Nova is a Marvel superhero who fights battles via the galactic realm in space. It was previously reported that Nova was getting an MCU film or series, but now it seems that the character will be getting a Marvel Studios Special Presentation similar to Werewolf by Night.

Nova is a character who belongs to the Nova corps. The character Nova is one of many, where different people take up the mantle throughout the Marvel comic books. Many fans expected to see the character in the ongoing legacy of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) by now, but now it appears that Nova may be coming sooner than many expected.

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Now, The Cosmic Circus reports that its sources say Nova will be a Marvel Studios presentation like Werewolf by Night. As such, the Nova project will premiere as a Disney Plus exclusive, not a theatrical release. Plot details are non-existent at this point, but Cosmic Circus speculates that both Richard Rider and Sam Alexander will appear in the special and that it likely will not be an origin story.

nova looking sideways with drax, super skrull, and silver surfer in the background

Many have been experiencing Marvel fatigue as of late. With the streaming war reaching its peak, there's a constant battle for content. New movies, shows, podcasts, games, and music are battling for the consumer's attention every week, and with little time for the average working consumer, it seems that many are less forgiving if the product is less than desirable. Marvel Studios has been outpouring many shows on Disney Plus, and some movies haven't been received as well as the older MCU films.

The fatigue isn't just from the fans' side either. Marvel Studios VFX artists have also spoken out about the long hours of work and little pay for their time. Fans have begun to compare the recent phase of the MCU to many of the older Marvel Studios films and consistently recognize the work doesn't compare to the older projects.

Still, all is not lost and Marvel Studios is nowhere near being a horrible creator of content. If anything, the new era of superheroes has just begun and the Marvel fatigue myth may prove to be just that. A decade of storytelling has brought fans to a place where the live-action world finally resembles the comic book world. There are many crossovers, the casting is great, and many of the films represent the action that fans are used to from the source material. The only thing missing is healthy competition, but recent rumours show that DC might be making a full-fledged comeback in the next few years.

Nova is currently in development at Marvel Studios.

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Source: The Cosmic Circus