
  • The One D&D playtest is making sweeping changes to the Bard class, including modifying Bardic Inspiration to be a reaction instead of a bonus action in combat. However, players found this change to be a nerf and it was mostly reverted to its previous form.
  • Other major changes to the Bard class in One D&D include the addition of a new subclass called the College of Dance, updates to the Bard Spell List, and further modifications to Bardic Inspiration.
  • One D&D will replace D&D 5th Edition but will be compatible with the 5th Edition's sourcebooks, so long-time players will feel right at home. The game's classes have undergone the most exciting changes for players, with improvements to spellcasting capabilities and the addition of diverse subclasses like the College of Dance.

The One D&D playtest is in full swing, with sweeping changes to classes like the Bard. The first round of revisions was published in the fifth iteration. This modified Bardic Inspiration provides an extra roll (d6 to d12, depending on the level) to a chosen creature’s checks, attacks, and saving throws. The designers turned it from a bonus action into a reaction to make it more intuitive in combat. However, players found this to be a nerf instead of an improvement, as it competed with other useful reactions like opportunity attacks, counterspell, and subclass features like Combat Inspiration. As such, the feature was mostly reverted to its previous form. Other major changes to One D&D’s Bard include:

  • College of Dance, a new subclass
  • Updates to the Bard Spell List
  • Further modifications to Bardic Inspiration

One D&D will replace D&D 5th Edition, but the former will be compatible with the latter’s sourcebooks. As such, long-time players should feel right at home with this new version. Even new dungeon masters will get an easier time starting their campaign with a streamlined DM Guide. There were also changes to core elements like feats and backgrounds, but modifications to the game’s classes are by far the most exciting for players to explore.

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One D&D Updates, and then Reverts, the Bard’s Spell List

One DnD Bard Internal

One D&D tried to improve the class' spellcasting capabilities, starting with Magical Secrets. It used to be that the Bard simply learned two spells from any class, which would then be added to the class’ spells known column. During the sixth playtest, the player acquired a whole spell list (Arcane, Primal, or Divine) that they could use on top of their existing Bard spells. They chose this list at level 1, and it not just determined the spells one has access to, but also the possible background of their Bard.

However, shared spell lists were removed for One D&D's seventh version of the playtest. As such, players now have to stick with the prepared spell recommendations that the designers provided in a 2022 iteration of the One D&D playtest. This list includes spells that are perfectly apt for the Bard, like Charm Person, Dissonant Whispers, Otto’s Irresistible Dance, and even some Power Words. Some players liked this walk back, as it didn’t tie the Bard’s background to any other class.

The One D&D Bard’s College of Dance Subclass Explained

Dungeons and Dragons DND Bard

One of the best things about playing a Bard in Dungeons and Dragons is its versatile roster of subclasses. It's only going to get more diverse with the addition of the College of Dance. Bards who opt for this believe not only in the power of speech and song but also in movement and motion. Dancing puts them in harmony with the universe, which improves their agility and speed. Its most interesting features include:

Dazzling Footwork (Level 3)

Dance Bards are masters of moving gracefully and striking with precision, as long as they’re not wearing anything weighing them down. While the player isn’t wearing any armor or using the shield, they can use powerful unarmed strikes buffed by Bardic Inspiration and get unarmored defense based on their Dexterity and Charisma modifiers.

Tandem Footwork (Level 6)

The player can use their Bardic Inspiration dice at the start of combat encounters to choose several allies (including oneself) to get bonus Initiative. This is great for increasing the odds of party members acting first and getting to the best possible positions before the enemies can even react.

The latest One D&D playtests also updated Bardic Inspiration so that players can use it upon a failed d20 check, so they don’t have to guess how an encounter will go. All in all, the new subclass and the latest updates emphasize the Bard’s creativity and uniqueness as a magic user. After all, characters in this class often pride themselves on individuality.

One D&D is currently in development and is set to release in 2024.

Dungeons and Dragons

Created by Gary Gygax, Dungeons & Dragons is a tabletop game in which players craft their own worlds and band together to take on adventures through mysterious realms outlined in companion materials. One of the best role-playing games ever made, it has been adapted into a variety of video games and other media.

Dungeons & Dragons
Original Release Date
E. Gary Gygax , Dave Arneson