The Seraphim are known to be the latest and the greatest invention of Dr. Vegapunk in One Piece. According to him, they are the strongest living beings to ever exist and hold frightening potential for growth. The Seraphim were created by using the Pacifista project as a basis. For those who don't remember, the Pacifista were created by using the body of Bartholomew Kuma before the event of the two-year timeskip of One Piece. These are human weapons created by cloning Kuma's body and they were made extremely tough – capable of taking down even the most frightening New World Pirates. At the same time, these Pacifista were fit with the laser of Admiral Kizaru, which made them even more dangerous.

RELATED: Strongest Swords In One PieceDespite being so threatening, these Pacifistas were always known to be a work in progress and, the true goal was to create the Seraphim, who were only recently unveiled in the main story of One Piece. Nearly every member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea has their own Seraphim, however, the one that must have been the easiest easy for Vegapunk to create is undoubtedly, S-Bear, the Seraphim of Bartholomew Kuma.

How S-Bear Was Created

S Bear Kuma Seraphim

Bartholomew Kuma was the man responsible for the creation of the Pacifistas alongside Dr. Vegapunk, who was a scientist working on the project. He has been experimenting his entire life on various things and one of the most groundbreaking achievements of his is the process of cloning. Vegapunk achieved success in cloning nearly 22 years ago, which is also when he was a part of MADS as their lead scientist. MADS also included the likes of Caesar clown, Vinsmoke Judge, and Queen, along with Miss Buckingham Stussy.

At some point, Vegapunk carried out the experiment for cloning and was able to find success by making the very first successful human clone in Stussy, which, as many fans would guess, was a clone of Miss Buckingham Stussy. This cloning would later end up becoming the basis for the creation of the Army of Germa 66. It also became the basis for the Seraphim, which is what Vegapunk created recently. The key to all the Seraphim lies in the Lineage Factor, which is akin to the DNA in the One Piece world. By getting a sample of the Lineage Factor of any living being or even a Devil Fruit, Vegapunk has attempted to create perfect replicas, or clones. Given the fact that Vegapunk worked with Bartholomew Kuma for so long, he was able to extract his Lineage Factor and create a perfect human clone of him. However, this clone was not like the Pacifista. Instead, this clone was only a kid, however, sized up to resemble a giant.

The Devil Fruit Powers

Kuma using his Paw Paw fruit

While the cloning process was certainly key in the creation of S-Bear, much of its power lies in the Devil Fruit ability that Bartholomew Kuma possesses. As fans know, Kuma is the user of the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi. By extracting the Lineage Factor of this Devil Fruit, Vegapunk was able to create a substance known as Green Blood. This Green Blood courses through the veins of every Seraphim seen so far. In the case of S-Bear, this Green Blood was created directly from the Devil Fruit powers of the real Kuma. As such, it has given him the abilities of the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi without actually having eaten the Devil Fruit. S-Bear possesses tremendous power and his abilities allow him to repel things at the speed of light.

RELATED: One Piece: Most Underwhelming Characters In The SeriesAt the same time, he can also take out intangible things such as emotions or memories from within an object. This was seen when he was able to extract all of Zoro's pain from his body. He also did the same thing to himself and extracted all of his own memories, which is how he slowly lost his humanity. S-Bear holds the same powers and can exercise them to the fullest degree. In the Egghead Island arc, he was seen making use of abilities such as Ursus Shock, which brought down a big portion of the landscape on the island. He can also teleport himself, thanks to the abilities that he possesses, and that is exactly how he entered Egghead Island in the first place.

The Lunarian Abilities

release date seraphim one piece 1071

While these abilities already make him very dangerous, it certainly isn't all that S-Bear has going on for himself. On top of everything discussed so far, Vegapunk was also able to give the Seraphims the Lineage Factor of the Lunarian race. This means that all the Seraphim have a pair of black wings, dark skin, and white hair which signify their connection to the Lunarian race. At the same time, a giant flame can be seen on their backs and this flame is the source of a big chunk of their powers. As long as the flame is lit, the Seraphims should be nearly impossible to damage. In combat, these flames can diminish and, when this happens, the Seraphims' defense goes down drastically, however, in exchange, they gain blazing speed.

At the same time, the Lunarian lineage factor should also allow each Seraphim to manipulate flames and even produce a substance that looks like magma and incorporate it in comb at. All these things combined make S-Bear a force to be reckoned with and one of the strongest beings in existence in the One Piece world. What is frightening is that he is still a mere child at the moment and will only grow to become even stronger. This is why Vegapunk exclaimed that the Seraphims are the strongest living beings on the planet.

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