The fact that the Earth and the rest of the galaxy seem completely unconnected is a problem for the MCU, especially considering how many alien invasions the movies have already given us, and how many different types of aliens fans are intimately familiar with. With new movies focusing on life outside of Earth, or at least, it would be good to introduce a character like Nova, who could bring the two together.

Richard Rider, the superhero most commonly known as Nova, is, after all, a human. Born in New York, Richard was just a regular teenager till Rhomann Dey, last surviving Centurion of Xandar’s Nova Corps, transferred his powers to Richard. Unlike in other superhero origin stories, Dey didn’t choose Rider. Instead, he basically took a chance on him. A badly wounded Dey crosses paths with Richard after pursuing intergalactic pirate Zorr to Earth and, with no other options, gambles that Rider will end up being worthy of the powers bestowed upon him.

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Then comes the traditional 'guy discovers he now has powers, guy has no idea how to use those powers' story, as the formidable being who bequeathed them upon him – and gifted him with a ready-made nemesis in Zorr, too – isn’t around to explain at first. All very normal high school student-type things that happen in comic books. This auspicious beginning would lead Richard to be called into space to serve in the protection of a recently reconstructed Xandar – because no planet or character is ever truly gone in the comics.

Marvel's Champions of Xandar

If that doesn’t sound at all familiar, it’s because Nova’s origin story is unique in the comics, not because of his powers, or his personality, but because of the ties he maintains to the planet Xandar – despite being a human. This is exactly why he feels like the perfect character to bridge the MCU gap between Earth and the rest of the galaxy. Who better to understand all sides of the equation than a powerful superhero with alien powers who was actually born and grew up on Earth?

Fans are already familiar with the planet Xandar and the Nova Corps, as well, though the movies have barely scratched the surface of their stories. Both are introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy, and though that movie doesn’t spend much time there, and fans don’t truly get to know the Nova Corps outside from what transpires in the Battle of Xandar, the stage has already been set to focus on them much more.

This is especially true considering Avengers: Endgameestablishes that Thanos destroyed Xandar in his quest for the Power Stone. The MCU never does anything by chance, so it’s not unthinkable that the long-term plan for introducing the planet in the first place was to tease a possible future Nova appearance.

This becomes increasingly important considering Captain Marvel 2 is set to focus more on outer space and the Kree, and The Eternals, though set on Earth, will introduce an immortal alien race created by the Celestials. Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe will also include Thor: Love and Thunder and Guardians of the Galaxy 3, set for 2023, two movies that are certain to explore the worlds beyond Earth, as well as a new Fantastic Four, which will also require some space exploration if the movie is going to show the heroes’ origin story.

Marvel Studios Fantastic Four

Nova isn’t the only character the MCU could bring in to bridge the gap and open up storytelling possibilities. However, the appearance of Xandar in Guardians of the Galaxy and the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy 3 make him one of the most likely superheroes to be introduced in Phase Four, with perhaps an eye on what Phase Five of the MCU could be. The MCU world is, altogether, much larger than the MCU has shown so far, and the characters Marvel can use are much more varied than the superheroes fans are used to. Nova could change all of that.

Rider’s powers won’t be what makes him stand out, though the amount of power he possesses is extraordinary: flight, superhuman strength, speed, durability, and the ability to absorb energy directed against him and release it. His personality, however, can be a fun one to delve into, especially considering he’s painted as cocky and humorous in his early days – comparisons to Peter Parker are not completely out of the question – but later, after the Annihilation – Scourge storyline, his personality takes a dramatically drastic turn.

As fans are aware, Marvel isn’t afraid to tweak origin stories to fit what they want to do with a character. The MCU doesn’t really need another wisecracking teenager like Peter Parker, though this might be a possibility if Sony and Marvel can’t reach a future deal to keep Spider-Man part of the MCU, but it could do with a much darker hero like the one Nova becomes, or something in between the two. Or, they could forgo Richard Rider altogether and choose the very popular and relatively new Sam Alexander version of Nova to join the MCU.

Either way, it's clear  Nova’s background makes him the right character at the right time to bring Earth’s storylines to the galaxy at large, and bring the galaxy at large back to Earth, something the MCU desperately needs.

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