
  • No Man's Sky offers extensive base building mechanics, allowing players to construct their dream bases using gathered resources and blueprints, or even a Domino's Pizza joint.
  • The game has over 18 quintillion unique planets, providing players with limitless opportunities to build and create.
  • Developer Hello Games continuously supports the game with free updates, including the recent Echoes update which brings various new features and improvements.

Creative fans of No Man's Sky have proven time and again that the possibilities in the game really are limitless, with one player recreating a Domino's Pizza outlet in the game using the extensive base building mechanics it offers. As one of the earliest additions to No Man's Sky post-launch, building remains a popular and useful feature, and to some fans, an entire way to play the game.

Functioning similarly to building mechanics in countless other games, building in No Man's Sky requires players to gather resources and blueprints before they can construct their dream base, but once the required materials are in hand, players can build whatever they want, wherever they want. Players may set up the core of a base via the base computer on virtually any point across the surface of any planet, and with a total of over 18 quintillion unique planets, there's certainly no shortage of room. Players have used this mechanic to create some truly crazy things over the years, building anything from secluded mansions to models of robotic giants.

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Base building only continues to grow as a feature, with several of the game's major updates over the years providing more options and base pieces for avid builders to work with. Following the recent release of No Man's Sky's massive Echoes update, one fan known as DonTheChron420 on Reddit has used their building expertise to construct a planetside Domino's Pizza joint, using a variety of decorative pieces to create the exterior and even recreating the logo of the major restaurant chain through the use of carefully-arranged decals. The creator's dedication to the project doesn't end there though, as they also show off their character dressed up as Donatello, one of the pizza-loving Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

This is far from the first time players have set up a fast-food place within the procedurally generated universe of No Man's Sky. Though the concept of fast food chains in space was originally not accounted for by the team at Hello Games, the developers even helped accommodate the idea of player-built restaurants by later introducing the nutrient processor device and a fully fleshed-out cooking mechanic. Nowadays, there are countless similar food joints that can be visited across portions of established space such as the community-built Galactic Hub regions.

The consistent free updates from developer Hello Games shows that support for the game and its growing community isn't going anywhere, with the latest Echoes update releasing earlier this month. While this update doesn't have much of a focus on base building, it brings further overhauls to space combat, introduces a race of ancient robots, brings multiple new weapons, and much more.

No Man's Sky is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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