Octopath Traveler 2 improved a lot over its original iteration in 2018. It didn’t add everything fans wanted, but it did include enough to make it feel more like a true sequel such as boat travel. Another new addition is the Latent Power abilities, which act like Limit Breaks from the Final Fantasy series.

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Characters who attack, or take damage will build up a meter. Once filled, that character’s Latent Power will activate in Octopath Traveler 2. The best thing about this activation is that players can use it anytime. It’s a good idea to go into a boss battle with all four characters having their Latent Powers at the ready. So, let’s run down whose Latent Powers are the best to use out of the eight protagonists in the game in a quick little ranking.

8 Judgment

Temenos activating their Latent Power in battle in Octopath Traveler 2

Judgment is the Latent Power of Temenos who acts as the Cleric of the party. He excels in healing, but he has some good light magic as well. He’s one of the better party members overall with his balanced stats and his fantastic story.

Temenos’ downside is that his Latent Power is lackluster outside of his tutorial mission. Activating it will allow any attack he does to harm an opponent’s shield, which is good but not great compared to other characters.

7 Hoot And Holler

Partitio activating their Latent Power in battle in Octopath Traveler 2

Hoot and Holler is the fun name for the Latent Power of Partitio. He is a Merchant which sounds like an odd class for an RPG and it sort of is. He doesn’t excel in anything in battle and all of his non-combat abilities rely on money to get things done.

For example, he can hire NPCs in town to join the battle or offer them money for rare items. This Latent Power will recharge his BP to full which is a great bonus, but again, it’s something that isn’t that great outside of his starting mission like Temenos.

6 Every Drop Counts

Castti activating their Latent Power in battle in Octopath Traveler 2

Every Drop Counts is a phrase that applies to looter RPGs more than anything in Octopath Traveler 2. Stealing is the best way to get items in the game. This Latent Power though belongs to Castti, who is an Apothecary.

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Her main skill in battle allows her to mix ingredients to create some powerful healing potions or items that can hurt enemies. Her Latent Power isn’t bad as it allows her to use this skill, Concoct, without wasting materials. It’s good to use it on the rarer materials in the game.

5 All Together Now

Agnea activating their Latent Power in battle in Octopath Traveler 2

All Together Now is a great Latent Power in the game and it is a shame that it is not a normal skill. It belongs to Agnea, who is a Dancer and one of the weaker main party members normally. This Latent Power does raise her ranks a little bit.

It applies the “All” effect to every skill she has from defensive to offensive abilities. This means skills that are reserved normally for one character or opponent can now be used on everyone.

4 Concentrate Spells

Osvald activating their Latent Power in battle in Octopath Traveler 2

Concentrate Spells is a Latent Power that belongs to Osvald, who is a Scholar. This is a fancy name for a mage in the game. The majority of spells in his arsenal attack all enemies on the battlefield for a spread amount of damage.

This Latent Power is kind of the opposite of Agnea’s as it will increase the power of Osvald’s spells by reducing the targets to one. This is an excellent ability to use on bosses, especially after players break through shields.

3 Leave No Trace

Throné activating their Latent Power in battle in Octopath Traveler 2

Leave No Trace is the Latent Power that belongs to Throné who is the Thief of the party. This will allow her to act twice in battle which means players can attack an enemy if they wish as well as use an item. It’s a handy skill to have in any RPG.

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Throné, overall, is one of the best characters in Octopath Traveler 2. She has the Path Action, Steal, which literally allows her to steal items from NPCs. It’s only natural then that she gets such a cool Latent Power.

2 Animal Instincts

Ochette activating their Latent Power in battle in Octopath Traveler 2

Animal Instincts is the perfect name for this Latent Power which is one of two that heightens the characters of Octopath Traveler 2. It belongs to Ochette who is a Hunter. Activating it will allow her to use one of three unique skills including Beastly Claws, Beastly Howl, and Beastly Fangs.

Beastly Claws will attack everyone on the battlefield. Beastly Howl will reduce an opponent’s defenses and their shield status. The most powerful of the bunch though is Beastly Fangs which is reserved for one enemy.

1 Shadow’s Hold

Hikari activating their Latent Power in battle in Octopath Traveler 2

Shadow’s Hold is the other aforementioned Latent Power that adds new skills to a character. It belongs to Hikari, a Warrior by trade although he is more like a samurai in Octopath Traveler 2. He is the strongest physical character in the game and these special abilities only make him a more menacing force to reckon with.

These exclusive skills include Tenretsuzan, Hienka, and Sougetsusen. Tenretsuzan is a sword technique that will attack one enemy. Hienka is another sword attack but it will hit twice, and then allow Hikari to act again. Finally, Sougetsusen uses his equipped sword and spear weapons to attack all enemies on the battlefield.

Octopath Traveler 2 was released on February 24, 2023, and is available on PC, PS4, PS5, and Switch.

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