No Man's Sky is a game that suffered from too much buzz and far-fetched promises at launch, which resulted in a poor reception from an audience who was eager for something that could not be delivered. Yet the game has managed to add-in downloadable content that has made it far more enjoyable and akin to what was originally showcased. While some players may have been put off by the original reception of the game, those who have stuck with it have been treated to some solid content and this looks set to continue.

The game based around space exploration has managed to provide some of the best DLC add-ons for free in the last year and it now looks set to continue. No Man's Sky is now adding giant mech suits to the game, enabling fans to explore space in new and interesting ways. In fact, this new addition to the game may encourage players to pick up the title once more.

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The new giant mechs are a Minotaur Exocraft which is essentially a suit and exocraft hybrid. The mech will allow players to deal with radiation and radical temperatures as well as giving players shields to deal with tricky situations. One of the most interesting features of these suits is the jet packs that allow players to sore through the sky. This addition to No Man's Sky seems to be an interesting way to make certain tasks in the game easier while adding mechanics that players will likely enjoy.

The trailer illustrates laser weapons and the sci-fi inspired interior of the new technology and fans seem to be impressed with the update. The additional content that has been added to No Man's Sky has made the game much less empty and many players feel that the game is now what they wanted when it was originally released in 2016. It will be interesting to see how much new content will be given to the game after this update, but it seems that the game has now created a space that players enjoy.

Plenty has changed in No Man's Sky and it has been largely for the benefit of its players. While some have decided to leave No Man's Sky behind, players who have stuck with the game have been treated to an increasingly full experience and this latest update will only build on that once more.

No Man's Sky is available now for Playstation 4, PC, and Xbox One.

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