With the release date for Okami HD on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One having come and gone, there's no doubt that a decent portion of fans went on to enjoy Capcom's colorful action-adventure title on the aforementioned platforms. Now, it looks as if the title is set to expand its reach to even more to gamers of this generation by becoming available on the Nintendo Switch this summer through the system's eShop.

Okami HD was officially announced during the most recent Nintendo Direct broadcast, and it appears to be the same remastered version that Capcom put out for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One last year. To set it apart from the other versions, though, the Switch iteration is going to have touchscreen controls when it is being played in handheld mode, and players are given the option to use Joy-Con motion controls when the system is in TV or tabletop mode for the game's Celestial Brush.


For those unaware, Okami HD centers around the main character Amaterasu – that is, the Japanese sun goddess who inhabits the form of a legendary white wolf Shiranui. In the game, Amaterasu is on a quest to defeat Orochi, an eight-headed demon responsible for turning the world into a wasteland. Amaterasu is a being that wields a bevy of magical abilities, items, attacks, and will use the aforementioned Celestial Brush techniques to restore the land of Nippon to its previous glory.

Bearing all of this in mind, the release of Okami HD on the Switch ought to please the innumerable Nintendo fans who have been wanting to see the title on the hybrid mobile console, and its release later this year for the system will likely cause many to hope for a direct sequel. A couple of years ago, Platinum Games co-founder and the director for the PlayStation 2 version Okami,Hideki Kamiya, said he has ideas for a followup, but nothing concrete has come to pass on that front just yet.

Okami HD is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, and will launch this summer for Nintendo Switch.