One Piece is known for its vast and diverse world, which contains all sorts of races. Oda has used a variety of races to tackle the important theme of racism, and to show what each of them is capable of achieving. The Minks are among the more common races found in One Piece.

Introduced in the Zou arc, the Minks immediately caught the attention of the viewers with their unique designs. They possess an innate talent for fighting, and their strength only improves as they grow up. Alongside their ability to use Electro, the Minks have another special power known as the Sulong. Over the course of the series, many members of the Mink Tribe have revealed their Sulong forms, but some of them are better than others.

8 Three Inuarashi Musketeers

Musketeer Squad's sulong form

The Three Inuarashi Musketeers are among the strongest fighters in the Mink Tribe. The squad is made up of Shishilian, Concelot, and Giovanni.

All three members of this trio were involved in the raid on Onigashima. The Three Inuarashi Musketeers used their Sulong forms to fight against the pirates. Needless to say, they played an important role in the success of the raid.

7 Roddy and Black Back

Roddy and Black's sulong forms

Roddy and Black Back are two of the Guardians who protect the Whale Forest. They operate directly under Nekomamushi's command, and they are both very loyal to him. Black Back is a gorilla mink, while Roddy is a bull mink.

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Black Back's Sulong took his already incredible physical strength to the next level. Roddy, on the other hand, became more enraged, and he could fight against several members of the Beasts Pirates without any problems.

6 Pekoms

Pekoms goes berserk in sulong

Pekoms began his journey as a pirate with the Nox Pirates. But after the crew was captured by Big Mom, Pekoms left and joined the Emperor's crew. Pekoms is able to use Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki. He knocked out Caribou with a single punch, which is a big testament to Pekoms' strength.

Pekoms used his Sulong form on Whole Cake Island to fight against hundreds of members of the Big Mom Pirates. However, he lacks proper control over his transformation, which is why he was eventually overwhelmed.

5 Wanda

Wanda in her sulong form

Wanda is compassionate and always tries to help other people. While she did not get an opportunity to fight on Whole Cake Island, she did make a significant contribution in Wano.

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As a member of the Inuarashi Musketeer Squad, Wanda is a talented fighter. In Wano, she teamed up with Carrot to fight Charlotte Perospero. The eldest son of Big Mom was able to overwhelm them, but things changed when the two minks used their Sulong form. Along with the increase in her physical abilities, Wanda also gained long white hair and red eyes.

4 Carrot

Carrot's sulong form

Carrot is one of the most popular characters in the story. She joined the Sanji Retrieval Team, which traveled to Whole Cake Island to rescue Sanji. Despite being so young, Carrot proved to be an excellent addition to the team. As a member of the Mink Tribe, Carrot naturally has access to Electro, which she uses to fight her opponents.

In the Whole Cake Island arc, Carrot used her Sulong form for the very first time. Her Sulong gave her a more regal appearance, and it is undoubtedly one of the best transformations in the series to date. With the help of the Sulong, she was able to destroy multiple ships of the Big Mom Pirates. Carrot used the form again in Wano to fight Perospero, but she was unable to finish him off.

3 Inuarashi

Inuarashi's sulong form

Inurashi is the former ruler of Mokomo Dukemom. While he was still young, Inuarashi, along with Nekomamushi, ended up on the shores of Wano. The people of the country did not take to them kindly, but Oden saved the two minks. Eventually, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi became Oden's retainers and traveled with him on two of the strongest pirate crews in history.

Unlike Nekomamushi, Inuarashi is more serious and sensible. However, there is no difference in their power levels. Inuarashi's Sulong form enabled him to defeat several members of the Beasts Pirates. Toward the end of the Wano Country arc, he used an attack powered by his Sulong to defeat Jack once and for all. This was a major victory for Inuarashi, as Jack had wreaked havoc in Mokomo Dukedom along with his subordinates.

2 Nekomamushi

Nekomamushi in his Sulong

Nekomamushi is the former protector of the Whale Forest and one of the two rulers of the Mokomo Dukedom. He is also one of Kozuki Oden's retainers, and he played an important role in the Wano Country arc. Nekomamushi is normally cheerful, but his mood changes quickly if he senses danger.

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Nekomamushi revealed his Sulong form in the fight against Kaido. In his transformed state, Nekomamushi looks feral, and his physical strength increases by several folds. Despite not being able to cause any serious damage to Kaido, Nekomamushi's Sulong form was strong enough to take down Charlotte Persopero.

1 Bepo

Bepo Sulong form

Bepo is the navigator of the Heart Pirates, which makes him an indispensable member of the crew. He is a polar bear mink who ended up in North Blue after he tried to chase his brother. Bepo is a talented martial artist, as evidenced by his demolition of several Marines in Sabaody.

Bepo's Sulong form was revealed in the Egghead arc. He was able to transform with the help of a special drug given to him by Chopper. After the transformation, Bepo looked like a ferocious bear, and he was able to push back the Blackbeard Pirates temporarily.

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