Omori is a role playing game (known as an RPG) made in the RPGMaker engine and puts players in control of a teenage boy named Sunny, who is a shut in. Players can take control of him and his alternate avatar in his dreams, known as Omori, and go in all sorts of strange adventures in both worlds.

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There are all sorts of skills that a player will be able to use and equip onto their team during gameplay, but not all of them are good. Some of them are considered to be much better than others, and can really help in being as efficient as possible in dealing with enemies.

7 Hack Away

Omori - Room

Hack Away is a skill that Omori can unlock at a relatively early level - it can be available starting at Level 10. Essentially, Hack Away will make Omori attack three times, and each hit will land on random enemies.

Something that makes this skill particularly strong, though, is that if a player uses Hack Away when there's only one enemy, all three hits will be dealt towards them. In other words, Omori will attack three times in one turn on an enemy; this, in turn, means the enemy gets hit with three times the damage as one shot.

6 Stare

Omori - Gator Guy

Stare is not a skill that players can use in order to deal damage against enemies; however, it is greatly recommended for a player to put this on Omori as soon as possible. This skill is unlocked a bit later on, with Level 25 being the bare minimum a player can use it.

Stare is great for letting a player set up for stronger and more powerful attacks, because it will reduce all of the stats of a chosen enemy. This means that things such as defense and attack will be reduced on the enemy - they deal less damage and take more damage.

5 Sad Poem

Omori - Mole

Sad Poem by itself is not really anything special. It is a basic skill that a player will instantly be able to use at the beginning of the game, without any unlocking required - when used, Omori will inflict the Sad emotion on a chosen friend or enemy.

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Sad is an emotion that will increase the chosen character's defense, but at the same time, reduce their speed. Using Sad Poem can actually help to set up a great team for the player - for example, the skill Stab completely ignores the enemy's defense if Omori is currently Sad.

4 Run n' Gun

Omori - Battle

Run n' Gun is a fantastic skill that Kel can use for his build; it is a rather unique skill, but that is what makes it good. This skill is unlocked when a player reaches Level 9 with Kel, meaning that a player can unlock it relatively quickly.

What's unique about Run n' Gun is the fact that this attack will deal damage based off of Kel's Speed and not his Attack. This means that, if a player builds their Kel fast enough, they can legitimately take down enemies in one shot with Run n' Gun - plus, having Speed is always beneficial to a player.

3 Flex

Omori - Pass

Flex is an incredibly strong move to set up with when it comes to using Kel. It is not a skill that a player can unlock as they level up, but instead must learn it from a certain character in the game - it is more than worth it to do so, though.

When Kel uses Flex, the hit rate of his next attack will be all but guaranteed, and the damage he deals will also be increased by 2.5. This means that, no matter what attack Kel lands, it will be a real hard hitter, and is very strong for one shot teams.

2 Headbutt

Omori - Inventory

Headbutt is a skill that Aubrey can use, and must be taught to her by a certain character named Berly. Many players agree that Headbutt is a great skill to use with Aubrey, especially when she's angry.

Essentially, Headbutt will make her cause a large amount of damage to the enemy, but will also cause damage to herself (up to 20% of her HP); the damage increases when she has Angry on her. Although it does come with the drawback of dealing damage to Aubrey, Headbutt is a pretty strong attack that is unlocked early on, and thus can be used for a while.

1 Last Resort

Omori - Rock

Last Resort is Aubrey's strongest skill - it is the very last skill that a player unlocks, at Level 30. Many players agree that this is one of the best skills in the game, and it is not hard to see why.

Essentially, Aubrey will deal insane amounts of damage, based on how much HP she has at the time, but will reduce her HP to 0 at the end of the attack. Although it results in her death, many players have been able to one shot stronger enemies - and even bosses - by using Last Resort on full health.

Omori is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Xbox Series X and Series S, and Mac operating systems.

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