The creator of the No More Heroes series, Suda51, answers some fan questions on Twitter, including one about potential spin-offs that could be explored. The series has recently launched its third entry, first released on the Nintendo Switch last year. No More Heroes 3 recently arrived on other platforms as well, including PlayStation and Xbox. In the build-up to the game's multiplatform launch, series creator Suda51 answered a few questions regarding the series from fans.

These were all answered on Marvelous Entertainment's Twitter account, where they fielded a number of questions from fans to send to the game creator. Some of these revolved around Suda51's previous games, such as how he writes them, as well as clarifying any plot holes that he was asked about. One of these questions included a spin-off that he'd like to do in the No More Heroes series, which he was happy to answer as well.

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The question asked if Suda51 could make a spin-off title for any secondary character from the No More Heroes series, who'd it be, and what it would be about. Suda stated that before he started making No More Heroes 3, he had a spin-off in mind that he called "The Color of Astonishment." According to Suda, this would have been a spin-off that featured a gang of criminals along with Shinobu and Bad Girl as the main focus.

This premise sounds quite like other anti-hero team-up adventures, like the Suicide Squad or Guardians of the Galaxy. Suda then noted that the premise would work better for a spin-off centered around FU, the leader of the alien superheroes that can be fought in No More Heroes 3. He noted the obvious title for this spin-off would be "Goddamn Superhero," which is one of FU's first lines when he shows up on Earth in the game and starts causing chaos.

Suda has stated in the past that potential spin-offs for No More Heroes were unlikely, for as much as he wants to create those games, the IP isn't solely owned by him, but rather Marvelous and Grasshopper Manufacture. He was happy to partake in some fun power scaling scenarios, where when he was asked if Travis Touchdown could take on Goku, Suda speculated he might be able to take him on at base Super Saiyan. He notes that once Goku goes Super Saiyan God, however, then Travis is fighting an uphill battle.

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