With the end of the Wano arc, fans had been thinking about how and where will the story move forward but Eiichiro Oda, the author of One Piece, is known for making every new story arc better than the previous one. Fans had been speculating an arc based on Elbaf, the kingdom of the giant warriors. Elbaf is home to all the giant warriors and Giant Warrior Pirates like the ones that had made appearances in the previous arcs like Dorry the blue ogre and Brogy the red ogre (the two captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates), Jaguar D. Saul, and Hajrudin, etc.

The recent chapters of the One Piece manga and the events that took place in those chapters have led fans to surety about the next arc in the franchise. Finally, It is almost confirmed that the story of One Piece is now headed toward the Elbaf arc with plenty of build-up and mystery. As evident from the previous arcs in the One Piece manga and anime, the Elbaf arc will also follow a unique theme which would most probably be that of the Vikings, the seafaring people from Scandinavia from the old times as all the Elbaf giants are mostly styled like the Vikings.

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Dr. Vegapunk's Big Reveal

One Piece

Eiichiro has been throwing some big surprises on the fans with recent events like the team-up between the Straw Hats and the CP0 on Egghead island that nobody saw coming. But what made the fans astounded was the big reveal by one of Dr. Vegapunk's satellite bodies, Vegapunk Shaka (Punk-01) in chapter-1066. Shaka gave the Straw Hats some information related to the biggest mystery in the One Piece world, the Void Century, and related to the island of scholars, Ohara. Shaka told Straw Hats about his acquaintance with the Ohara's scholar leader, professor Clover, and how the latter formed Ohara by gathering numerous scholars there.

Shaka went on to tell them about his visit to the Ohara months after it was destroyed by the Navy's buster call and found out that the navy even burned the tree of Knowledge. The information that he revealed later shocked the fans of the franchise as he revealed that during his visit to Ohara after it was destroyed, he saw the giants of Elbaf taking out the books and other significant materials that belong to the Ohara scholars from the lake in the central area. He even came across the leader of the Revolutionary Army and Luffy's father, Monkey D. Dragon who was also professor Clover's good friend. Dragon mentioned that he won't let professor Clover's legacy and the will of Ohara go in vain.

Shaka (Dr. Vegapunk) told the Straw Hats that he even went to Elbaf to read the books and documents of the Ohara scholars that were saved and conserved by the giants who let him read the materials. Then, he confirmed the captain of those giants was/is Jaguar D. Saul on being asked by Nico Robin. Tears started falling from Robin's eyes as Saul was his best friend and savior who saved her from the marines during the buster call, it is because of him that Robin could live. This new information about the Void Century, the will of Ohara, and Saul being alive is pointing the Straw Hat Pirates toward the kingdom of Elbaf, possibly their next big adventure in the franchise.

Red Hair Pirates Vs Kid Pirates

One Piece

The other big thing that Oda has attracted the attention of One Piece fans toward is the possible battle between the Red Hair Pirates and the Kid Pirates that might take place soon. Fans have attached a lot of curiosity to Shanks and his Red Hair Pirates crew since he is one of the most popular characters in the series. Fans were in turmoil regarding Shanks' status as a Yonko (emperor of the sea) since they never saw his fleet and territory that almost all the Yonkos have at their disposal.

Oda cleared the air about these things with the latest chapter, fans got to see a few glimpses of Shanks' fleet that includes several pirate ships. Some of the scenes in the chapter have got fans pondering on the idea that perhaps the kingdom of Elbaf and the regions and the surrounding seas possibly make up Shanks' territory as a Yonko. This speculation is because Shanks, his crew, and his fleet were shown in a bar situated on a port of Elbaf kingdom, and some of the people of Elbaf and a giant kid were shown admiring Shanks and his crew as they are Elbaf's protectors. The two legendary captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates Dorry and Brogy were also present there, and they addressed Shanks as a brother when the latter asked them to lend a hand against the Kid Pirates.

On the other hand, the Kid Pirates have started an attack on Shanks' fleet as reported to Shanks by his crew member, Rockstar. The leader of the Kid Pirates, Eustass 'Captain' Kid could be seen talking to his crew and giving them a speech about fighting the Red Hair Shanks and his crew as he is confident not to lose to the Red Hair Pirates this time. All of these events are directing the Straw Hat Pirates toward Elbaf as they would meet Jaguar D. Saul, Dorry and Brogy, Shanks and his crew, and they might even find a poneglyph that is being guarded by the giant warriors of Elbaf. Therefore, the next arc in One Piece would most probably be based on Elbaf and its giant warriors.

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