The last few chapters of One Piece have mainly focused on the events taking place on Egghead, the island of the future. The Straw Hats ended up on the island by a stroke of luck, and since then things have progressed rapidly. The Straw Hats gained an ally in Vegapunk and his satellites, and then they had to fight CP0 and the Seraphim.

After capturing Lucci and Kaku, it seemed that the Straw Hats could finally breathe a sigh of relief. But little did they know that they would have to deal with a traitor who was hiding among their ranks. Given the fact that Egghead is the hub of all the action, fans were expecting One Piece Chapter 1079 to be the same. However, the latest chapter was more focused on Elbaf, where a massive event was taking place.

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The Rematch

Kid arrives near Elbaf

Previously, Eustass Kid and his crew had decided to fight the Red Hair Pirates. However, it ended quite badly for Kid, and he ended up losing his left arm. After being humbled, Kid tried to ally with Apoo and Hawkins, but he was crushed by Kaido. Kid was imprisoned and tortured by Kaido, as he wanted the young pirate to join his crew. Kid's misery continued until Luffy reached Wano and helped him to break free. Kid decided to ally with Law and Luffy, and this time, it proved to be the right decision.

Kid and Law fought against Big Mom, who was just as strong as Kaido. The two Supernovas had to use their devil fruit awakenings repeatedly to just injure Big Mom. Oda also went easy on the two pirates by not letting Big Mom use her Advanced Conqueror's Haki. Nonetheless, Law and Kid defeated the Yonko and made their mark. Their contribution was highly significant because otherwise Big Mom would have reunited with Kaido and Luffy would have been killed. Following their victory over the Yonko, all three Worst Generation captains received a bounty of 3 billion berries. Furthermore, their success meant that the alliance could disband. Law, Luffy, and Kid went their separate ways. Not long after his departure, Law was ambushed by the Blackbeard Pirates. Luffy and his crew traveled to Egghead Island. Kid's destination remained a mystery until recently, when it was revealed that he was on his way to Elbaf, the nation of Giants. Shortly afterward, it was confirmed that the Red Hair Pirates were currently in Elbaf. Given the history between the two pirate crews, everything pointed to a massive fight.

Humbled Yet Again

Shanks attacks Kid

Eustass Kid was ready to go all out against Shanks, but Killer warned him that this time the Yonko may not spare his life. Kid decided not to heed his first mate's warning, and in the meantime, Shanks used his Future Sight Haki to see what would happen if the Supernova was allowed to run loose. Shanks hastened to the shore and immediately attacked Kid with Divine Departure, a technique once used by his late captain. The sheer power of the attack not only knocked out Kid but also injured Killer and a few other members of the crew.

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Kid was in a bad shape, and Shanks could easily kill him. However, Heat stepped in and decided to give the Yonko all three of their Road Poneglyph rubbings. Shanks took them and immediately went back to his ship. Following Shanks' departure, Dorry and Brogy unleashed Hakoku Sovereignty, a combined attack that was enough to slice the Victoria Punk into two. The attack sealed the fate of the Kid Pirates. They lost their captain, their crewmates, and their ship. After suffering such a crushing defeat, there is no chance of the Kid Pirates claiming the One Piece.

What This Event Means For The Story

Shanks talks about claiming the One Piece

Kid's defeat means that he is out of the race for the One Piece. Since Shanks took all three Road Poneglyph copies, he is now one of the frontrunners to claim the fabled treasure. Shanks has already expressed his desire to get his hands on the One Piece, so after this victory, it is highly likely that he will make his way to the location of the final Road Poneglyph. Unless it is on Elbaf, then he has all four Road Poneglyphs, and he can simply go to Laugh Tale.

Kid's crushing defeat also shows the disparity between the power of the Yonko and the other pirates. Kid foolishly tried to challenge someone out of his league, and he got his comeuppance. Trafalgar Law, his fellow Supernova, also seems to have been defeated by Blackbeard. The two pirates had locked horns on Winner Island, and they had bet everything that they had. In Chapter 1079, Blackbeard's ship was seen outside Egghead Island, implying that the Yonko had gotten the better of Law. Meanwhile, the Straw Hats are facing a major threat on Egghead Island, and they cannot escape so easily. At the moment, Shanks has no further impediments in his path. So he can go to Laugh Tale unchallenged. One thing that remains unclear is why Shanks waited for so long before trying to claim the treasure. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that this secret is going to be disclosed anytime soon, so fans will have to be patient in order to learn more about the chief of the Red Hair Pirates.

MORE: One Piece 1079: The Strength Of Yonko Red-Haired Shanks