Following the well-received E3 reveal of Hideo Kojima's new game, Death Stranding, the title's star Norman Reedus decides to celebrate by trolling Kojima's old employer Konami.

The last few months have been rife with speculation as to what Hideo Kojima's new game would be, and the buzz only grew when Norman Reedus expressed his interest in wanting to work with Kojima again. All this speculation ultimately bore fruit during Sony's E3 2016 presentation when Kojima unveiled his new game, Death Stranding, and it was revealed that Reedus will be portraying the game's protagonist. To celebrate the game's successful reveal, Reedus decided to eschew the cliched in favor of something that's hilarious and unorthodox.

Hours after Death Stranding's well-received reveal, Reedus posted up a picture on his Instagram of Kojima drinking out of a cup. What makes this simple picture so brilliant and troll-worthy was that the cup was labeled "Konami Tears." For those who are unaware of the significance behind this label, Kojima and Konami had had a successful working relationship for decades. Sadly, Konami unceremoniously parted ways with Kojima just after the release of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain last year, and their relationship had deteriorated to the point where the studio barred Kojima from attending The Game Awards, a fact that still irks some fans.

Given that he and Kojima had previously collaborated on Konami's now-cancelled Silent Hills project, it looks like Reedus is amongst those who are still (understandably) upset at how everything at Konami unfolded. While Silent Hills will probably be dead and buried forever, this new picture will undoubtedly go a long way in getting one final word in about the Konami-Kojima debacle, as well as making Kojima fans very happy at how everything has turned out.

As for Kojima's new game, the cinematic E3 reveal trailer consisted primarily of introducing Reedus' character, and a mysterious fish-covered world. While it appears that Death Stranding will be incorporating some heavy horror and post-apocalyptic elements, Kojima had previously hinted that his new game would be more of a AAA action, Uncharted-type game, which suggests that there are definitely more secrets yet to be unveiled about the upcoming title's gameplay.

With fans receiving Death Stranding with open arms and a new iteration of Kojima Productions seemingly in full force, the next few months will be a very exciting time for Hideo Kojima and all of his fans, and we'll keep you posted on any news and announcements related to the game.

Death Stranding is currently in development for the PlayStation 4.

Source: Instagram (via Polygon)