Feargus Urquhart, CEO of Obsidian Entertainment, revealed his earnest desire to make another Fallout game. For fans of Obsidian's work on Fallout: New Vegas and its other successful IPs, this comes as incredibly welcome news.

Since the 2015 release of Fallout 4, fans of the irreverent, golden-age, post-apocalyptic RPG series have been hungry for more. While Fallout 76 sated that hunger for some, many gamers yearned for another single-player entry in the Fallout franchise. With Bethesda's current release pipeline putting The Elder Scrolls 6 as the next mainline game from its flagship studio after the late 2023 release of Starfield, there is some indication that it could be many years before fans get a taste of Fallout 5. Fans are speculating that with Microsoft's 2021 acquisition of Bethesda, a third-party studio could be brought in to pick up the mantle and release a new Fallout game. As Microsoft also owns Obsidian Entertainment, it would seem to be a perfect fit, but as of now, nothing has been announced.

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In an interview conducted on January 18 with GamePressure, Feargus Urquhart hinted that he would relish the opportunity to work on another Fallout game. "I would Love to make another Fallout before I retire," Urquhart mentioned during the interview. The 52-year-old CEO of Obsidian Entertainment feels like he still has a lot in the tank, and while the studio is currently hard at work on its new IP, Avowed, as well as a sequel to its space-faring corporate dystopia RPG, The Outer Worlds, there is hope that its next game could be a much-coveted sequel to Fallout: New Vegas.


Bethesda has already confirmed that Fallout 5 will be its next game after The Elder Scrolls 6, but at its current timeline, Fallout 5 will not arrive for a long time. In the meantime, a studio like Obsidian, which has proved its competence within the franchise, would be an ideal landing spot for a spin-off or smaller-scale Fallout title. Something to tide fans over while Bethesda finalizes work on Starfield and ramps up development on The Elder Scrolls 6 would be a dream come true. Especially for those who view Fallout: New Vegas as a high watermark for the series.

While the release of Fallout: New Vegas 2 might still be wishful thinking, the expressed interest of Feargus Urquhart coupled with both Bethesda and Obsidian Entertainment being acquired by Microsoft, a new Fallout game by Obsidian Entertainment might become a matter of when instead of a far-fetched if.

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Source: GamePressure