Nioh 2 is a vast sequel to Team Ninja's 2017, fantasy RPG set in feudal Japan. There are many new and exciting features for players to enjoy, including yokai skills and burst counters. There are also new weapons, offering a wide variety of approaches when battling monstrous enemies and challenging boss fights.

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With such a diverse arsenal of swords, spears, axes, and tonfas at the player's disposal, there is no obvious answer to the question of which one is the best. Different play styles will favor different weapons and due to the scaling system, some builds may not be able to wield certain armaments as effectively as others. Many bosses and some enemies in Nioh 2 will drop smithing texts which will allow players to craft new weapons at the blacksmith.

Updated January 11, 2023, by Aldous Foster:Nioh 2 is one of the most impressive fantasy RPGs of the last few years. Although some dismiss it as being yet another souls-like, the introduction of Guardian Spirits and an intricate loot system do more than enough to set it apart. One area in which it shines is melee combat, with each weapon type having unique skills and moves depending on which stance the player is in. With that being said, ranged weapons in Nioh 2 can also be extremely powerful, so the best bows, cannons, and rifles deserve a shot.

14 Barbarian's Hatchets

Hatchets Are On Of The More Difficult Weapon Types In Nioh 2

Of the many different weapon types in Nioh 2, hatchets are one of the harder to use. These small axes have a very low range but can deal high damage if players learn how to time their attacks. Hatchets scale best with the dexterity stat but are also improved by courage and magic.

The Barbarian's hatchets have a strong block of 59 with a relatively low break strength of 46. However, their special ability makes them very useful in the early game as they increase the number of items dropped by enemies upon death. The Smithing Text for these hatchets can be found as a rare drop during the mission 'The Point of No Return'.

Required Materials

  • 3x Leather Cord
  • 3x Wood
  • 1x Poison Pearl
  • 1x Bladed Horn

13 Raishodo

nioh 2 bow

Bows deal less damage than rifles and hand cannons but can be fired more quickly and quietly. The player can also carry more arrows than ammunition, making bows more useful against bigger groups of enemies. Raishodo improves the fast-firing nature of the bow as its intrinsic perk grants it a quicker draw speed, letting players kill several enemies in the blink of an eye.

This bow has a break stat of 44 and scales best with Heart. For players wishing to deal the most damage with a bow, or play the game as stealthily as possible, the smithing text can drop from Nue during 'Shadows Creep at Kurama' or 'Darkness Brewing'.

Required Materials

  • 2x Ingot
  • 2x Leather Cord
  • 2x Wood
  • 1x Primordial Mud

12 White Bone Spirit Tonfa's

White Spirit Tonfa's Are Very Effective Against Yokai Enemies In Nioh 2

Nioh 2 isn't the hardest souls-like game out there, but what it lacks in difficulty it makes up for in variety. There are 16 different weapon categories for players to choose from, some of which are inspired by actual feudal Japanese weaponry. Tonfas are a useful off-hand weapon that works well with spears and axes.

Related: Nioh 2: Best Onmyo Magic Skills, Ranked

Players have a chance to find the smithing text for the White Bone Spirit Tonfas by defeating Imagawa Yoshimoto. This weapon is situational but will deal extra damage against Yokai enemies. These tonfas scale best with courage and are capable of dealing 61 break damage.

11 Ravenwing Rifle

ravenwing rifle from nioh 2

Rifles scale best with Skill, although they also gain some benefit from Courage and Dexterity. They work as the midpoint for the ranged weapons, dealing more damage than bows and having more ammunition than hand cannons. This makes them a versatile and simple addition to any build.

The Ravenwing rifle has a respectable break stat of 85 but what makes it an excellent ranged option is the set bonus special effect. Ravenwing Saika's Yatagarasu set which grants the player several useful effects for dealing ranged damage such as a 20% bullseye bonus and a 20% chance to not consume ammo. If players want to create the ultimate rifle build, they can gain the smithing text from Saika Magoichi in 'Pervading Waters' and 'The Third Word'.

10 Benkei's Splitstaff

Splitstaffs Make Great Choice For Magic Builds In Nioh 2

Each different weapon type in Nioh 2 will scale best with a different stat, meaning there are suitable weapons for any build in the game. Splitstaffs improve alongside the player's magic stat and as such make great weapons for players who want to use Onmyo Magic Skills.

The Benkei Splitstaff can imbue corruption and boasts 76 breaking power making it one of the strongest splitstaffs in the game. This weapon is also part of the Mighty Monk armor set which, while not the best armor in the game, will boost the player's health by 150 if they have two or more items equipped. The smithing text for this weapon is obtained by killing Benkei in the mission 'A Song To Calm The Storm.'

Required Materials

  • 3x Ingot
  • 3x Wood
  • 2x Lacquer
  • 1x Nue's Claw

9 Ippon-Datara's Hammer

The Player Faces The One Legged Yokai Ippon Datara In Nioh 2

Axes and Hammers are the most difficult weapons to wield effectively as unlike many of the other options they are incredibly slow. The long wind-up animations will leave players prone to attack making precise timing and ki management a necessity.

Related: Nioh 2: Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do In The Game

If the player does hit their target, Ippon Datara's Hammer will deal 126 breaking damage, which is capable of smashing through most enemies' defenses. This enormous hammer is unlocked from the smithing text dropped by the one-legged yokai Ippon Datara and scales best with strength and constitution.

Required Materials

  • 4x Ingot
  • 1x Wood
  • 1x Leather Cord
  • 1x Ippon Datara Fang

8 Tatsuke Cannon

tatsuke cannon nioh 2

The best hand cannons in Nioh 2 deal massive single-shot damage, making them excellent single-target damage dealers. They scale best with Stamina, making them a good companion to the slower melee weapons in the game.

