The popular Nuzlocke Challenge among Pokemon fans has been making headlines recently thanks to a lot of insider talk about how the company behind the series views the community-led game run. However, with or without comments from The Pokemon Company, this challenge that has sprouted out of the community can still enhance the experience for players, especially as Pokemon Scarlet and Violet prepare for launch.

For most players, the rules in the Nuzlocke Challenge don't go much further than a content creator on Twitch or YouTube who showcases these extra difficult runs. That being said, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's debut might be the perfect time for players to give the challenge a try and see how it can help them better bond with the new Pokemon in the game, as well as improve the familiar mechanics for longtime fans.

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The Basics of Pokemon's Nuzlocke Challenge

Pokemon VGC Pelipper's Drizzle

Starting with the basics of a Nuzlocke Challenge in Pokemon titles, these runs give people the option to increase the inherent difficulty in the franchise by adding limiters on catching and reviving Pokemon. Players are only allowed to catch the first Pokemon they find in any given area, and once a Pokemon faints it is treated as if it was killed. This means that players will be limited to a small collection of Pokemon to make a team from depending on the game, given that each new route, town, or zone can net only a single monster at a time. Similarly, that collection will quickly dwindle if any are allowed to faint.

There are other rules to a Pokemon Nuzlocke run that can add some variety to each player's attempt. For example, one is that any Pokemon that are caught have to be named, which is meant to make the player grow more attached to each monster, especially since they have so few to choose from. In fact, it's this incentive to bond with the limited pool of Pokemon that might make a Nuzlocke run the perfect fit for some players as they take their first steps into Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

How a Nuzlocke Run Can Improve a Player's Bond With Their Pokemon


Bonding with digital creatures like Pokemon is certainly a subjective matter, as some players will immediately grow an emotional attachment the first time they choose their starter, while others will see only numbers on a spreadsheet. However, for those that do enjoy the idea of forming a connection with some of the monsters in the Pokemon series, a Nuzlocke challenge can be a great way to incentivize that bond.

Since each Nuzlocke run will only ever give a player a few Pokemon to choose from, every single member of the main team, as well as those stored in the box, will be important to reach the end credits. The added stipulation that every captured Pokemon has to be named might not be too difficult for many players, but those that tend to go for a full Pokedex may face a bigger challenge. Putting a name on every single Pokemon can be a quick way to get players to think about each monster they capture, for at least long enough to type in a proper name.

Beyond naming, however, the major sticking point that pushes the player emotionally can be much more subtle. In a Nuzlocke run, Pokemon fainting is treated as them dying, forcing the player to then release the monster after the fight. This means that players have to be extra careful to keep their Pokemon from reaching that point, but it also makes every close call or loss an incredibly impactful moment. A Pokemon dropping to less than ten HP will send the player's heart beating, and coming that close to losing the monster for the rest of the run will stick with the player. Likewise, losing one of the few Pokemon the player has available can be a devastating loss, especially if it's one of the strongest party members.

Combine these factors and fans are incentivized to grow attached to each Pokemon, putting extra emphasis on what are normally speed bumps in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's main storylines. While this might not happen for every player, it has the ability to get many more casual fans to value their Pokemon more than just for their battling. However, for those players that are more interested in stats than bonding with Pokemon, there is a second benefit to the Nuzlocke Challenge.

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Longtime Fans Can Use Nuzlocke Rules To Revitalize the Pokemon Series


Given that the Pokemon series has spanned over multiple decades, it's no surprise that a large portion of the fan base are adults who have followed the series since they were kids. That being said, with the franchise keeping its gameplay simple enough to appeal to players of all ages, some of these fans might be looking for a way to make the series more challenging. To that degree, following the rules of a Nuzlocke can turn the easiest Gym Leader from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet into a nail-biting encounter.

While adding an extra challenge to Pokemon is the point of a Nuzlocke Run, that change is invaluable for longtime fans. This can force players to more carefully consider every decision they make, as even a simple mistake can mean the death of a Pokemon or even the end of a run altogether. Combine this added challenge with the incentive to grow more attached to every new Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet, and the Nuzlocke Challenge could be the best way for players to take their initial dive into the next entries in the series.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are set to release November 18th, 2022 for Nintendo Switch.

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