One Piece 1051 finally dropped and, once again, fans were at the receiving end of what was one of the very best chapters in the Wano Country arc. With the arc getting closer to its end with each passing chapter, fans are now witnessing the end-of-conflict revelations slowly unfold, starting with this very chapter. Previously, fans got to see Luffy's victory over Yonko Kaido being made official by both the narrator and the people around the fallen Onigashima.

At the same time, Momonosuke and the Red Scabbards made their entry into the Flower Capital and made themselves known to the people of Wano who had just finished celebrating the end of the Fire Festival. With their announcement of the defeat of Kaido and the rest of Orochi, the beginning of a new era was marked – one that would see Kozuki Momonosuke be seated as the Shogun of Wano and an era of peace be finally brought over the Land of Wano. One Piece 1051 expanded on that and gave the fans an even better look at Momonosuke as the Shogun and the era that he would bring about, among other things.

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Momonosuke: The Great Shogun of Wano

Kozuki Momonosuke Shogun of Wano

One Piece 1051 packed an emotional punch as the story of 20 years of suffering of the Red Scabbards was finally told by Momonosuke in an incredibly powerful speech. One by one, the Scabbards who were once termed as ghosts of Wano made their appearance and in doing so, they gave the people hope that Yonko Kaido and Orochi had actually been vanquished for good. In an intense scene, fans saw the Red Scabbards bow to their liege, and Oda, in a brilliant manner, started Momonosuke's speech with him still in a silhouette. Before this chapter, fans were yet to see Momonosuke's human appearance and only Shinobu was able to take a glimpse at his true self when she aged him up using her Devil Fruit powers. In this week's chapter, as Momonosuke delivered an emphatic speech, fans could finally make out bits about his appearance until he was finally fully revealed by Oda in a majestic double-page spread, declaring his name and announcing himself to the Land of Wano.

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Momonosuke's claims eased the qualms of the people who had been at the receiving end of a protracted winter for 20 years due to Orochi and Kaido's tyranny. The young Shogun made it clear that from this day onwards, every single day would be as good as the Fire Festival for the people of Wano with plenty to eat for everyone, enough water to quench the thirst of every single person, and slave work, which Orochi and Kaido relied heavily upon, to finally be abolished in the country. All this, Momonosuke claimed, was made possible thanks to the powerful friends that he made along the way in the Straw Hat Pirates and the other members of the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai alliance.

Along with an excellent tribute that Momonosuke paid to the allies that allowed him to make this a reality, he went on to announce himself as the new Shogun of Wano. Exclaiming that the name that was given to him by Oden means second to none, Momonosuke swore to be just that for his country and his people in their hour of need. Crossing 20 years in time with the help of the Scabbards at his back, an incredible tale unfolded as they managed to take back their land from the grips of those who would bring it harm. With that, a new era for the land of Wano kick-started.

Yamato Joins The Straw Hat Crew

Yamato 11th Straw Hat 1051

In the midst of all the incredible things taking place in the Flower Capital, fans also got to see a glimpse of the alliance members and most interestingly, Yamato. Having finally succeeded at helping both Luffy and Momonosuke, Yamato then went on to introduce himself to the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates – a group that would soon become his very family. He announced his recruitment to everyone and was given quite a mixed response. While Sanji, Brook, and Robin were delighted to have Yamato onboard, Nami, Usopp, and Robin were utterly shocked, and Jinbe claimed to hear it from his captain before anything. All things considered, Yamato's arrival as the next member of the Straw Hat Pirates shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, given that Oda repeatedly touched upon it throughout the Onigashima Raid. Within the next few chapters, the likes of Luffy and Zoro are likely to wake up, and the crew will likely hold a massive banquet soon enough.

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Jam-packed in all the brilliance of One Piece 1051 was a brilliant flashback for Otama, which gave the fans an idea of how her life had been in Wano. At a very young age, Tama lost her parents to slave work in Wano. Being orphaned, she sold Kasa hats and suffered all alone with Komachiyo every single day. That is how she met Tenguyama Hitetsu, the samurai who was waiting for the Kozuki. Tama, too, received the embers of rebellion from him and was inspired to wait for their return so one day she would eat, drink, and sleep without any problems and live a life where she was free, just as she deserved. She finally broke down after 8 years of being strong and putting on a tough face. Without a doubt, One Piece 1051 was one of the most brilliant additions to the Wano Country arc, and it ended on an incredible note with the narrator mentioning that the tale of the Samurai finally wrapped up and their liege, Momonosuke, would one day be known as the one of the greatest Shogun of Wano.

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