It's difficult to talk about No Man's Sky without discussing the 180 that had to be done in order to repair some of the damage left behind when it was released in 2016. As one of the most ambitious video games in recent history, the galaxy exploration title simply could not live up to the hype and was one of the more controversial releases in this modern era, until Cyberpunk 2077 knocked it off its podium. However, these days many are pleased with what Hello Games has done to substantially flesh out the game, but there was still a small issue after the latest patch.

No Man's Sky's Outlaws content update went live recently, adding pirates to the game who will strike and attack settlements, as well as rebalancing spaceship combat systems and making in-flight battles much more satisfying. However, according to a recent report from The Gamer, which references numerous Reddit posts, it seems that the attacks by pirates had been happening way too often, with some players struggling to make any progress without being set upon on a frequent basis.

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User Spaceracedude said they were simply minding their own business when they were attacked six times in around ten minutes, leaving them to question whether this was the "new normal" since the latest update. Another No Man's Sky player even posted a video of their playthrough in which, while exploring a planet, a series of pirates begin to open fire, seemingly out of nowhere. This causes user Randaximus to flee to their ship, abandoning their surveying in order to do battle at a moment's notice. Another player said they were struggling to play the game because of the "endless attacks."

However, at the time of writing, there should have been another No Man's Sky update which should take care of this. According to a video from Xaine's World, the hotfix has been doing the rounds. While the patch comes with just five tweaks, the main one fixes the issue with pirates attacking far too frequently.

As a result, anyone who's been avoiding the game since the Outlaws update may fair better this time round once the hotfix is installed. On top of that, Hello Games has also started working on its next big project, but Managing Director Sean Murray has said he's learned his lesson about overhyping upcoming games. Currently, not much is known about what this new project is, but it's not going to be a No Man's Sky sequel, though it could still be just as ambitious.

No Man's Sky is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X, with a Nintendo Switch port scheduled for mid 2022.

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Source: TheGamer, YouTube