Over the past decade, the Dark Souls franchise has set a certain standard when it comes to action RPGs with punishing difficulties. After the initial success of the Souls-like gameplay, multiple titles have taken a similar approach to combat and general gameplay — such as the Nioh franchise. With the first Niohcoming free to the Epic Games Store as a bonus game to Sheltered, this is a good chance for players to dive deep into the rich fantasy world crafted by Team Ninja.

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Nioh aims to create a fantastical version of Japan replete with samurai imagery, combining supremely difficult combat with a richly rewarding system. As the game can be overwhelming for both seasoned Soulsborne players and beginners alike, it's easy to give up on the game early on. Fortunately, there are a few things that beginners can do to avoid frustrations.

10 Understand The Ki System

nioh ki system shown during battle

The Ki system seems fairly rudimentary in Nioh, similar to other Souls-like games. If the player sprints, dodges an attack, or attacks an opponent, the Ki meter depletes. It takes a while until the Ki regenerates back to the full amount. What isn't explained at the beginning is that right after a certain amount of Ki depletes post an attack, a blue effect flies around the player character's torso.

When this happens, players can just tap on a particular button to restore a small amount of the stamina that has been lost. This means that players don't have to move around an opponent, waiting for the Ki to recharge.

9 Sneak Is A Must

the sneak attack in nioh can be unlocked through the ninja skill tree

Sneaking is a common move when playing fantasy Soulslike games. When the player sneaks up behind an unsuspecting enemy and initiates the Backstab attack, they can deplete a lot of the enemy's initial health. This is a good way to deal with powerful enemies and gives the player a fighting chance.

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In Nioh, this system of attacking from behind isn't given to the player as a default attack. At the bottom of the Ninja skill tree, players can find the Sneak Attack upgrade. They should invest in this immediately, as this attack (when performed correctly), will instantly kill human enemies, and also deal a substantial amount of damage to Yokai.

8 Trust Bows

nioh player character using bow to kill enemy

Bows may not be the weapon of choice for many players in Nioh. The gameplay usually calls for fast, action-packed attacks and repartees with the enemy. However, Nioh can get daunting when there are multiple enemies in a designated area. The bow acts as a good neutralizer.

When players are scouring a new area, they can use the bow to perform headshots on low-level enemies to kill them off instantly. If there are bigger enemies around, and players don't want to engage in a long, drawn-out fight, they can lower their health bars with a well-placed arrow before they sweep in to finish the job.

7 Rejuvenation Talismans Are Important

nioh rejuvenation talisman can be acquired from the onmyo skill tree

Elixirs in Nioh work similarly to Bloodborne's Blood Vials. Players can pick them up from enemies, but if they die, there's only a limited number of these that they'll get back. Players can use these Elixers to get back their health mid-fight, or after a fight is over. If the player has run out of Elixirs, they can use Rejuvenation Talismans found in the Onmyo skill tree.

These items help the player to regain their health in the downtime. Players have to avoid fights for a small period of time, and their health will slowly be refilled. They are also refilled when players pray at Shrines. Get these talismans to make bigger, tougher fights more manageable in the long run.

6 Loot Management Isn't Important

nioh gold armor shown in loadout

There are a lot of armor sets and items that the players can acquire while playing Nioh. In fact, there's an abundance of loot in the game, especially when compared to other games of such nature. If players find a particular weapon, item, or armor set to fit their playstyle, but are also skeptical about selling their previous wares, they would just be piling up loot that may not come to use.

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It's important in Nioh to sell off unwanted items without thinking too much about them. These armor sets, weapons, and items will not help the player in Nioh as much as finding the right playstyle will.

5 Weapons Expertise

nioh weapon system showing weapon familiarity

Weapons can help players gain some expertise in Nioh. If the player uses a particular weapon for a fair few encounters, the blue bar showing expertise underneath the weapon damage will increase. Players can exchange weapons that have high expertise at Shrines for a significant amount of Amrita.

Sometimes, the increase in a weapon's expertise will also increase the damage dealt by the weapon. Players should always equip a secondary weapon, even if they don't use it frequently. This way, the weapon will increase in expertise, and can be used in emergencies or sold off for Amrita.

4 Sub Missions

nioh one of the sub missions that the player can take

Sub missions are basically Nioh's version of side quests. Players may come across enemies and/or areas that are too difficult for their current level. In such situations, they are better off completing a few sub missions that will help the player increase their level without too much grinding.

These missions use a particular area of a completed main mission, but change the objectives, enemies, and the environment. Players might even gain a substantial amount of loot in these missions, and could find solutions to the actual problem they have been facing before this.

3 Summoner's Candles

nioh summoner's candles can be farmed

Dying is pretty common in Nioh — players will die multiple times during the course of specific missions. Sometimes, the areas can be so difficult that even after dying, traversing the way towards the grave can be problematic. Players have to return to the site of their deaths to acquire the stash that they had before dying.

If the player is unsure about being able to survive the path towards their loot, they can use a Summoner's Candle that will return their stash to them immediately. These items are not very rare, so players should not be hesitant to use them in times of need.

2 Don't Ignore Kodama

nioh kodama can be found throughout each level

Kodama can be found in each level and shouldn't be ignored. Every five Kodama that the players find will grant them an extra Elixir when the player respawns after death. Considering that some boss encounters in Nioh can be quite time-consuming, extra Elixirs are almost always important throughout the game.

Each Kodama also grants the player a "blessing" of sorts that can act as a buff. These blessings are specific to the area that the Kodama was found. If the player is unsure of which "blessing" to activate, Amrita buffs are recommended.

1 Visit The Blacksmith

nioh senji tome blacksmith

Senji Tome is the blacksmith of choice in Nioh. Players will have to visit her for all their weapons and armor needs. Completing transactions with her grants the player Patronage Points. These Patronage Points can be used to 'level up' Tome. This will grant the player multiple discounts and better items.

Every time the player visits the blacksmith, there's an option to speak with her. Players can talk to Tome about their travels all over the land. They must also choose a positive response — this will lead to the accruement of Patronage Points over time, which can be redeemed later on.

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