As yesterday was April Fool's Day, many can be forgiven for thinking that a lot of news stories and updates going around were simple pranks, such as Among Us flipping its Skeld map. However, not all of them turned out to be jokes. With Oddworld: Soulstorm about to be released for Windows and PlayStation, a recent announcement brings the good word that will likely make Switch owners and Oddworld franchise fans happy.

Posting on Twitter yesterday, publishers Microids announced that three Oddworld games will be getting Switch releases by the end of May 2021. The three games in question include the revamped original Abe's Oddysee, released in 2014 and known as New 'n' Tasty, Munch's Oddysee, and 2005's Stranger's Wrath.

RELATED: Oddworld: Soulstorm Release Date Announced, Coming to PS Plus in April

Naturally, some users left skeptical comments under the tweet about whether the news was real, given that the post had gone up on April 1st. However, the publisher has reassured people that the it is indeed real and that the Oddworld Collection is happening. This news comes less than a year after Microids announced it would be working on a new Smurfs game.

sony livestream event abe molluck

Currently, all three Oddworld games are individually available on the Switch both digitally and physically, but this new release will bring all of them together in one package. Fans of the original 1997 game will also be gearing up for Soulstorm which will likely be a more natural successor to the original than the other iterations that have come about since the classic. And with the collection due out soon as well, it's arguably never been a better time to be a fan of Abe and co.

Oddworld Collection will be coming to Nintendo Switch on May 27th.

MORE: Oddworld: Every Game In The Series, Ranked

Source: Twitter