
  • Nico Robin is a versatile fighter and skilled with her Devil Fruit power, but there are other Devil Fruits that could enhance her abilities.
  • The Suke Suke no Mi would be a perfect fit for Robin, as it grants invisibility, which would aid her in assassination and infiltration.
  • The Nagi Nagi no Mi would also be ideal for Robin, as it allows her to create soundproof barriers and sneak in and out of anywhere without being noticed.

Nico Robin is the archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates and certainly one of One Piece's most important characters. Along with being an archaeologist who is deeply linked to the true history of the One Piece world, Robin also possesses skills as a fighter. In fact, she is one of the main fighters of the Straw Hat Pirates and enjoys a good fight just as much as the likes of the Monster Trio.

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Robin utilizes her Hana Hana no Mi in combat, which allows her to sprout any part of her body from anywhere. This Devil Fruit offers her powers that she can use for multiple purposes, making Robin a very versatile fighter. While the Hana Hana no Mi is absolutely perfect for her, if Robin were to eat some other Devil Fruit, there are a handful that would fit her perfectly.

6 Suke Suke no Mi

One Piece Shiryu Using The Clear-Clear Fruit's Invisibility

The Suke Suke no Mi is a very unique Devil Fruit. This fruit gives the power of invisibility to the user. This invisibility can be used on themselves at any point and it can also be spread to any other person or object that the user makes contact with. By her own admission, Robin specializes in assassination.

This means that a Devil Fruit that allows her to sneak in and sneak out or land deadly blows without her opponent noticing would be absolutely perfect for her. The Suke Suke no Mi offers just that and would, thus, be a fitting Devil Fruit for her to utilize in combat as well as to infiltrate places and gain key information.

5 Bisu Bisu no Mi

Charlotte Cracker from One Piece smiling threateningly

The Bisu Bisu no Mi is a Paramecia type of Devil Fruit that allows the user to create as well as manipulate biscuits at will. While this Devil Fruit does not seem a fitting one for Robin at first, when taking into consideration its multitasking abilities, it would surely be a perfect fit. The user can create multiple clones of themselves using biscuits or even biscuit warriors.

They can be multiplied indefinitely as long as the user keeps clapping their hands. Robin is known to create various parts of her body and sprout them from her surroundings. She can also create clones using her Devil Fruit ability. This fruit would allow her to do that on a much greater scale. She could produce biscuit arms, or legs, just as she does with her Hana Hana ability. She could also create multiple clones of herself and corner her enemies in a matter of seconds.

4 Nagi Nagi no Mi

Donquixote Rosinante from One Piece

The Nagi Nagi no Mi is a unique Devil Fruit that also belongs to the Paramecia class. It allows the user to create soundproof barriers and erect them around a certain area, or remove sound from a person or object entirely. Inside the barriers, no sound is able to get out. At the same time, the user can also completely erase any sound coming from their body or any other body as well that is inside the room.

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Given that Robin specializes in assassination as well as infiltration, this fruit would be absolutely perfect for her. It would aid her greatly in dealing with powerful enemies by taking them by surprise and, at the same time, it would also benefit her on the quest for Poneglyphs, as she would be able to sneak in and out of anywhere without anyone so much as noticing her presence.

3 Bara Bara no Mi

Mihawk cuts Buggy into pieces

The Bara Bara no Mi offers the power of chopping up body parts and controlling them telekinetically to the user. Fans are very well familiar with this Devil Fruit, given that it is used extensively by Buggy. This Devil Fruit would also work very well with Robin. It would allow her to chop off her body parts and then use them from a distance.

This would be very similar to how she is able to sprout her body parts from the bodies of our enemies or close by. Furthermore, this will also allow Robin to investigate and gain information, for instance, by placing her ears and attaching them to someone's body.

2 Doa Doa no Mi

One Piece Blueno fights against Luffy

The Doa Doa no Mi would be another powerful Devil Fruit that aids Robin greatly. Once again, it would help her in infiltrating as well as assassinating her enemies. This Devil Fruit allows the user to create a door out of anything for the user to pass through. This also includes a pocket dimension that the user can create out of thin air and vanish.

This would allow Robin to enter the most dangerous places without being spotted and gain whatever information she would need without getting into trouble. The Doa Doa no Mi would also allow her to assassinate anyone who would stand in her way without resorting to full-scale combat. Surely, this Devil Fruit would help Robin greatly as an archaeologist.

1 Nomi Nomi no Mi

Featured Dr Vegapunk's devil Nomi Nomi no Mi

Introduced recently in One Piece, the Nomi Nomi no Mi is an exceptionally useful Devil Fruit that currently belongs to Dr. Vegapunk. It allows him to store an infinite amount of information in his brain. This essentially makes him a walking library. Given that Robin studies quite a lot of Poneglyphs, and has other bits of information that she would want to remember, this fruit would be absolutely perfect for her.

All the books in Ohara could have been kept safe inside her brain as she would remember every single detail from them. Robin would also remember even the smallest bits of random information that could aid her greatly on her quest to find the Rio Poneglyph. The only downside to this Devil Fruit would be that it would make her head ginormous once she collected enough information.

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