Edward Weevil is a character full of intrigue and mystery in the One Piece world. He was introduced to the fans shortly after the conclusion of the Dressrosa arc and it was revealed that he was going from town to town clearing out the former allies of the Whitebeard pirates. As many fans would remember, Whitebeard brought with him 43 ally ships to Marineford. A big chunk of them, or possibly even all of them, ended up surviving the battle and eventually, they returned to the New World. It is these allies that Edward Weevil hunted during and after the timeskip of One Piece and he was successful in taking down 16 of them.

RELATED: Strongest Swords In One PieceAccording to Kizaru, Weevil is a character full of might and his powers are comparable or, at the very least, similar to those possessed by a younger version of Whitebeard, who was known to have been a menace in the past. All that alone makes Edward Weevil a very intriguing character, but it is his association with Whitebeard that makes him even scarier. According to Ms. Bucking, Weevil is the biological son of the late Whitebeard which would make him a massive threat to anyone in the One Piece world, especially those of the World Government. That said, these claims are self-proclaimed and easily disputed among the fans. Now, Weevil has stepped into the fray in the main storyline of One Piece and his connection to Whitebeard might just have been explained to the fans, thanks to the recent events of the Egghead Island arc.

What Happened To Weevil

Edward Weevil in the anime

The last fans saw of Edward Weevil was shortly after the abolition of the Shichibukai system. He was surrounded by Marines and as they attempted to capture him, he was ordered to fight back by Miss Buckingham. Now, in the Egghead Island arc, it was revealed to the fans that the Marines also attack Whitebeard's hometown, Sphinx, which was protected by Marco until recently. The island was left open for any invasion and since it is not allied with the World Government, no laws apply here. Things such as murder, or trafficking, among a plethora of other crimes would freely happen here – such was the dire state of the island.

Expectedly, some corrupt Navy officers took advantage of the situation and went on to attack Sphinx Island. Against all odds, Edward Weevil stepped up and decided to protect the island because it belonged to his father, Whitebeard. For what it's worth, Weevil fully believes that he is Whitebeard's son and, as such, it is his responsibility to protect his hometown. While he successfully managed to fend off the majority of the Navy forces, Admiral Greenbull was sent to the island and he ended up capturing Weevil. Now, Miss Bucking remains on the island and seeks help for her son.

The Creation Of Edward Weevil

Edward Weevil Power One Piece 1061

It goes without saying that Weevil is not a completely natural human. One look at his character design is enough for the fans to deduce that there have been changes made to his body. This is evident from the fact that he carries stitch marks and surgery scars all over him. At the same time, Weevil also appears to be a simpleton to quite a degree, suggesting that he is not completely normal. In the Egghead Island arc, the process of cloning was focused on quite a lot. While this wasn't anything new to fans, who were already exposed to it during the Whole Cake Island arc thanks to the many inventions of Vinsmoke Judge, it still managed to add quite a lot of exposition to an already established idea.

RELATED: One Piece: All Known Members Of CP0, RankedEssentially, it was revealed that Stussy was the very first human clone developed by Dr. Vegapunk and she was deemed a success. Stussy was cloned from Miss Buckingham Stussy, the woman who Marco is currently talking to right now. As such, the creation of perfect clones is very much possible in the world of One Piece. This suggests that Edward Weevil could very well have been a clone of Whitebeard. The question remains, how exactly was Whitebeard linked to Dr. Vegapunk?

Weevil's Connection To Whitebeard

Featured One Piece Weevil Whitebeard Son

The answer to the question lies in the character of Stussy, along with much else concerning the cloning process. Stussy, just like Whitebeard, was a former member of the Rocks Pirates. The popular idea among fans is that Vegapunk was responsible for cloning Weevil. In order for Dr. Vegapunk to have successfully cloned Stussy and Weevil, he would've needed to get to the Rocks Island, Fullaled, or their flagship. As such, it can be hypothesized that Vegapunk visited Rocks and that is where the process of cloning Miss Buckingham Stussy actually began, for reasons unknown to the fans yet. It is during that time that Vegapunk got his hands on the Lineage Factor of Edward Newgate, the man who later came to be known as Whitebeard. At the same time, he could also have gotten his hands on the lineage factor of other members of the Rocks Pirates, such as Charlotte Linlin, who in turn has been hinted to have connections to Jewelry Bonney, at least in some spheres of their characters.

Buckingham Stussy from One Piece

In the case of Edward Weevil, he could have been created by Dr. Vegapunk on the actual Stussy's request. When and why this happened isn't known, however, the fact that Stussy is convinced that Vegapunk will back her argument all but confirms that Weevil is a perfect clone. The question remains as to why Weevil looks so different from Vegapunk's other clones. It could be that Weevil was cloned before Stussy and that is why was deemed an unsuccessful one. However, the idea doesn't hold much weight, given the fact that Vegapunk confirmed that Stussy was the first human clone and she is a perfect one at that. As such, the popular idea that Vegapunk created Weevil should be dismissed.

It is likelier that Buckingham Stussy herself tried her luck with cloning Weevil by herself and that is why he looks so different. After all, it must be remembered that Buckingham Stussy is capable as a scientist as well, as was mentioned in her description box. She is, however, a self-styled scientist. Given that she was a member of the MADS and, thus, a part of Vegapunk's research team, it would be very easy for Stussy to create Weevil. Since she isn't as proficient as Vegapunk, the clone wasn't fully perfect, yet enough to be called Whitebeard Jr., and her very own child. Despite his bizarre appearance, the truth of the matter is that Weevil is truly the clone of Whitebeard and holds tremendous potential, which is why those of the World Government must be wary of him.

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