Omori is a role-playing game where players take control of a boy called Sunny, he is considered somewhat of a loner or a social recluse which is commonly referred to as a Hikikomori in Japan. Players are challenged with exploring both the real world and Sunny's dream world as his alter-ego Omori in a hope to overcome Sunny's fears as well as unlocking his secrets he has buried deep in his dreams.

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Like any RPG, players won't be able to explore entirely freely as conquering these fears also means Sunny will need to defend himself against foes. Players will be able to find a variety of weapons during their travels, but these are by far the best out of the bunch.

10 Snowball

A watermelon on a mountain showing the location of the Snowball in Omori

The Snowball is one of the many weapons available for the protagonist Kel in Omori. With several protagonists for players to play as, each of them have their own designated weapons that they favor in battle. For Kel a Snowball which can be found by smashing a watermelon found near the top of the mountains in Snowglobe Mountain is something he wishes to use.

Although it may sound weak the Snowball actually gives Kel a plus thirteen to his attack making it a great way to damage foes from a distance when he is finally dragged into battle.

9 Red Knife

The location of the Red Knife in Omori

While in the Dream World players will need to control the likes of Omori, the alternate version of the main character Sunny. During these dream sequences players will once again be expected to protect themselves from the foes that approach them. Comparing the weapons of all the characters Omori's are the most like weapons especially when he brandishes the Red Knife.

This weapon that can be found within one of Abbi's tentacles in the Sweetheart Castle doesn't only increase Omori's attack by thirteen but also increases his speed, luck, and defense by six.

8 Violin

A broken Violin in a toy box in Omori

Sunny posses few weapons during the game, one of the most common being a Violin, when it is first found by Sunny it is found broken in a Toy Box. However, gradually through the story the Violin will repair increasing its boost to Sunny's attack.

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Although the final weapon to be unlocked by Sunny it is definitely one of the weakest weapons in Omori. However, considering the sentimental value as well as the journey to repair this Violin and to remember what it means to Sunny during his route, the sentimental value may mean more than the fourteen damage it increases to hit attack.

7 LOL Sword

The location for the quest to get the LOL Sword in Omori

Unlike others on the list such as Omori and Sunny that have few weapons to their name, Hero has countless options for players to choose from as they adventure through the various routes of Omori. These weapons are not only found in the wild but also unlocked by completing side quests such as how players can obtain the LOL Sword.

By completing the Weeping Willow quest players will be awarded this sword, when equipped it doesn't only increase Hero's attack by fourteen as well as increase his juice by ten. It also automatically gives Hero the happy emotional state at the start of battle, therefore canceling out foes that attempt to put him in the afraid state.

6 Cool Noodle

Berly telling the player to thank him later about the Cool Noodle in Omori

Aubrey is another of the main characters that players will be relying on in battle, because of this she also requires weapons in order to defend herself in combat. The ways she is able to do this is by the joy of defending herself with a simple Pool Noodle, or it's much better upgraded version of a Cool Noodle.

After obtaining a Pool Noodle by refusing to pay the clams for its players can then take this seemingly useless weapon to Berly on the B1 level of the Last Resort. From here he will instantly give players the Cool Noodle for completing his quest of Call For Inspiration.

5 Sweetheart Bust

The game telling the player they got the Sweetheart Bust in Omori

Another Aubrey weapon that can be unlocked is the Sweetheart Bust, this giant stone head increases Aubrey's attack by twenty however it also jeopardizes her speed by thirty due to its weight. If this is a gamble players wish to take then the head can be found after completing the optional side quest of Pessi inside the Sprout Mole Village.

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Patience is key in this quest as players will only be able to begin this side quest once they have defeated the boss called Sweetheart or the bust isn't available.

4 Baseball Bat

The Baseball Bat location in Omori

Continuing on the theme of Aubrey weapons due to them all being incredibly deadly another great option for this dangerous girl is the Baseball Bat. This simple piece of sport equipment doesn't only increase Aubrey's attack by twenty it also increases her health, speed, and luck by ten.

Unfortunately, this Baseball Bat can only be obtained near the end of the Omori route and can be found inside one of Abbi's tentacles inside the Neighbor's Room after sparing her in The Abyss otherwise the bat cannot be found.

3 Tenderizer

A melon on top of an icy ledge where the Tenderizer is in Omori

Although compared to other weapons on this list, the Tenderizer may not have many great improvements it still deserves a mention for the increased attack it gives Hero. The Tenderizer can only be unlocked during the Omori route and therefore if players are hoping to pursue any other storyline then they won't be able to find this weapon.

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Players that equip this mallet found commonly in the kitchen will get a great increase of thirty to their attack, making it a quick and swift way to deal with enemies. It can be found inside the Snowglobe Mountain.

2 Steak Knife

The player given a choice of the Steak Knife or the fridge in Omori

By far one of the most powerful weapons in the game is one of Sunny's few available weapons. If players choose to free Sunny from his isolated ways then the Knife will leave his inventory quickly, however by leaning into the Omori route the knife will remain a steadfast piece of equipment for Sunny to use.

This knife that increases Sunny's attack by thirty may seem simple but throughout the story be it in daydreams or actual sequences the Steak Knife is shown to be deadly in the hands of Sunny. If players continue to rely on the knife they can even unlock the Knife ending.

1 Ol' Reliable

A tentacle that shows the location of Ol' Reliable in Omori

However, when all else fails players can always rely on the Ol' Reliable, or at least Hero can. Similar to Aubrey's Baseball Bat this can only be unlocked near the end of the Omori route as well as being found in one of Abbi's tentacles after sparing her in The Abyss. Although, this weapon is found in a tentacle in the Underwater Highway.

While increasing Hero's attack, health, and juice by twenty, this isn't the only reason to have the Ol' Reliable equipped. Besides these improvements any snacks used by Hero or his friends will be 50% more effective.

More: Omori: How To Get The Best Ending