Hello Games' No Man's Sky has gone through an impressive redemption arc, recovering from a disastrous launch in 2016 through a number of updates across the next few years. Over the last five months it released "four substantial content updates," Synthesis, ByteBeat, Living Ship, and recently giant Eco Mechs, and the tenth development update post for the "Beyond" expansion promises there will be "more ambitious additions to the universe" this year.

The update, written by Hello Games' founder Sean Murray, is more of a look back at those aforementioned updates meant to assure fans that the developers are safe and getting used to working from home during the coronavirus pandemic. Murray says that the "Synthesis" update for No Man's Sky was the starting point for a plan to release content more regularly, and that "we're so happy with what each of those [four updates] has added to the vision of the game."

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As far as what those plans for 2020 are, Murray is all but silent beyond saying they have "so much more planned" to be excited about in the not-so beginner friendly survival game. The rest of the development update talks about a new collectible called the Exosuit Backpack, that toxic plants are unlocked for landscaping use, and that there will be missions continuing this weekend "aboard the Space Anomaly."

Though players won't find out much about what specifically is coming in No Man's Sky from this development update, the promise of "ambitious" content is tantalizing to say the least. While the game launched with a dearth of content compared to what was promised during its initial development cycle, plenty of updates have brought No Man's Sky to life with wacky inclusions like organic living space ships.

If living ships and giant mech suits weren't enough, the developers at Hello Games have also added smaller quality of life changes to No Man's Sky in recent months. One of the stand-out examples was a fully-fledged music creation tool, featured in the titular ByteBeat update.

It truly is astounding to watch the transformation that No Man's Sky has gone through to become a rather special game sometime down the line. Popular YouTube channel Internet Historian made a very detailed video on the subject earlier this year that Murray had to warn fans not to watch past a certain point due to its raunchy conclusion.

No Man's Sky is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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Source: Beyond Development Update 10