No Man's Sky's newest update, Endurance, has completely reworked the freighter network to allow players new and enhanced options for their home among the stars. Freighters have always been an exciting feature in No Man's Sky, starting with their inclusion in trailers and the game's launch. When the Foundation update added base-building capabilities to players' freighters, many enjoyed the portable base they could forever travel with. Players often forego planetary bases to command their freighter and frigate fleet.

Before Endurance, freighters received only minor TLC through the free updates Hello Games continues to provide. Endurance has changed the landscape or starscape, with enhanced black holes, asteroid fields, and stellar novas by genuinely allowing freighters to be the master ships of the stars. Before, freighters were essentially additional inventory storage with limited base-building features for growing crops and traveling vast distances; they've now become powerhouses that can dominate the star systems they travel through.

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Advanced Teleportation, Scanning, and Refining

An orange Endurance Freighter in space surrounded by meteors in No Man's Sky

Previously, players were able to build teleporters throughout their freighter bays, enabling them to quickly warp to planetary bases or space stations with relative ease. The trip was one way, however. Endurance has created an entire teleportation room, fully capable of sending players to and from their freighter with no stops along the way. Further, players can now teleport to the bridge from the hanger instantly, avoiding the need to walk along the pathways. Short-range teleporters have also been opened to allow easy access across freighter bases that grow too large.

Now, freighters have refining rooms that can easily be placed as part of the new freighter aesthetic without being capped at a certain number. Players who have learned how to refine significant quantities of elements, minerals, plants, gases, and the like for mass production of units or nanites can run their industrialization factory on the go. To further assist with refining practices, freighter scanners have been upgraded to name all planets in the star system and provide resource information to the bridge.

Extracting, Agriculture, and Space Walks

No Man's Sky Endurance Space Green

Mineral extracting rooms have also been added to the newly created refining and scanning rooms. These rooms can extract precious interstellar metals and minerals from the star system, ensuring players reap the benefits of harvesting en masse. Greenhouse rooms allow the oxygenation of the atmosphere and are an easy way to collect carbon in large quantities instead of mining plants on planets' surfaces. Agricultural rooms now provide the ability to farm advanced crops into the freighter for creating expensive advanced trade items. Additionally, specialists have their cabins and regularly patrol the ship to ensure everything works as designed.

Perhaps most exciting is the ability to create windowed hallways, doors, and rooms, enabling players to pace the halls of their freighter and see the cosmic expansion around them. Bulkhead doors, exterior catwalks, and platforms have been added, so players may build outside and around their freighter to further take in the views. With these features, every player with a freighter and frigate fleet can see their armada drifting in space, with even the ability to teleport to damage frigates that need repair.

No Man's Sky continues to provide update after update, enhancing and adding new features to the game and creating a rich level of depth to its current systems. The Endurance update has provided this for freighters, frigates, and aspects of space itself to allot players more features to explore and build. Through new and enhanced base-building, the game offers players who tire of planet exploration the ability to command their fleet and take on the galaxy truly. Through advanced scanning, teleporting, refining, extracting, and farming, it's never been a better time for players to be masters of their fate.

No Man's Sky is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, with a Switch build in development.

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