Obtained through progressive the main story, the Tatsuke Cannon slightly counteracts the slow nature of the weapon type with an increased fire rate. At 144 break, a single shot can deal more than enough damage to kill most non-boss enemies in the game. The ability to fire multiple shots more quickly, therefore, makes this weapon the perfect option for destroying a boss's health bar.

Required Material:

  • 5x Ingot
  • 1x Wood
  • 2x Leather Cord
  • 1x Broken Demon Tile

7 Little Crow And Quickdraw

Dual Sword Sets Are Some Of The Fastest Weapons In Nioh 2

Fans of other samurai games will appreciate Nioh 2's attention to detail in recreating the mythical creatures of feudal Japan. Those who are samurai enthusiasts will probably gravitate towards dual sword builds as they are incredibly versatile and effective as well as historically accurate.

Little Crow and Quickdraw are a pair of swords whose smithing text is dropped as a reward for defeating Uminyudo. These swords have a B+ bonus for dexterity and a solid blocking strength of 60. While their breaking damage is relatively low, the incredible speed offered by these swords will allow players to destroy their opponents in a flurry of steel.

Required Materials

  • 5x Tamahagane
  • 1x Wood
  • 1x Lacquer
  • 1x Karasu Tengu Feather

6 Raikiri

The Protagonist Performs An Execution In Nioh 2

A pro tip for players starting Nioh 2 is to choose a sword build for their first playthrough. Swords are some of the most versatile weapons in the game and are useful when players don't know what type of enemy they will be facing.

Related: Nioh 2: Best Shiftling Skills, Ranked

The Raikiri has the imbue lightening special effect making it very effective against wind-type enemies. The smithing text is dropped by Shuten Doji who can be found in the Mausoleum of Evil. This sword deals 76 breaking damage and scales best with the heart stat, which makes it great for first-time players who will likely put a lot of points into improving their Ki.

Required Materials

  • 5x Tamahagane
  • 1x Wood
  • 1x Lacquer
  • 1x Waira Claw

5 Seething Dragon

The Seething Dragon Is A Powerful Switchglaive In Nioh 2

Ki is one of the most important stats in Nioh 2 as it not only dictates how many actions the player can perform but also how many attacks they can withstand from their opponents. Switchglaives are a difficult weapon class to master as their special switch stance ability can quickly drain stamina if not used properly.

The Seething Dragon can be acquired during the 'In The Eye of the Beholder' mission from the smithing text dropped by Otakemaru. This unique switchglaive is one of the only items in the game to grant faster Ki recovery every time the player kills an enemy.

4 Raging Fire Clawed Fists

Nioh 2 fist weapon fight against William

Fist weapons have the shortest reach of all of the weapon types in Nioh 2 but make up for it with quick attacks which tear through health and ki bars alike. They scale with Strength, Skill, and Heart, making them a great pair for an Odachi or Sword. Although their reach makes for one of the more dangerous playstyles in the game, their sheer damage output makes it more than worth the risk.

The Raging Fire Clawed Fists have a break stat of 88, the highest of the fist weapons in the game, and a respectable 67 block stat. They also come with the Imbue Fire special effect, as they are said to contain the essence of a raging flame, which consumes everything it touches. They are obtained from Otakemaru during quests such as 'In the Eye of the Beholder'.

Required Materials

  • 3x Ingot
  • 2x Lacquer
  • 1x Smouldering Ash Pile
  • 1x Burnt Wick

3 Mataza's Long Spear

Mataza Of The Spear Is A Side Quest In Nioh 2

Nioh 2 is an expansive game with many side missions, some of which are easier to find than others. As well as extra XP for leveling up, side missions can provide numerous useful rewards for players who seek them out.

Spears are useful weapons for players who want to keep their distance from enemies, and Mataza's long spear is one of the best with 65 break damage and the ability to imbue fire. Players will receive the smithing text for this spear from Hattori Hanzo during the sub-mission 'Mataza of The Spear'. The long spear is also part of the Master of Spear armor set, two items of which will increase the player's movement speed by 90% upon killing an enemy.

2 Firefly Blade

The Blue Eyed Samurai Is A Mission From Nioh 2

As in FromSoftware's samurai game, Sekiro, combat in Nioh 2 is very fast-paced. Proper timing and Ki management are essential with any weapon, however, the larger Odachi swords will require a player to be very precise with their button inputs.

Related: Nioh 2 vs Sekiro: Which Is The Better Samurai Souls Game?

The Firefly blade is an Odachi that gradually restores the player's health over time. The sword deals 115 breaking damage and will help players to preserve their valuable herbal remedies. The smithing text for this weapon can be dropped by two characters, either William in the mission 'The Blue Eyed Samurai' or Tokichiro in the 'The Two Faces Of Hospitality' mission.

Required Materials

  • 1x Tamahagane
  • 1x Lacquer
  • 1x Spirit Stone Arm
  • 1x Kappa Shell

1 Earthfall Kusarigama

The Earthfall Kusarigama Is One Of The Best Dexterity Weapons In Nioh 2

Kusarigamas are not as strong as some other weapons, but they can still be lethal when in the right hands. These weapons have a long-range and are great choices for high dexterity builds. The Earthfall Kusarigama can imbue purity, making it very effective against Yokai enemies.

This weapon's best feature is its ability to stack with several skills from the Ninjitsu tree. Since both these skills and the Kusarigama get better with dexterity, this weapon is one of the best choices for builds that heavily rely on this stat. Players have a chance to receive the smithing text from William during the 'The Blue Eyed Samurai' mission.

Required Materials

  • 2x Ingot
  • 2x Leather Cord
  • 1x Kappa Shell
  • 1x Petrified Eye

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