There's no shortage of peculiar bugs to be found in No Man's Sky, but one glitch encountered by a player in the space anomaly allows them to make off with another player's living starship. The multiplayer experience in No Man's Sky can certainly be rough at times due to bugs, and while resource duplication has long been a common practice among the game's community, some fans think that this strange glitch could allow them to duplicate entire starships.

Being the procedurally generated space exploration game that it is, it's no surprise that starships play an integral role in No Man's Sky. These versatile spacecraft can be found in countless different classes, shapes, and sizes, with every individual starship being unique thanks to them being procedurally generated. From fighter craft to high-capacity cargo haulers, players can customize their ships to suit their own play styles, and can even choose from a huge variety of upgrades to improve their capabilities and help make their ship their own. The game's recent Interceptor update has also introduced an entirely new breed of Sentinel starships, which are equipped with powerful gear while also sporting their own sleek aesthetic.

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Biological living ships are also available in No Man's Sky, and while they're usually quite hard to obtain, one fan manages to simply "steal" a living ship belonging to another player. This odd glitch was encountered by a fan named gadielgc on Reddit, and was featured in a clip which shows them climbing into a living ship docked in the space anomaly that isn't theirs. This action apparently resulted in the player's original ship being stuck aboard the space anomaly, though it's quite likely that the ship could be summoned again later via the quick menu. Some other fans claimed to have experienced the same issue before, adding that "stolen" ships are actually duplicated in these rare instances.

While it's still totally unclear how a player is able to hijack another player's starship to begin with, it's perhaps not the most outlandish glitch that players have experienced in No Man's Sky's social area. Another relatively common yet frustrating bug allows players to fly freely around the interior of the space anomaly rather than the ship landing automatically. These cases make it impossible for the pilot to manually land or even exit the social space, and even allows them to wreak havoc with their weapon systems if they have PvP enabled.

The recent Interceptor update has offered yet another batch of upgrades for the game's starships, and the new limited-time expedition event allows players to voyage across the cosmos on a narrative-driven adventure in their new Sentinel starships. While the game has enjoyed tons of exciting content this year already, many fans are concerned about the future of No Man's Sky as many console players have been unable to play at all due to frequent crashes and performance issues.

No Man's Sky is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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