Obsidian Entertainment is proving itself to be a real RPG powerhouse for Microsoft, as the company has several big titles in development. This shouldn’t come as too big of a surprise, though, as Obsidian Entertainment has been involved in many big titles.

Obsidian’s future lies in its ongoing support of Grounded and upcoming projects like Avowed, The Outer Worlds 2, and its secret project. The former has been quiet for a while, The Outer Worlds 2 was just recently announced at E3, and Obsidian’s secret project remains behind the curtains. However, one recent comment may shed some light here.

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Obsidian Entertainment studio design director Josh Sawyer, who played a major role in Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, and Obsidian itself, recently took part in a viral Twitter trend. There, he commented on the last five games he’s played, but he would go on to add that the last three unreleased games he’s played are Avowed, The Outer Worlds 2, and his game (the secret project).

This would seemingly suggest that development on all three games is progressing smoothly and are in some form of playable state. Now, Sawyer adds nothing to suggest how playable these games are, as it could be in a super basic sandbox or a major area could be done. It could be for those or any number of reasons.

Of course, that doesn’t mean these games are anywhere near release either. Avowed was first announced back in July 2020 and nothing significant has been showcased since then. Avowed actually takes place in Sawyer’s Pillars of Eternity Eora setting, though he isn’t working on it directly. Meanwhile, The Outer World 2’s E3 trailer was really self-aware, citing that developers hadn’t done design, story, or any gameplay worth showing. As such, it’s likely in a far less “playable state” than Avowed.

Then, of course, there is Josh Sawyer’s secret project, of which even less is known about. There’s no title or anything for the game, with it only being known through brief mentions by Sawyer. Some have speculated it could be Pillars of Eternity 3, even though that seems less likely with Avowed in development. Some think it could be a new IP, which would be fitting. Others, the more optimistic fans, hope that a deal between Bethesda and Obsidian was brokered, and that Obsidian’s secret project is Fallout: New Vegas 2.

No matter what it actually is, fans may still have some time on their hands for all three of these games, but it’s clear that Obsidian has been as busy as ever.

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