The following contains spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1078, "Escape Limit," by Eiichiro Oda, translated by Stephen Paul available in English from Viz Media.

One Piece 1078 marked the continuation of the series after it had recently returned from a two-week break with chapter 1077. The story continues in its Egghead Island arc and with each passing chapter, Oda goes on to further prove that the arc isn't going to be a short one, which fans had previously assumed, as the series had recently come out of its four-year-long Wano Country arc. As Egghead Island ramps up, Oda is finally heading towards the conflict of the arc, which is, at this point, two-fold.

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The first is the traitor on the Island who has betrayed everyone, including Dr. Vegapunk himself. The second is the incoming threat of the Navy that the Straw Hat Pirates will soon be faced with. Both the plot points were touched upon in One Piece 1078 and revealed shocking yet incredible details to the fans.

The Egghead Incident

stussy one piece chapter 1078

One Piece 1078 started with Stussy and Sentomaru conversing about the dire state that Egghead is currently in. As fans know already, the fate that Egghead faces is a grim one, with the Navy heading to the island to destroy it. The fleet is led by Admiral Kizaru and along with him are 100 battleships which likely have a bunch of Vice Admirals on them. What's more, they also have one of the Gorosei, Jaygarcia Saturn aboard, which only increases the tension of the arc further. With that, it is pretty clear that Egghead will face a fate that is worse than Ohara's. As that was established, the people of the island immediately started their evacuation, which is due to save many lives, thankfully. At the same time, the narrator of the story went on to explain what had transpired over the past few months.

The situation on Egghead looked to be under control until one day, the World Government got a report from someone on Egghead Island stating that Vegapunk had betrayed them and was studying the Poneglyphs. Immediately, the Government mobilized the Cipher Pol units, however, they never returned from the island, which led to CP0 being sent on a mission to assassinate Vegapunk with the help of the Navy. While the mission looked quite simple, it was the next day that shocked everyone as the Straw Hat Pirates arrived on the island. What is to follow is going to be a day of historic proportions that will shake the entire world.

The Seraphims On The Island

s-snake one piece chapter 1078

At the same time, One Piece 1078 also focused quite a bit on the Seraphims on the island. Luffy and his group were continuing to fight S-Bear and S-Hawk, who, by the looks of it, weren't turning their flames off. Curiously, S-Hawk had disappeared leading to Zoro and Kaku chasing him down before he hurt someone else. Meanwhile, Luffy attempted to figure out a way to get through the defenses of S-Bear, however, pulling it off was quite hard for him. The next few chapters should see the Straw Hat break through its defenses. While Luffy and Zoro struggled against the Seraphims, it was Sanji who stole the show during his fight against S-Shark. Sanji was seen taking a punch straight to the face from him, however, much to the surprise of the beast, Sanji didn't take any damage.

RELATED: One Piece: Oda Reveals The Fate Of Egghead Island In Chapter 1077

This is down to Sanji's lineage factor manipulation kicking in, turning him into a massively powerful fighter the durability of whose is on par with that of the Lunarians, by the looks of it. Sanji goes on to call it the power of love, which further hammers home the point that his scientific powers stem from emotions, making him very different from his brother. At the same time, S-Snake dealt with Pythagoras and managed to advance without killing Franky. Where she is headed next isn't known, however, it is likely that she'll cross paths with Sanji, Nami, and Brook.

York's Betrayal

York one piece CHAPTER 1078

The biggest reveal of One Piece 1078 came towards the end, when the traitor of Egghead Island was finally revealed to the fans. In the old abandoned Devil Fruit laboratory where Vegapunk had been captured, Shaka was shot right through his head in the previous chapter. In this week's chapter, fans saw the person who betrayed the group step forward, and it was none other than York, which almost nobody had predicted. However, one closer look at her character would reveal that she is the manifestation of Vegapunk's Greed, making it quite obvious why she betrayed the group.

York wants more than she already has and for that, she started giving information to the World Government. She wants to become a Celestial Dragon, as she explained in the chapter. When Vegapunk tried to reason with her, she went on to state that she's going to kill all the satellites and the Stella, simply because the world doesn't need too many of them and that by doing that, she'd ascend to the status of Celestial Dragons. For now, Robin, Chopper, and Atlas are headed to the Devil Fruit laboratory, and they could soon come face to face with Dr. Vegapunk and York. Whether they'll be able to deal with the group or not remains to be seen, however, the next few chapters of One Piece will certainly be telling.

MORE: One Piece: Sanji Vs. S-Shark, Explained