
  • The Druid class in the upcoming One D&D edition has undergone significant changes, including a rework of its signature feature, Wild Shape. After negative feedback, the developers reverted Wild Shape to a version similar to D&D 5e.
  • The updated Druid class includes a new subclass, Circle of the Sea, as well as modifications to existing subclasses like Circle of the Land and Circle of the Moon. These changes enhance the versatility and effectiveness of the class.
  • The new Druid features and subclasses in One D&D offer players more options and strategic choices, making the class more versatile and emphasizing its flagship abilities. One D&D is set to release in 2024.

The Druid got significant reworks during the first iterations of the One D&D playtest. A particular one is the class’ signature feature: Wild Shape, which changed from players being able to copy the appearance and stats of an animal they’ve seen before to Druids choosing from a set of template stats depending on whether the creature they change into is an Animal of the Sky, Sea, or Land. This didn’t sit well with fans, so the developers listened to feedback and reverted Wild Shape to something similar to its D&D 5e version. Despite this walkback, some big changes to the class remain in the seventh One D&D playtest and may make it to the final product’s release in 2024. These include:

  • A new subclass and sweeping changes to existing ones
  • Elemental Fury, a new level 7 feature
  • Further adjustments to Wild Shape

It will be over a decade since D&D 5e’s release in 2014, which is beloved for giving players a streamlined way to create characters and DMs more creative control over campaign decisions. Its successor One D&D is meant to be backward compatible with 5e, but it comes with sweeping changes to classes like the Druid. The recent playtests let the devs and players experiment with new features and modifications and see which ones are worth adding to the actual game.

RELATED: Wizard Changes in One D&D Explained

What are the New Druid Features and Subclasses Coming to One D&D?

One DnD Druid Internal

The newest D&D edition improves the Druid class by modifying its subclasses. There are currently three of them included in the latest playtest.

Circle of the Land

This subclass is known for its focus on spellcasting. Its starting ability is called Circle Spells, a rotating spell set that changes depending on the Druid’s chosen land type (Arid, Polar, Temperate, or Tropical). Updates to this circle include:

  • Circle Spells — Each land type has fewer spells compared to 5e. However, the Druid can now change land types every day, which was not possible in the previous edition.
  • Nature’s Ward — This now offers added resistance to certain damage types according to the Druid’s Land Type.
  • Land’s Aid — This is a new ability that lets the Druid use Wild Shape to create sprawling flowers and thorns that heal allies and damage enemies.

Circle of the Moon

This subclass perfect for combat-focused Druid builds in D&D. Its most significant updates are:

  • Moonlight Step — This is a new level 10 feature that gives the Druid the ability to teleport up to 30 feet. They also get an attack roll advantage before the end of their turn.
  • Lunar Form — This new level 14 feature enhances existing abilities like Moonlight and Moonbeam.
  • Combat Wild Shape — The player can now use their beast or normal form AC, whichever is better. They also gain temporary hit points equal to the form's HP or three times their level, whichever is lower. Moon Druids can now cast Abjuration spells while in beast form.

Circle of the Sea

This new subclass is similar to the Land Druid. It also has Circle Spells but with water and ice-themed spells. Its notable features include:

  • Wrath of the Sea — This consumes a use of Druid's Wild Shape to create an aura of ocean spray that the Druid can use to damage an opponent. The feature is improved by the level 10 ability Stormborn, which adds flight and resistances, and Oceanic Gift (level 14), which lets Sea Druids provide a similar aura to willing allies.
  • Aquatic Affinity — Sea Druids will always have their Water Breathing spell prepared when they acquire this feature. They also gain a swim speed equal to their actual speed.

This class gets a new level 7 feature called Elemental Fury, which lets them improve their weapon attacks or cantrip effectiveness — similar to the Cleric's Holy Order. Wild Shape can now be accessed starting on level 2 and is now a bonus action, regardless of subclass. These new features, subclasses, and modifications make the Druid more versatile and give more importance to its flagship abilities.

One DnD is currently in development and is set to release in 2024.

Dungeons and Dragons

Created by Gary Gygax, Dungeons & Dragons is a tabletop game in which players craft their own worlds and band together to take on adventures through mysterious realms outlined in companion materials. One of the best role-playing games ever made, it has been adapted into a variety of video games and other media.

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E. Gary Gygax , Dave Arneson