, Robin's first thought was of three meowing cats with prominent paws. Though the scene is at odds with the situation at the time, it definitely shows how Robin is able to find some humor in serious situations.

5 Crossing The Sea Of Punk Hazard

Robin's thought about her and Luffy being carried by Zoro and Usopp in the One Piece anime

Robin's morbid sense of humor certainly did not go away during the timeskip and the same can be said for her more wholesome thoughts as well. This can clearly be seen during the Punk Hazard arc when Robin, Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp were preparing to cross over to the freezing half of Punk Hazard.

When Zoro recommends swimming to the other half of Punk Hazard, Luffy reminds him that he and Robin cannot swim, prompting Robin to imagine Zoro and Usopp carrying the two of them. The situation is not as dire as it was back at Thriller Bark, but the cuteness of Robin's thought, as well as Usopp's strong objections, make this scene a giggle-worthy moment.

4 Robbing The Centaurs Of Their Warm Clothes

Nico Robin enviously glares at a centaur's warm clothes in the One Piece Anime

After finally making it to the freezing half of Punk Hazard, Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Usopp find themselves nearly succumbing to the freezing environment, which was a product of Aokiji's Hie Hie no Mi. Fortunately, the Straw Hats stumble upon Brownbeard and his group of centaurs, whose warm clothes they find ripe for the picking.

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This particular scene is another excellent example of Robin's darker side being played for laughs. It can also be seen as the first time Robin participates in her crew's shenanigans, something she would continue to do in the arcs to come.

3 Meeting The Tontatta Tribe

A restrained Robin encountering the Tontatta Tribe for the first time in One Piece

While Robin's composed demeanor meant she could confront any situation with a straight face, her encounter with the easily-trusting Tontatta Tribe was the first time fans have seen her completely floored. Fittingly, this is the first time Robin makes a comical face that has become synonymous with characters like Luffy and Usopp

While Robin and Usopp were exploring the island of Green Bit, the two of them were ambushed by the tiny Tontatta Tribe. The tribe was hellbent on not letting Robin leave alive, but once Robin swore to not do them any harm, the tribe immediately decided to release her, much to Robin's immense shock.

2 The Rising Dragon Ryunosuke

Robin blushing upon seeing Ryunosuke in the One Piece anime

It is no secret that Robin has found the most unorthodox creatures to be adorable. While she was first smitten with the Cerberus from Thriller Bark, the Zou arc saw her being smitten with Kanjuro's poorly drawn dragon, whom the Straw Hats dubbed Ryunosuke.

Easily the funniest part about Robin's time with Ryunosuke was how attached she grew to it. She cheered Ryunosuke on as it made its way up to Zou and shed tears when it turned back into a drawing. This moment became so popular among fans that it spawned the creation of memes surrounding Robin and Ryunosuke.

1 Sneaking Around The Land Of Wano

Robin pretending to be haunted by Brook in the One Piece anime

As one of the most important characters in the Wano Country arc, Robin had several moments to her name, all of which were memorable for a myriad of reasons. But the scene in which Robin, alongside Usopp and Brook, attempts to meet with the crew in Kuri is a cherished moment solely due to its comedy.

With wanted posters of the crew strewn about and a nearby guard performing inspections, Robin, Usopp, and Brook find the task of making it to Kuri difficult to complete. Fortunately, with Brook's help, Robin and Usopp are able to pass due to pretending to be haunted, resulting in Robin's second face fault in the series after the Dressrosa arc.

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