A traveling interloper on No Man's Sky has stumbled across what they are describing as "the worst ship in the game"--and others are finding it hard to disagree. The procedurally generated ship is one of infinite possibilities so those in the market for a new vessel must take the bad with the good, but vessels on No Man's Sky are rarely so maligned.

Hunting for ships on No Man's Sky is a huge part of the game, and given the way procedural generation works, players might be traveling the universe for a long while before they find the ship they're looking for. Whether it's in a system Space Station, welcoming traders to a player-owned base or freighter, or chance encounters on planetary Trading Posts, players are constantly on the lookout for that perfect ship. The game is regularly updating the number of ships players can own, too, so that wealthier players are becoming competitive collectors.

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Reddit user ACoupleOfIrishFolk recently came across what they're calling the worst ship in the game, a bold statement given the limitless variety the game's ships can potentially have. It's hard to deny, though, that the ship is not the kind of thing most could picture as the center of a grand space opera. Found at a trading post on a planet, the ship is boxy with a jutting cockpit, weedy wings sticking out the sides, and the least aerodynamic frontal design anyone could want on a flying vehicle. Described as an "industrial fridge freezer" by one commenter, it's a far cry from the iconic ship designs in the game that have inspired No Man's Sky Lego tributes.

A big part of the beauty of the experience of No Man's Sky is its endless variety. This multiplicity touches virtually every aspect of the game, from the grander aspects like planets and star systems to the simpler yet equally important parts like multi-tool and ship variety. Even at its rocky launch, No Man's Sky featured a very organic and exciting diversity of available ships. New updates ever since have only improved on that variety, like the stunning Solar Ships added in the Outlaws Update.

Giving the game its own freedom to generate this type of content, though, means that not every ship can be a sleek and cool star-fighter with an iconic silhouette. This "ugly" and "fridge freezer" looking ship is precisely what makes the beautiful S-Class ships so special. If every ship or even every other ship was so magnificent and gorgeous, then encountering them would be pedestrian and boring. It's no surprise that many, in spite of the ugliness of this one ship, agree No Man's Sky features one of the most immersive settings of any sci-fi game.

No Man's Sky is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S

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