In Noah's Heart, players have access to a large open world filled with many hidden treasures, tameable mounts, fresh crops, tough enemies, and even potential new friends to make. When it comes to choosing a class, there are four different classes to choose from: Sword & Shield, Bow, Polearm, and Dual-Blade

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Although players are asked to pick a starting class, the class will change depending on whatever weapon they are using. This provides higher flexibility for the users to be able to pick the proper weapon for different scenarios and encounters. However, knowing which classes are the best in Noah's Heart will help a lot in deciding what class players will want to start with or use primarily.

4 Sword & Shield

Noah's Heart

Sword & Shield would be considered as the frontline or Tank of the game. They are pretty good in PvM and PvP content, especially with having access to Blocking attacks. However, in PvM, most attacks can be dodged, which leaves Blocking, the main part of this class, feeling somewhat lackluster. Players will rarely find themselves needing to block outside of PvP and can occasionally forget that Blocking even exists in the first place.

However, in the niche areas of the game that currently exist, blocking at the perfect moment can feel so rewarding. Unlike most tanks in more traditional MMORPGs, the Sword and Shield have no way to generate aggro, so their durability will feel even more useless. Most players who will find themselves enjoying this class as those who just want to have as many defensive options as possible and enjoy leading their team into battle vs players or monsters and may gain more relevance later on in the game

3 Polearm

Noah's Heart

Polearm is a class, somewhat similar to Dual-Blade in terms of having high mobility, and long strings of combos when fighting enemies. The core difference between the two is what the combos are for and how swiftly they're executed. The Polearm can feel pretty lackluster in PvM, with their combos feeling somewhat average, and Boss battles can also be a bit clunky. However, in PvP content, Polearm users are simply amazing. They have one of the greatest 1v1 potential of all of the classes with their stun-lock combos, leading into near infinite juggles.

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Players who enjoy duels in places like Honor Arena or want to stand out a bit by doing something different will love this class. It's quite uncommon to find a Polearm user, giving them more of a unique feeling when playing them. Their downside is their damage output, lack of durability, and their specialty being so narrow. Most PvP events are done in groups, and Polearm users won't be able to get off those amazing combos comfortably when fighting multiple enemies simultaneously.

2 Dual-Blade

Noah's Heart

Dual-Blade is the second-best class in Noah's Heart due to it having high mobility and extremely deadly combos. However, Dual-Blade is the most difficult class to master, due to the blades' combos being the longest in the game. Having the muscle memory to execute these combos to perfection, and on the fly will take quite a bit of practice and dedication. Players will definitely be rewarded for their efforts, however, as they will dominate players in Honor Arena with ease.

Dual-Blade can go toe to toe with any class with no issues once mastered. They also can perform well in PvM, although their damage output can be cut back significantly due to players having to dodge frequently against some bosses. Spending so much time dodging skills makes it so that the player will be forced into being on the Defensive and won't be able to deal any damage until the Boss provides a window of opportunity to get back into the fray. All around, Dual-Blade is an amazing and flashy class that most players will find themselves enjoying in the long run.

1 Bow

Noah's Heart

Bow is the best class in Noah's Heart for PvM (Players vs Monster) content and also shines in PvP (Player vs Player). With Bow being the only ranged class in the game, that already gives it a big advantage over all of the other classes when it comes to combat. Being able to fight from a safe distance without worrying about being hit and kiting enemies into favorable locations will do wonders for players in dungeons or even in arena battles.

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The Bow combos are easy to learn and are rather short, compared to every other class. The charged Heavy Attack is the strongest in-game when against multiple enemies too, dealing massive Area of Effect damage and still strong single target damage. This class is close to perfection, with the only downside being that it sometimes struggles in PvP due to players having a hard time keeping their distance to safely deal damage against the Dual-Blade class. However, with proper skill point allocation, and combat tactics, Bow users will be able to hold their own against just about anyone. The Bow class is pretty straightforward and may seem boring to some, but yields great rewards and payoffs from playing the class.

Noah's Heart is available on Android, iOS devices, and PC.

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