
  • One Piece chapter 1099 will likely focus on Kuma and Bonney embarking on an adventure to find a cure for Bonney's incurable disease, the Sapphire Scale.
  • The Toshi Toshi no Mi Devil Fruit may hold the key to curing Bonney's disease, as it has been shown in the past that Devil Fruits can cure diseases.
  • Kuma may meet Vegapunk in this chapter, as Vegapunk is known to be a renowned scientist who could potentially provide information or assistance in finding a cure for Bonney's disease. Additionally, this meeting may shed light on Kuma's past and his involvement with the Pacifista project.

All eyes are on One Piece chapter 1099 right now and fans are incredibly excited for the story to continue the flashback of Kuma, which is currently ongoing. The Egghead Island arc has been nothing short of fascinating for the fans and fans can only hope that it continues to maintain this quality as the series moves forward. In the previous chapter, the Kuma flashback progressed quite a lot and it showcased the death of Ginny, along with the birth of Bonney.

One Piece: Oda Draws The Darkest Chapter In The Story

Ginny's fate is darker than fans expected in One Piece 1098.

The disease surrounding Ginny's death was also tackled and the same disease is haunting Bonney now. It is clear that the next few chapters of One Piece are going to continue to focus on finding a cure for it, among other things.

Kuma And Bonney Embark On An Adventure

kuma and bonney one piece 1099

One Piece chapter 1099 will most likely see Kuma and Bonney embark on an adventure. These two characters will most likely be traveling soon in an attempt to find a cure for Bonney's Sapphire Scale disease. Fans know that this disease is very dangerous and leads to death. If one is exposed to any form of natural light, be it sunlight or moonlight, they will see this disease spreading at an incredibly frustrated. At the same time, even without exposure to natural light, this disease does spread in time and takes the life of the person. Essentially, it is an incurable disease that will eventually consume the life of the person. It was explicitly told in the previous chapter that Bonney will have 5 years to live at most and that she will eventually end up dying.

From here onwards, Kuma will most likely end up taking things into his own hands and trying to find a cure for her illness. Of course, Bonney cannot be exposed to any form of natural light, which means she will have to be covered somehow. Perhaps, Kuma will lug her around a box or maybe through some other ways so that he prevents any direct contact with natural light. The goal of this adventure is going to be to find a cure for Bonney's disease and that is certainly something that needs to be addressed in One Piece chapter 1099.

Kuma Finds The Toshi Toshi no Mi

Jewelry Bonney Toshi Toshi no Mi Age Age Fruit one piece 1099

It is unknown how Bonney is going to cure her disease at the moment, however, One Piece after 1099 could actually deliver this cure to Bonney in the form of a Devil Fruit. This cure could come via the Toshi Toshi no Mi. Fans have previously seen a very similar case of a disease being cured by a Devil Fruit. When Law was afflicted with the Amber Lead disease, he was cured after he ate the Ope Ope no Mi. Corazon went to great lengths to find this Devil Fruit for him and make him eat it. Fans should expect a similar scenario here, only this time, with Kuma and Bonney. Kuma will take Bonney around in search of various cures and will eventually likely cross paths with this Devil Fruit.

One Piece: Dragon's Bounty, Explained

Dragon's bounty will surely reflect his strength and notoriety in One Piece.

It is also possible that Kuma will research the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia to find out which fruit would help cure her disease. The Toshi Toshi no Mi is surely one such option and fans will be incredibly interested to see how it ends up working out for them. Essentially, by consuming this Devil Fruit, Bonney's age would then be controllable. She could also control the age of various things and, essentially, by controlling the age of the disease, kill it. This Devil Fruit would be incredibly useful for her and fans would then get to see why and how she ate it.

Kuma Meets Vegapunk

Dr Vegapunk meet kuma One Piece 1099

It is also possible that Kuma will end up meeting Vegapunk very soon in One Piece chapter 1099. If Kuma does leave on an adventure, the person whom he seeks out first and foremost is likely Vegapunk. Fans know Vegapunk to be a very proud scientist and also the best in the entire world. If there's anyone in the world who would have information on the Sapphire Scale, it would be Vegapunk and he could potentially end up helping Kuma get his hands on a cure or help him in some other way. Perhaps, it is Vegapunk who will lead Kuma to the Toshi Toshi no Mi or give him information pertaining to this Devil Fruit.

Fans do not know how the relationship between Kuma and Vegapunk starts and how exactly it ends up concluding. However, would they do know is that these two characters do meet and Bonney is with Kuma when this happens, given that she mentioned that she was a mere child when she came to this island for the first time.

One Piece chapter 1099 could thus highlight this very event and fans would absolutely love to see how the events on Egghead Island transpired long ago in the past. This could also tie directly to Saturn, who fans know was responsible for taking away Kuma's memory. Perhaps, working with the Marines came at a big price for Kuma that he was willing to pay for none other than Bonney.

The Pacifista Project

The Pacifista From One Piece 1099

If One Piece chapter 1099 does see Kuma and Vegapunk meet, then the Pacifista project could also be brought forward in the story and introduced. Pacifistas have been under works for quite a long time in One Piece and it is entirely possible that the first time that they were created was when Kuma met Vegapunk for the first time. It is also possible that a deal was brokered between Kuma and the World Government. Perhaps, Kuma turned himself into a Pacifista in order to give Bonney a chance to survive the disease. Perhaps that is how he found the Toshi Toshi no Mi, which would help cure the disease and he traded his own life for it. There are quite a lot of mysteries that One Piece chapter 1099 could tackle.

For now, fans are incredibly excited to see how Kuma ends up saving Bonney and giving himself up as a sacrifice. Unfortunately, fans will have to wait to see these events progress, given that One Piece is on a break at the moment. Even with One Piece chapter 1098, it was clear that Oda was struggling to meet his deadlines. The previous chapter of One Piece was unfinished and in order to avoid the upcoming chapter facing similar issues, Oda has taken a break. It is likely that his health is suffering and fans can only hope that he takes proper care of himself, even if that means taking more frequent breaks.

Fans can rest assured that once One Piece returns after a 2-week break, it will continue the incredible flashback surrounding the characters of Kuma and Bonney in a phenomenal manner. The flashback is slowly building up to be exceptional and it could even rival Oden flashback if it continues with the same incredible intensity and, at the same time, emotional weight.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. Since One Piece is going to be on break, the release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1099, is set to be November 26, 2023.

MORE: One Piece: How Ginny Died, Explained