Nobody Saves the World has an odd albeit basic premise to it. Players wake up from a nightmare in a shack they do not recognize. Also, their character looks like a humanoid ghost. Eventually, they gain a magic wand and are tasked with finding a great wizard who has gone missing.

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Players must use this wand to transform into various classes, like knights and horses, to help save the day. They can also take on quests to level up and expand the lore of Nobody Saves the World, but that is the basic premise. What else is there to know though and what goodies have been added to these new ports?

8 The Gameplay Loop

Fighting enemies in Nobody Saves the World

What exactly is Nobody Saves the World? Is it a roguelike? That seems to be the predominant indie game template nowadays. However, Nobody Saves the World is more like a cross between The Legend of Zelda and an old-school dungeon crawler RPG.

To boil that down, it is an action RPG. There is an overworld map wherein players can fight monsters or take on quests through NPCs. Dungeons don’t involve much puzzle-solving, but they do have plenty of rewards.

7 What’s New?

Playing co-op in Nobody Saves the World

Besides coming to new consoles, the updated version of the game boasts one big new feature. Players can now tackle the game with a friend, family member, or loved one on the couch. The original version had co-op, but it was online only.

This worked well for what it was, but this inclusion should be a big help for those who prefer local multiplayer to online. The update and port also fixed some bugs, but the couch co-op option is definitely the biggest selling point.

6 What Still Isn’t Fixed?

Fighting a boss in Nobody Saves the World

Players that started the game on PC or Xbox One back in January might be disappointed to know that there are still a lot of unaddressed issues. For example, players have to start the game on the same difficulty level as everyone else: Normal.

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This may be too easy for some and too hard for others. It’s odd that there wasn’t an Easy or Hard mode option from the start. Why is it even labeled as Normal since there are no settings? Nobody Saves the World also doesn’t have assist features that could have balanced the gameplay a little better.

5 All The Ways To Level Up

The level up screen in Nobody Saves the World

This game is an action RPG with leveling up, but experience is earned through non-uniform ways. First, there are two types of levels earned. One set will increase the overall body, which is marked with a number as is tradition. The other will upgrade the player’s classes and are marked with letter grades.

For example, players can go from an F-ranked Ranger to a C-ranked Ranger in just a few levels. Completing quests, which are kind of like achievements, is how both the body and the classes increase. Then there is the merchant who sells items that increase stats permanently in exchange for cash.

4 Break Everything

Fighting enemies in Nobody Saves the World

Players can gain money by bashing the living daylights out of enemies. However, money is also obtainable through smashing objects. Players can cut grass, destroy barrels, knock around a few buckets, and so on.

Link knows this is a good way to get rich in his games and the same is true here. Most of the background can be destroyed for sweet loot. This is also how players can heal. Why exactly there are turkey legs hidden behind piles of lumber is anyone’s guess though.

3 There Are Ways To Dodge

Exploring a dungeon in Nobody Saves the World

One of the things that's essential to the mechanics of an action RPG is a good evasion or blocking system. Players may not be aware that Nobody Saves the World has both of these features. However, they are locked behind class upgrades.

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Not every class in the game can dodge or block, but some can. That's why it is important to level up and unlock as many classes as possible early on. Before wasting those tokens haphazardly, players should be sure to try and go for the defensive maneuvers first. These tokens aren’t easy to come by during the early stages of the game.

2 Players Can Redo Dungeons

Fighting a boss in Nobody Saves the World

Dungeons can be replayed infinitely. The boss arenas will still be there along with the loot chests. However, players will no longer gain upgrade tokens. The chest’s contents will also be replaced with food and cash, which is also good.

It might be a good idea early on in the game to repeat dungeons, at least once, to upgrade another class. It’s important to diversify one’s abilities. The faster some of these classes are unlocked the more exploring players can do. This will also mitigate the backtracking players will have to do.

1 Take Manual Notes

The map in Nobody Saves the World

Backtracking in a game that takes inspiration from The Legend of Zelda is almost a foregone conclusion. No matter how much grinding players do in Nobody Saves the World, there is always going to be something that's just out of reach.

The map is relatively useful in this regard as it marks down a lot of landmarks. However, it isn’t perfect. If there is an inaccessible chest or Mana upgrade potion nearby, players should make sure to make some manual notes. Taking screenshots, for example, can be a good reminder. The Switch version makes this much easier to do.

Nobody Saves the World is available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, PS4, PS5, and Switch.

MORE: Nobody Saves The World: The Best Upgrades To Unlock First