
  • The Nine Red Scabbards, also known as the Akazaya Nine, played a key role in the War of Onigashima, fighting against Kaido and Orochi to free Wano Country. Not all of them survived the war.
  • Kawamatsu had a significant role in collecting weapons and fighting against Kaido, but didn't stand out too much. He survived the war and serves as a vassal of Shogun Momonosuke.
  • Kiku fought well against Kaido, but let emotions hinder her and failed to finish off the traitor Kanjuro. She survived the war and is serving as a vassal of Momonosuke, but needs to improve her skills to keep him safe.

One Piece's Nine Red Scabbards, or the Akazaya Nine, are a group of incredibly loyal samurai fighting under the late Kozuki Oden's name. After Kanjuro's betrayal right before Onigashima, Izo took his place as the 9th Scabbard. Following Oden's death, these brave samurai took it upon themselves to fulfill their liege's wishes in One Piece's Wano country arc.

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The goal of the Raid on Onigashima was for them to free the country, as requested by Kozuki Oden, from the clutches of Kaido and Orochi. Most importantly, they were to ensure the Shogun's seat goes to Kozuki Momonosuke, the rightful heir. While all of them fought Kaido, some ended up contributing more than the others.

Updated on October 5, 2023, by Rei Penber: The Nine Red Scabbards, also known as the Akazaya Nine, are powerful samurai who played a great role in the War of Onigashima. These powerful warriors fought against the likes of Orochi, Kaido, and Big Mom in an attempt to free Wano Country. With the help of their trusted allies, they certainly succeeded at this task, however, the contribution of each member certainly varied. At the end of it all, Wano was liberated and while the oppressors were defeated, not all those who took part in the war managed to survive. Since the story has progressed quite a lot following the conclusion of the Onigashima Raid, this list has now been updated.

9 Kawamatsu

Kawamatsu One Piece

Kawamatsu the Kappa has had a strong relationship with Princess Hiyori, as he is the one who saved and raised her after the Oden castle was torched. Unfortunately, he lost contact with her and got imprisoned in Udon for 13 years.

Kawamatsu had a more important role outside of Onigashima, during the first half of Wano in Udon. He collected weapons for everyone, thanks to Onimaru's help. During the raid, his only significant contribution was fighting alongside the other 8 Scabbards against Kaido, and even then, he didn't stand out too much.

Kawamatsu's Current Status: Alive

Kawamatsu was one of the survivors of the Onigashima war. He did not end up playing a major role in the war at all. After being defeated by Kaido, he mostly defended the Live Floor and that was it. Since he was not in any significant danger, it is quite clear to see why he ended up surviving. Currently, he serves as a vassal of Shogun Momonosuke.

8 Kiku

Okiku One Piece

O-Kiku is the most caring and kind member of the Akazaya, and she certainly had a few moments of shine in Onigashima. However, her overall contribution didn't amount to much. In fact, she hindered the others as she let her emotions get in the way of the task at hand. As seen during the raid, she fought two fights with Kurozumi Kanjuro, the traitor, and in both of these confrontations, she failed to finish him off due to her emotions and the deep history the two shared.

This hesitation almost led to her and Kin'emon's deaths. Furthermore, her failure also gave Kanjuro the opportunity to kill Ashura. Nonetheless, she also fought well against Kaido and had an incredibly memorable moment where, even after losing her arm to Kaido's attacks, she still stood up to fight. While she did have her moments, she certainly wasn't the most helpful.

Kiku's Current Status: Alive

Kiku was injured severely in the Onigashima War. It was quite clear in the War that she was one of the weakest members of the Nine Red Scabbards. She lost her arm in the fight against Kaido and, later on, she was stabbed right through the chest by Kanjuro.

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Luffy came close to death more than once throughout One Piece.

In the end, she was saved by Usopp. She survived the war and, currently, she is serving as a vassal of Momonosuke. However, if she intends to keep him safe, she certainly needs to level up her skills.

7 Ashura Doji

Ashura Doji One Piece

Ashura Doji was a former bandit who returned to his criminal activities after Oden's death under the name of Shutenmaru. Following Kin'emon's return, he rejoined the Scabbards, especially after witnessing Yasuie's sacrifice.

In Onigashima, he fought bravely against Kaido, as did the other eight, but his most important contribution was sacrificing his life to protect the other members of the Red Scabbards from Kanjuro's trap. While this certainly was a big sacrifice, it could've been entirely avoided and only came to be due to Kiku and Kinemon's naivety.

Ashura's Current Status: Dead

Ashura was one of the members of the Nine Red Scabbards who ended up dying in the Onigashima Raid. He was responsible for saving the Nine Red Scabbards at the cost of his life.

He was blown up by Kanjuro and his body was charred to a crisp. After the war, Ashura received his own grave in Ringo where he's currently laying at rest alongside the other fallen samurai.

6 Denjiro

Denjiro One Piece

Formerly known as Kyoshiro, Denjiro hid his identity for 20 years in order to orchestrate the perfect raid with his fellow Scabbards when they returned. Just like every other member of the group, he fought against Kaido and contributed well to the fight.

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His most notable contribution in this arc, however, was his payback to Orochi, whom he had tricked into believing that he was his faithful dog for 20 years. He beheaded Orochi and saved Kozuki Hiyori, Oden's daughter, whom he had sworn to protect and shelter after he took over from Kawamatsu.

