Skateboarding games can be intimidating to get into. There is so much to understand in terms of tricks and movement that it may be hard for some to process. Luckily, there are games like OlliOlli World that do a good job of easing players into the skateboarding experience.

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The newest entry from Roll7, OlliOlli World is a 2D platformer where players skate their way from one end of a level to another while trying to avoid obstacles and gaps. While the game does a good job trying to help the player as they attempt to reach Gnarvana, there are some tips that players should keep in mind while making their way through the game.

7 Remember To Keep Momentum

Pushing Tutorial in OlliOlli World

One of the most basic elements of the game that players learn early is to keep momentum by repeatedly pushing their foot over the course of a level. Keeping speed up allows players to get over gaps a lot quicker and reach heights that allow entry to new passageways.

While this seems easy to get used to early on, it may become a bit more difficult to remember in later levels. More tips will be introduced to the player, and it may be easy to forget to build up speed before going into a big jump. Doing tricks and grabs can earn some nice points, but they won't be as fulfilling if the player can't get the necessary height.

6 Stick The Landing

A perfect indicator after a well-timed trick in OlliOlli World

It won't be taught to the player until they reach the second section of the game, but players should keep in mind that landing a trick perfectly is important. By timing the trick perfectly before the player goes to the ground, players will earn more points and continue their quick movement forward.

The great thing about this feature is that there will be an indicator that tells the player if that nailed the landing or not. For example, players will get a green bubble that says "Perfect" if they get the landing off with no hitch. There are other indicators lower than this, including no indicator if the landing was not timed correctly.

5 Look For Sidequests

Grizzly Rapids sidequest in OlliOlli World

About halfway through the beginning of the game, players will be taught that there are different paths that players can go down. This includes going down the "Gnarly Route" of that level, which offers a ton of difficulty. However, some paths lead to new characters to meet up with.

If players stop to chat with them, they can be given a sidequest. These will appear on the map with a pink indicator. Unlike the optional tracks that show up on the map in blue, these sidequests offer a unique challenge that is completely different from the normal grind of the game. One example is the Grizzly Rapids, where players must out-race a bear.

4 Check The Tricktionary

Special Tricks tab on the Tricktionary in OlliOlli World

As noted earlier, skateboarding games tend to have a lot of depth to them that can get overwhelming. There are so many different combinations of tricks that it is hard to keep track of what inputs do what. Luckily, there is no need to look up a guide on all the possible stunts in the game.

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On the main menu of OlliOlli World, there is a section called "Tricktionary." In this section, players will see a wide variety of different movesets that range from the most basic to the highly challenging. This is a great way to study what buttons do while riding to the end of each level.

3 Replays Aren't Just For The Good

A replay of a level in OlliOlli World

After completing a level in OlliOlli World, there is an option to check out a replay of how the player got through the level. This can be a great time to look at how great of a run it was, especially if players performed an excellent stunt. But this shouldn't be the only time the replay feature is used.

Every level completed will get a replay, so even when stumbling to the finish, players can check the tape to see where things may have gone wrong for them. This can give players an understanding of what needs to be adjusted and encourage them to try the level out again to see if they can fix the mistake.

2 Practice In The Gnarvana Portal

A level generated by the OlliOlli World Gnarvana Portal

This game can be the ultimate skateboarding sandbox, but there is no mode in the game that truly offers that experience quite like the Gnarvana Portal. After completing an area of the game, players can gain access to the portal where they can generate their own levels in those worlds.

Settings for each level include how difficult the path is (ranging from Chill to Burly) as well as what universe players want it set in and how long they want the track to last. All of these settings allow players to practice certain styles without the pressure of trying to advance in the story or compete with friends online.

1 Don't Stress About Mike's Challenges

Mike offering up his challenges early in OlliOlli World

Those who are new to the OlliOlli series may not be up for how difficult the game could get. Luckily, with the third installment of the franchise, the game makes a lot of the really difficult challenges of each level to be purely optional.

Mike's Challenges tend to come in threes and are fun to attempt as players try to master each level. However, they are in no way required to beat the game. In fact, most of the levels in the game require the player to just make it to the end in order to advance. That said, this game gives plenty of room for people to test themselves, so it's up to the player if they want the challenge.

OlliOlli World is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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