There are a lot of games that kicked off 2022, with some major triple-A titles taking up the spotlight. However, there were a few indie games that fell through the cracks that players may have missed out on. One of these games released was OlliOlli World.

Developed by roll7 and a successor to the original two OlliOlli games, OlliOlli World is a brand-new take on the series that is a lot more welcoming to players who are new to the skateboarding gameplay. The 2D platformer was well received by critics and there is a lot to love about it, even if there is a few things that aren't so great.

7 Love: The Trick Variety

Heelflip over waterfalls in OlliOlli World

The goal of each OlliOlli World course is simply to make it from one end to the other, with plenty of other goals that the player can complete as well. Despite it not being the primary goal of the progression, players can do tricks to help keep their momentum going.

These tricks are not limited in scope, either. In fact, the game has an entire menu called the "Tricktionary" that players can use to learn about the various different ways players can show off as they go through each of the levels. The variety in these tricks means that no two tricks look the same, and makes mastering the game a lot more fun.

6 Love: The Progression

The forest world map in OlliOlli World

As noted earlier, the goal of the game is to simply reach the end of each level. This happens across five different worlds, and the game will roll credits the moment that the player completes the last course. Because of this, those who are not looking to perfect their craft and just want to roll credits will have a much easier time making it to the end.

RELATED: Awesome Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do In OlliOlli World

However, those who want to really push themselves have plenty of opportunity to do so in each level. To perfect the level, players need to complete the entire level without dying once. There are also three challenges per level that the player can complete in to win an item for their inventory.

5 Don't Love: Side Quests

The player attempting to pop a cat inflatable in OlliOlli World

While getting through a level, players may stumble across a character standing in the middle of the track. These individuals will ask for the player to come visit them in a new location to take on a completely different type of challenge. Players will notice these new side quests marked with the pink icons on the world map.

These side quests tend to be formatted very differently than the main levels as they usually have one goal, such as popping balloons down the track or racing a bear. While these side quests can be fun, they aren't always worth the reward for completing them, and they lack the depth that makes the other levels so special.

4 Love: The Characters

The player, Chiffon, Dad, Gnarly Mike, and Suze before a level

The story of OlliOlli World doesn't really have much depth. The player is a skater who has shown up to try out to replace the current skate wizard, Chiffon. To successfully do this and make their way to Gnarvana, players must please each of the skate gods, with each god representing a different territory on the map.

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Carrying this strange plot, though, is a cast of characters that ultimately make the journey a little more worth it through their silly dialogue and interactions. The main cast of Chiffon, Dad, Suze, and Gnarly Mike all provide some lore to the level that the player is experiencing, and throw in their own ridiculous sentiments. The side characters along the way don't shy away from stealing the show either.

3 Love: The Level Layers

Two winding paths in OlliOlli World

Because this is a skating game from a 2D perspective, great level design is essential. Roll7 may have done their best work for this game. The levels are not just fun to maneuver through, but they also give players options to experience them however they please.

After some early levels in which players to go through only one path, OlliOlli World opens up. Now, going down different paths becomes a basic choice the player needs to make almost every level. While some paths are specifically designed to increase in difficulty, others are just new ways to experience the same level.

2 Don't Love: The Speed

Going down a grind rail fast in OlliOlli World

Difficulty has always been at the forefront of the OlliOlli series, which is what made the first two games so famous. OlliOlli World makes the really tough challenges optional, but still has a difficulty spike near the end. Neither of these take away from the playing experience, but the sheer speed of the game may turn some players off.

Even before it's fully booted up, OlliOlli World makes clear to the player that this game moves fast. And while speed in the game is an important part of the game's difficulty, there are times when there is enough movement on the screen to give people headaches. An accessibility option to slow down the game, even just temporarily, would be nice.

1 Love: Customization

A wide variety of long-sleeved shirts for the player in OlliOlli World

The biggest element of the game that stands out more than anything is the sheer amount of customization that Roll7 has provided to the player. Players get a pretty robust character creator, with basics like skin tone and hairstyle having a wide variety of options.

When it comes to clothing, players can basically make their perfect look from head to toe. Along with a lot of cool items that are available in the beginning, various challenges throughout the game will also provide new items for characters to put on. Even the skateboard is highly customizable.

MORE: Beginner Tips For OlliOlli World You Need To Know