Denjiro's Current Status: Alive

Denjiro is another character who did not play much of a role in the Onigashima War. Even though he fought against Kaido admirably, he completely vanished after that.

The only time he showed up was at the end of the war where he chopped off Orochi's head. He saved Hiyori in quite some fashion and, after that, he joined Momonosuke, who took control of the country and aimed to better it for everyone.

5 Inuarashi

Inuarashi and Nekomamushi One Piece

Duke Inuarashi, also known as Dogstorm, is a dog Mink who rules part of the Mokomo Dukedom and is the ruler of the day on the island of Zou. During the raid on Onigashima, he fought against Kaido in his Sulong form, which made him even more majestic and powerful than he already is. With a giant white body and glowing red eyes, he took on Kaido and dealt incredibly well against him in combat.

His best contribution during this arc was his fight against Jack, one of Beast Pirates' All-Stars. Inuarashi suffered at his hands on Zou and this fight gave him the opportunity to pay Jack back.

Inuarashi's Current Status: Alive

Inuarashi fought admirably in the war. Out of all the members of the Akazaya Nine, his contribution was certainly immense.

He was able to fight against Jack, one of the Lead Performers of the Beast Pirates, and take him down. After the war concluded, Inuarashi did not go back to Zou. Instead, he decided to stay in Wano in order to help restore the country and serve Momonosuke.

4 Nekomamushi

Nekomamushi and Inuarashi in their sulong forms

Nekomamushi, or Cat Viper, is a cat Mink who rules one half of the Mokomo Dukedom, just like Inuarashi. He is the ruler of the night on Zou, the giant elephant island. He fought fiercely against Kaido during Onigashima in his Sulong form – a dangerous state that can only be activated during the full moon.

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Later, Nekomamushi fought Perospero, who Carrot and Wanda had failed to defeat. Thanks to the full moon, he defeated Perospero and avenged Pedro, while also saving Carrot and Wanda's lives.

Nekomamushi's Current Status: Alive

Just like Inu, Nekomamushi also ended up surviving the war. He was one of the biggest contributors in the war and he took down a powerful foe in Perospero.

Nekomamushi, just like Inuarashi, decided to stay behind in Wano and help Momo. The control of the Mokomo Dukedom was given to Carrot, the next-generation leader of the country.

3 Raizo

Raizo One Piece

Raizo of the Mist is a renowned ninja in the land of Wano and an incredibly loyal Samurai. In Zou, he was the reason for Jack's arrival on the island and the destruction that occurred there. In Wano, Raizo played quite an important role as he helped free certain people from Udon.

During the fight against Kaido, he was one of the biggest contributors as he reflected some of Kaido's own techniques back at him, using the abilities of his Maki Maki no Mi. Thanks to this fruit, he was also able to extinguish the fire that was burning all of Onigashima, saving countless lives. Further, he also contributed by fighting and defeating Fukurokuju.

Raizo's Current Status: Alive

Raizo saved countless lives in the raid of Onigashima. He fought to the best of his abilities against Kaido, and, after that, he doused the flames that would otherwise have taken thousands of lives.

After the war concluded, he served Momonosuke admirably and helped him restore the country to its former glory.

2 Izo

Izo One Piece

Izo is a character that fans have known since Marineford, as he served as the 16th Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates crew. In the Wano arc, he was revealed to be Kiku's older brother. After Kanjuro's betrayal, he took his place as Oden's retainer and fought hard on Onigashima against Kaido.

He is one of two Scabbards who didn't make it out of the fight alive. Izo died in the fight against the CP0 member, Maha, however, he managed to kill him as well. Thanks to him, the lives of many others, notably Kin'emon, Kiku, Usopp, Robin, and Brook, were saved.

Izo's Current Status: Dead

Izo ended up losing his life while trying to save his sister and Kin'emon. He entrusted both of them to Usopp and clashed against CP0.

In the fight against Maha, he lost his life. After the war concluded, a grave was built for Izo in Ringo and his weapons were laid to rest with him.

1 Kin'emon

Kin'emon Kitsunebi Ryu

Fox-Fire Kin'emon is the best-written member of the Akazaya Nine and has also always been the most important one. His importance in Wano cannot be understated as he acted like a great leader for the samurai to rally behind. At the beginning of the Raid, he was, unknowingly, able to trick Kanjuro by following the wrong plan from Yasuie.

During the Raid, he led the charge against Kaido and also fought very hard against the Yonko with the rest of his comrades. He ensured Momonosuke's survival, which essentially saved the Raid. In the end, he was the one who ended Kanjuro's life.

Kin'emon's Current Status: Alive

Kin'emon could easily have died in the Raid of Onigashima. Thanks to the efforts of characters such as Izo and Usopp, he ended up surviving. He was treated by Chopper at the end of it all and, he then helped Momo rule Wano as one of his most trusted advisors and his parental figure.

Currently, he is one of the strongest and the most trusted samurai of the country and that will always be the case. He was also offered a chance to join the Straw Hat Pirates, alongside Momo and Yamato, by Luffy. It is likely that the fans have not seen the last of these characters as they will come into play in the Final War once again. For now, however, his main responsibility is to build Wano from the ground up.

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