The Seraphims were recently introduced in One Piece during the Egghead Island arc, after the conclusion of the Wano Country saga after 4 long years. These Seraphim are known to be incredibly powerful and were actually teased immediately after the two-year timeskip. Sentomaru, one of the Marine members of the Special Science Group mentioned that the Pacifista are a work in progress and that they are stronger now than they were before. Eventually, after the dissolution of the Shichibukai system, the Navy decided to put their faith in none other than the newly designed Pacifista from Dr. Vegapunk.

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These creations were later revealed as the Serpahims on Amazon Lily, when Blackbeard attacked Boa Hancock in an attempt to get his hands on her Devil Fruit. There, the Navy had already started deploying two of them, S-Hawk and the S-Snake. Now, on the island of Egghead, all of the Seraphims are present and will most likely end up playing a key role in the future of the arc. Boa Hancock's Seraphim, S-snake, is one of the most interesting ones as her character is special in more ways than one.

The Clone Of Boa Hancock

One piece 1056 Boa Hancock

It is unknown how Dr. Vegapunk managed to clone Boa Hancock as the two are not known to have met at any point in the story. However, during the Paramount War, it is possible that the Navy managed to get their hands on her lineage factor somehow. As such, it most likely paved way for Dr. Vegapunk to clone her body and her Devil Fruit powers and create a Seraphim of her. Boa Hancock's Seraphim is quite similar to all the others that fans have seen in the story so far.

The Seraphim appears to be a child version of Hancock, however, much larger in size, towering over even some humans with ease. At the same time, this Seraphim possesses brown skin and white hair, which is a trait of the Lunarian tribe. S-Snake also has black wings and a large flame on her back, which is yet another trait of the Lunarian race of the One Piece world. She was first seen during the attack on Amazon Lily and there, she was seen engaging in combat with Margaret and Sweetpea.

The Pacifista Body Of S-Snake

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The Pacifistas were the basis for the Seraphims. As such, it is no surprise that they possess the features of the predecessor models as well. While S-Snake was on Amazon Lily, she was shown to have the ability to emit laser beams from her palms. This is exactly how the Pacifistas before the timeskip were modeled. Every single one of them had laser cannons on the palms of their hands, which were most likely created with research done on Admiral Kizaru and his Pika Pika no Mi. S-Snake was seen making use of this power to destroy large chunks of the island with rather ease.

RELATED: One Piece: Boa Hancock's Devil Fruit, Explained

So far, she has not been seen in combat ever since, however, it is much more likely that her prowess over this power exceeds that of a regular Pacifista, as she is the completed version of what the Pacifista ought to be. Along with the laser beams, S-Snake also has the incredibly tough body of the Pacifistas. Before the timeskip, these bodies were strong enough to withstand blows from accomplished swordsman such as Roronoa Zoro and kicks from Sanji. Now, the toughness of these Pacifista is higher than ever before and S-Snake most likely possesses that as well.

The Lunarian Abilities Of S-Snake

One Piece Hancock Seraphim

The most intriguing part about the Seraphims created by Dr. Vegapunk is that they all possess the Lineage Factor of the Lunarian race of the One Piece world. This race is known to have been gods 400 years ago and they lived atop the Red Line. Now, they are seemingly extinct, with King the Wildfire of the Beast Pirates being their last known member. It must be remembered that King was once a captive of the World Government and Dr. Vegapunk most likely experimented on him and extracted his Lineage Factor, similar to how he created a replica of Kaido's Devil Fruit. He most certainly also engineered ways to inject the Lineage Factor of King's race into others. This is very evident in the body of all the Seraphims seen in the story so far.

Boa Hancock's Seraphim, S-Snake, also has brown skin, white hair, black wings, and a flame on her back. As such, she is known to hold tremendous resilience and will most likely not take damage from normal attacks as long as the flame on her back is burning. Hancock's Seraphim, S-Snake, most likely also has the ability to gain tremendous speed at the cost of enhanced resilience and durability. When this happens, the flame on her back dies down and she gains tremendous speed in exchange. At the same time, S-Snake also has the ability to conjure fire out of nowhere and use it in combat. Fans saw King make use of these abilities with techniques such as Karyudon in his fight against Zoro. S-Snake most likely also possesses this power and can emulate it just as well.

It is interesting to note, however, that the Seraphim seem to hold some level of personality of their parent bodies. As such, S-Snake will most likely have some traits that she shares with the actual Hancock. One of the most defining characteristics of Boa Hancock is that she is infatuated with Luffy, the main character of One Piece. Given that S-Snake is currently on Egghead, just like Luffy is, it is only a matter of time before the two end up meeting. Fans could even see S-Snake go against any and all orders given to her and take Luffy's side in combat, simply because she holds feelings of adoration and love for this particular person. Without a doubt, S-Snake is an incredibly powerful character and could even become a powerful ally for Luffy.

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